The following connector article is provided by Exact Online, the owner of this connector and a member of the Microsoft Power Query Connector Certification Program. If you have questions regarding the content of this article or have changes you would like to see made to this article, visit the Exact Online website and use the support channels there.
You need to have the ODBC Connector version 18 installed. Go to the download page to download the latest driver.
In Exact Online, your IP address needs to be allowed access.
Open the Master data screen
Locate the Microsoft Office 365 section and add the IP address to the Power BI access list
The Microsoft Office 365 menu also contains downloadable report templates for Power BI, which can be used with this connector.
In order to refresh data, an on-premises data gateway must be available. You can follow this link to learn how to install it; we recommend installing it on a managed machine that is always on.
Note that the ODBC driver is also required to be installed on this same machine.
Capabilities supported
Direct Query (Power BI semantic models)
Connect to Exact Online Premium
To connect to Exact Online Premium:
Select Get Data from the Home ribbon in Power BI Desktop. Select Database from the categories on the left, select Exact Online Premium, and then select Connect.
If this is the first time you're getting data through the Exact Online Premium connector, a preview connector notice will be displayed. Select Don't warn me again with this connector if you don't want this message to be displayed again, and then select Continue.
To sign in to your Exact Online Premium account, select Sign in.
In the window that appears, provide your user name and password to sign in to your Exact Online Premium account and select Next.
Once you've successfully signed in, select Connect.
In Navigator, select the information you want, then either select Load to load the data or Transform Data to continue transforming the data in the Power Query editor.
Finally, select the data usage mode (import or direct query)
You should be aware of the following limitation associated with accessing Exact Online Premium data.
ODBC: ERROR [42000] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Cannot open server '(servername)' requested by the login. Client with IP address '(ip address)' is not allowed to access the server.
This likely happens because the IP address is not on the allowed list for Power BI. Follow the steps under Prerequisites above to resolve.
Next steps
You can find additional information and templates for this connector on our documentation page.
Продемонструйте методи та практичні поради, які відповідають бізнес-вимогам і технічним вимогам для моделювання, візуалізації та аналізу даних за допомогою Microsoft Power BI.