9 квіт., 15 - 10 квіт., 12
Кодуйте майбутнє за допомогою ШІ та спілкуйтеся з колегами з Java та експертами на JDConf 2025.
Зареєструватися заразЦей браузер більше не підтримується.
Замініть його на Microsoft Edge, щоб користуватися перевагами найновіших функцій, оновлень безпеки та технічної підтримки.
This article explains how to use the output from the dsregcmd
command to understand the state of devices in Microsoft Entra ID. Run the dsregcmd /status
utility as a domain user account.
This section lists the device join state parameters. The criteria that are required for the device to be in various join states are listed in the following table:
AzureAdJoined | EnterpriseJoined | DomainJoined | Device state |
YES | NO | NO | Microsoft Entra joined |
NO | NO | YES | Domain Joined |
YES | NO | YES | Microsoft Entra hybrid joined |
NO | YES | YES | On-premises DRS Joined |
The Workplace Joined (Microsoft Entra registered) state is displayed in the "User state" section.
| Device State |
AzureAdJoined : YES
EnterpriseJoined : NO
DomainJoined : YES
The state is displayed only when the device is Microsoft Entra joined or Microsoft Entra hybrid joined, not Microsoft Entra registered. This section lists device-identifying details that are stored in Microsoft Entra ID.
The DeviceAuthStatus field was added in the Windows 10 May 2021 update (version 21H1).
| Device Details |
DeviceId : 00aa00aa-bb11-cc22-dd33-44ee44ee44ee
Thumbprint : AA11BB22CC33DD44EE55FF66AA77BB88CC99DD00
DeviceCertificateValidity : [ 2019-01-11 21:02:50.000 UTC -- 2029-01-11 21:32:50.000 UTC ]
KeyContainerId : 00aa00aa-bb11-cc22-dd33-44ee44ee44ee
KeyProvider : Microsoft Software Key Storage Provider
TpmProtected : NO
DeviceAuthStatus : SUCCESS
The tenant details are displayed only when the device is Microsoft Entra joined or Microsoft Entra hybrid joined, not Microsoft Entra registered. This section lists the common tenant details that are displayed when a device is joined to Microsoft Entra ID.
If the mobile device management (MDM) URL fields in this section are empty, it indicates either that the MDM wasn't configured or that the current user isn't in scope of MDM enrollment. Check the Mobility settings in Microsoft Entra ID to review your MDM configuration.
The presence of MDM URLs doesn't guarantee that the device is managed by an MDM. The information is displayed if the tenant has MDM configuration for automatic enrollment even if the device itself isn't managed.
| Tenant Details |
TenantName : HybridADFS
TenantId : aaaabbbb-0000-cccc-1111-dddd2222eeee
Idp : login.windows.net
AuthCodeUrl : https://login.microsoftonline.com/aaaabbbb-0000-cccc-1111-dddd2222eeee/oauth2/authorize
AccessTokenUrl : https://login.microsoftonline.com/aaaabbbb-0000-cccc-1111-dddd2222eeee/oauth2/token
MdmUrl : https://enrollment.manage-beta.microsoft.com/EnrollmentServer/Discovery.svc
MdmTouUrl : https://portal.manage-beta.microsoft.com/TermsOfUse.aspx
MdmComplianceUrl : https://portal.manage-beta.microsoft.com/?portalAction=Compliance
SettingsUrl : eyJVx{lots of characters}xxxx==
JoinSrvVersion : 1.0
JoinSrvUrl : https://enterpriseregistration.windows.net/EnrollmentServer/device/
JoinSrvId : urn:ms-drs:enterpriseregistration.windows.net
KeySrvVersion : 1.0
KeySrvUrl : https://enterpriseregistration.windows.net/EnrollmentServer/key/
KeySrvId : urn:ms-drs:enterpriseregistration.windows.net
WebAuthNSrvVersion : 1.0
WebAuthNSrvUrl : https://enterpriseregistration.windows.net/webauthn/aaaabbbb-0000-cccc-1111-dddd2222eeee/
WebAuthNSrvId : urn:ms-drs:enterpriseregistration.windows.net
DeviceManagementSrvVer : 1.0
DeviceManagementSrvUrl : https://enterpriseregistration.windows.net/manage/aaaabbbb-0000-cccc-1111-dddd2222eeee/
DeviceManagementSrvId : urn:ms-drs:enterpriseregistration.windows.net
This section lists the statuses of various attributes for users who are currently logged in to the device.
