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sp_configure_automatic_tuning (Transact-SQL)

Applies to: SQL Server 2022 (16.x) Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Managed Instance SQL database in Microsoft Fabric

Changes the configuration for the automatic plan correction (APC) component of the automatic tuning feature. The configuration options apply to a given query_id which can be obtained from the Query Store.

These options include the ability to allow a query_id to be allowed or skipped for APC consideration, or to configure APC to apply an additional extended, time-based plan regression check to that specific query. The configuration options are not mutually exclusive.

Transact-SQL syntax conventions


Syntax for SQL Server 2022 (16.x), Azure SQL Managed Instance:

    [ @option = ] 'FORCE_LAST_GOOD_PLAN'
    , [ @type = ] 'type'
    [ , [ @type_value = ] N'type_value' ]
    , [ @option_value = ] { 'ON' | 'OFF' }

Syntax for Azure SQL Database, SQL database in Microsoft Fabric:

    , [ @type = ] 'type'
    [ , [ @type_value = ] N'type_value' ]
    , [ @option_value = ] { 'ON' | 'OFF' }


[ @option = ] 'option'

Specifies the name of the configuration option to be invoked. @option is varchar(60), with no default, and can be one of these values.

Value Description
FORCE_LAST_GOOD_PLAN Enables APC to identify execution plan choice regressions and to automatically fix the issue by forcing the last known good plan as recorded in the Query Store. See What is execution plan choice regression?
FORCE_LAST_GOOD_PLAN_EXTENDED_CHECK Applies to: Azure SQL Database and SQL database in Microsoft Fabric only. Instructs APC to use an additional time-based plan regression check, which occurs five minutes after a plan change is detected. This check allows APC to avoid biasing its regression checks for queries that execute quickly. With this option, APC takes into account query executions that might run longer, or are prone to timing out because of a plan change.

[ @type = ] 'type'

The type of object the configuration applies to. @type is varchar(60) with no default. Possible value is QUERY.

[ @type_value = ] N'type_value'

The query ID from Query Store that the configuration should be applied to. @type_value is sysname with no defaults.

[ @option_value = ] 'option_value'

The desired state of the configuration setting. @option_value is varchar(60) with no defaults. Possible values are ON or OFF. For the FORCE_LAST_GOOD_PLAN option, setting the value to OFF causes APC to ignore a query_id in the Query Store from being monitored by the system for query plan regressions.

Return code values

0 (success) or 1 (failure).

Check the current configuration values

You can also check to see which configuration options are set, by viewing the output of the sys.database_automatic_tuning_configurations catalog view. Changes to the catalog view are also written to the SQL Server error log.


Requires the ALTER DATABASE permission.


For SQL Server 2022 (16.x) CU 4 and later versions, the behavior of the FORCE_LAST_GOOD_PLAN_EXTENDED_CHECK configuration option can be applied to the entire SQL Server instance with global trace flag 12656. All queries eligible for Query Store capture have the additional time-based regression check logic applied.


A. Configure the Automatic Tuning (Force Last Good Plan option) to ignore a specific query

The following example shows how to configure automatic tuning to ignore a query if it's eligible for automatic plan forcing. This example uses a value of 422 as the query_id that was selected from the Query Store.

EXECUTE sys.sp_configure_automatic_tuning 'FORCE_LAST_GOOD_PLAN', 'QUERY', 422, 'OFF';

B. Configure the Automatic Tuning (Force Last Good Plan option) to ignore a specific query using named parameters

In this example, we can see all of the query_id results that are part of any update cursor statements, which are forced by the APC feature.

SELECT qry.query_id,
FROM sys.query_store_plan AS pl
     INNER JOIN sys.query_store_query AS qry
         ON qry.query_id = pl.query_id
WHERE pl.query_plan LIKE '%StatementType="UPDATE CURSOR"%'
      AND pl.is_forced_plan > 0
      AND pl.plan_forcing_type = 2;

Based on the results of the previous query, the query_id with the value of 42 is a query that should be ignored by APC. We can use the named parameter version of the syntax for sp_configure_automatic_tuning as follows.

EXECUTE sys.sp_configure_automatic_tuning
    @option = 'FORCE_LAST_GOOD_PLAN',
    @type = 'QUERY',
    @type_value = 42,
    @option_value = 'OFF';

Check if the setting is applied.

FROM sys.database_automatic_tuning_configurations;

C. Configure the Automatic Tuning (Force Last Good Plan option) to apply an extended, time-based plan regression check to a specific query

Applies to: Azure SQL Database, SQL database in Microsoft Fabric:

APC uses a time-based plan regression check, which occurs five minutes after a plan change is detected. This check allows APC to avoid biasing its regression checks for queries that execute quickly. APC takes into account query executions that might run longer, or are prone to timing out because of a plan change.

The following example shows how to configure automatic tuning to apply its extended check logic to a query if it's eligible for automatic plan forcing. This example is using a value of 442 as the query_id that was selected from the Query Store.

EXECUTE sys.sp_configure_automatic_tuning 'FORCE_LAST_GOOD_PLAN_EXTENDED_CHECK', 'QUERY', 442, 'ON';