The following connector article is provided by Windsor, the owner of this connector and a member of the Microsoft Power Query Connector Certification Program. If you have questions regarding the content of this article or have changes you would like to see made to this article, visit the website and use the support channels there.
Release State
General Availability
Power BI (Datasets) Power BI (Dataflows) Fabric (Dataflow Gen2)
Authentication Types Supported
Function reference docs
Before using the connector, you need to create a Windsor account and save at least one query.
When you are satisfied with the result, select the Save Query button, give your query a recognizable name, and select Save.
The queries you save here are available to you in Power BI Desktop once you sign in to the Windsor connector.
Capabilities supported
Connection instructions
To connect to Windsor:
Open Power Query.
Go to the Home ribbon and select Get Data.
Search for Windsor. Select it, and then select Connect.
Select Sign in to sign in to your Windsor account.
Sign in to Windsor Onboard in the window that appears. Enter your email and password or select Sign in with Microsoft / Sign in with Google and choose the account that you used to sign in to the Windsor Onboard in step 1 in Prerequisites.
Select Connect.
Once the Navigator dialog box loads, you can preview all the queries you saved in your Windsor account on the onboard. Select the checkboxes next to any queries with data you’d like to use for your report.
The preview loads with the saved query settings. However, you can make some changes before loading the data to your report by using the settings above the preview:
Under Accounts you can choose a different set of accounts for the same query settings. Select Ok and Apply to load the preview with the changes.
You can choose a new set of fields using the Fields dropdown. Remember to select Ok and Apply the changes.
You can append selected fields to existing ones by setting Append fields to existing to TRUE
If you want to check the data for a different time period than the one specified in the saved query, select the necessary option in the Date range type or Start date/End date field and select Apply. When you select options like This month or Year to date, the refreshes always bring the latest data to your report. When you leave End date empty and it isn't set in the query. Todays date is used internally and refreshes bring the latest data to your report.
If you make changes to only one of the fields, other settings remain the same as you saved them on the Windsor Onboard.
Once you see the dataset you’d like to use, select Load to use it in Power Query, or Transform Data to refine it in the Power Query editor first.
Windsor Onboard must be used to create and manage queries.
The timeout limit for polling the query results is 30 minutes.
Known issues
Expression.Error: Empty response, please check your query at
The data is missing for selected query. Check that this query works and shows data in Windsor Onboard.
Expression.Error: Error
Possible reasons:
& The data source was disconnected. Check that the data source is connected at Select Show only connected to show the data sources you have connected.
Related content
You might also find the following Windsor help page useful:
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