The command must run in a user context to retrieve a valid status.
dsregcmd /status
is run from an elevated command prompt.+----------------------------------------------------------------------+
| User State |
NgcSet : YES
NgcKeyId : {aaaaaaaa-0b0b-1c1c-2d2d-333333333333}
CanReset : DestructiveAndNonDestructive
WorkplaceJoined : NO
WamDefaultSet : YES
WamDefaultAuthority : organizations
WamDefaultId : https://login.microsoft.com
WamDefaultGUID : { B16898C6-A148-4967-9171-64D755DA8520 } (AzureAd)
You can ignore this section for Microsoft Entra registered devices.
The command must run in a user context to retrieve that user's valid status.
The following PRT diagnostics fields were added in the Windows 10 May 2021 update (version 21H1).
The following Cloud Kerberos diagnostics fields were added in the original release of Windows 11 (version 21H2).
| SSO State |
AzureAdPrt : NO
AzureAdPrtAuthority : https://login.microsoftonline.com/aaaabbbb-0000-cccc-1111-dddd2222eeee
AcquirePrtDiagnostics : PRESENT
Previous Prt Attempt : 2020-07-18 20:10:33.789 UTC
Attempt Status : 0xc000006d
User Identity : john@contoso.com
Credential Type : Password
Correlation ID : aaaa0000-bb11-2222-33cc-444444dddddd
Endpoint URI : https://login.microsoftonline.com/aaaabbbb-0000-cccc-1111-dddd2222eeee/oauth2/token/
HTTP Method : POST
HTTP Error : 0x0
HTTP status : 400
Server Error Code : invalid_grant
Server Error Description : AADSTS50126: Error validating credentials due to invalid username or password.
EnterprisePrt : YES
EnterprisePrtUpdateTime : 2019-01-24 19:15:33.000 UTC
EnterprisePrtExpiryTime : 2019-02-07 19:15:33.000 UTC
EnterprisePrtAuthority : https://fs.hybridadfs.nttest.microsoft.com:443/adfs
OnPremTgt : YES
CloudTgt : YES
KerbTopLevelNames : .windows.net,.windows.net:1433,.windows.net:3342,.azure.net,.azure.net:1433,.azure.net:3342
This diagnostics section is displayed only if the device is domain-joined and unable to Microsoft Entra hybrid join.
This section performs various tests to help diagnose join failures. The information includes the: error phase, error code, server request ID, server response HTTP status, and server response error message.
User Context: The context in which the diagnostics are run. Possible values: SYSTEM, UN-ELEVATED User, ELEVATED User.
Because the actual join is performed in SYSTEM context, running the diagnostics in SYSTEM context is closest to the actual join scenario. To run diagnostics in SYSTEM context, the dsregcmd /status
command must be run from an elevated command prompt.
Client Time: The system time, in UTC.
AD Connectivity Test: This test performs a connectivity test to the domain controller. An error in this test likely results in join errors in the pre-check phase.
AD Configuration Test: This test reads and verifies whether the Service Connection Point (SCP) object is configured properly in the on-premises Active Directory forest. Errors in this test would likely result in join errors in the discover phase with the error code 0x801c001d.
DRS Discovery Test: This test gets the DRS endpoints from discovery metadata endpoint and performs a user realm request. Errors in this test would likely result in join errors in the discover phase.
DRS Connectivity Test: This test performs a basic connectivity test to the DRS endpoint.
Token Acquisition Test: This test tries to get a Microsoft Entra authentication token if the user tenant is federated. Errors in this test would likely result in join errors in the authentication phase. If authentication fails, sync-join is attempted as fallback, unless fallback is explicitly disabled with the following registry key settings:
Keyname: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\CDJ
Value: FallbackToSyncJoin
Value: 0x0 -> Disabled
Value: 0x1 -> Enabled
Default (No Key): Enabled
Fallback to Sync-Join: Set the state to Enabled if the preceding registry key to prevent fallback to sync-join with authentication failures is not present. This option is available from Windows 10 1803 and later.
Previous Registration: The time when the previous join attempt occurred. Only failed join attempts are logged.
