Planning considerations

Completed 100 XP

The in-game library offers various premade Build Challenge worlds, alongside a build prompt. But what happens when you want to use prompts not accompanied by an existing Minecraft world? Consider:

  • What is the scope of your prompt? Is this something that can be built in a relatively small area or do students need a vast amount of space to effectively complete their tasks?
  • Time! We know time is one of the biggest hurdles educators face. How much time is allocated to this challenge. Will this take place during class hours?
  • What is the purpose of the task? Is this a large project-based activity or a short check for understanding?
  • Will students work on the challenge individually, collaboratively, or is it a head-to-head Build Challenge?

The Starter World section of the in-game library includes premade worlds meant to act as blank canvases to build in. Offering various biomes (environments designed to represent different climates and locations) and build plates (designated build spaces), you can match the theme of your build prompt!

Screenshot of the biomes and build plates buttons in Minecraft Education.

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