Error Phase: The stage of the join in which it was aborted. Possible values are pre-check, discover, auth, and join.
Client ErrorCode: The client error code returned (HRESULT).
Server ErrorCode: The server error code displayed if a request was sent to the server and the server responded with an error code.
Server Message: The server message returned along with the error code.
Https Status: The HTTP status returned by the server.
Request ID: The client requestId sent to the server. The request ID is useful to correlate with server-side logs.
The following example shows a diagnostics test failing with a discovery error.
| Diagnostic Data |
Diagnostics Reference : www.microsoft.com/aadjerrors
User Context : SYSTEM
Client Time : 2019-01-31 09:25:31.000 UTC
AD Connectivity Test : PASS
AD Configuration Test : PASS
DRS Discovery Test : FAIL [0x801c0021/0x801c000c]
DRS Connectivity Test : SKIPPED
Token acquisition Test : SKIPPED
Fallback to Sync-Join : ENABLED
Previous Registration : 2019-01-31 09:23:30.000 UTC
Error Phase : discover
Client ErrorCode : 0x801c0021
The following example shows that diagnostics tests are passing but the registration attempt failed with a directory error, which is expected for sync-join. After the Microsoft Entra Connect synchronization job finishes, the device is able to join.
| Diagnostic Data |
Diagnostics Reference : www.microsoft.com/aadjerrors
User Context : SYSTEM
Client Time : 2019-01-31 09:16:50.000 UTC
AD Connectivity Test : PASS
AD Configuration Test : PASS
DRS Discovery Test : PASS
DRS Connectivity Test : PASS
Token acquisition Test : PASS
Fallback to Sync-Join : ENABLED
Previous Registration : 2019-01-31 09:16:43.000 UTC
Registration Type : sync
Error Phase : join
Client ErrorCode : 0x801c03f2
Server ErrorCode : DirectoryError
Server Message : The device object by the given id (aaaaaaaa-0000-1111-2222-bbbbbbbbbbbb) isn't found.
Https Status : 400
Request Id : 6bff0bd9-820b-484b-ab20-2a4f7b76c58e
This diagnostics section displays the output of checks performed on a device joined to the cloud.
The KeySignTest requires elevated privileges.
| Diagnostic Data |
AadRecoveryEnabled: NO
KeySignTest : PASSED
This diagnostics section performs the prerequisites check for setting up Windows Hello for Business (WHFB).
You might not see NGC prerequisites check details in dsregcmd /status
if the user configured WHFB successfully.
The following Cloud Kerberos diagnostics fields were added in the Windows 10 May 2021 update (version 21H1).
Before Windows 11 version 23H2, the setting OnPremTGT was named CloudTGT.
| Ngc Prerequisite Check |
IsDeviceJoined : YES
IsUserAzureAD : YES
PolicyEnabled : YES
PostLogonEnabled : YES
DeviceEligible : YES
SessionIsNotRemote : YES
CertEnrollment : enrollment authority
AdfsRefreshToken : YES
AdfsRaIsReady : YES
LogonCertTemplateReady : YES ( StateReady )
PreReqResult : WillProvision
Go to the Microsoft Error Lookup Tool.
9 квіт., 15 - 10 квіт., 12
Кодуйте майбутнє за допомогою ШІ та спілкуйтеся з колегами з Java та експертами на JDConf 2025.
Зареєструватися заразНавчання
Керування автентифікацією пристрою - Training
У цьому модулі ви дізнаєтеся про автентифікацію та керування пристроями в Microsoft Entra ID. MD-102
Microsoft 365 Certified: Endpoint Administrator Associate - Certifications
Плануйте та виконуйте стратегію розгортання кінцевих точок, використовуючи основні елементи сучасного керування, підходів до спільного керування та інтеграції Microsoft Intune.
Troubleshoot Microsoft Entra hybrid joined devices - Microsoft Entra ID
This article helps you troubleshoot Microsoft Entra hybrid joined Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 devices.
Troubleshoot legacy Microsoft Entra hybrid joined devices - Microsoft Entra ID
Troubleshooting Microsoft Entra hybrid joined down-level devices.
Pending devices in Microsoft Entra ID
Explains why a device is in the pending state in Microsoft Entra ID.