Minecraft Esports Teacher Academy
At a glance
New to esports? Minecraft esports teacher academy (META) covers the role of esports in education and career pathways, how to integrate esports in educational settings, and how to build a thriving esports program in a school through immersive exploration of Minecraft Education. After completing this learning path, you'll be able to:
- Describe the role and benefits of esports in education.
- Articulate how to use Minecraft Education in an esports program.
- Explain how to bring Minecraft Esports to your classroom, club, district
- Build a Minecraft Esports tournament to support skill development and social impact.
Although there are no prerequisites for this learning path, a basic understanding of Minecraft and game play is helpful.
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Modules in this learning path
In this module, you learn how to utilize Minecraft Education in esports programs. The module provides support in leveraging the Minecraft esports content to host competitions and tournaments for students.
Build Challenges in Minecraft Education are creative esports competitions where players use a prompt to construct a structure or environment. Build Challenge participants showcase building skills and imagination to create submission for judging.
Head-to-head Build Challenges in Minecraft esports encourage quick thinking, adaptability, and problem-solving in your classroom. Participants compete simultaneously or in real-time using a Build Challenge prompt.
Growing your Minecraft esports program must consider several factors, such as how many students are interested, ideal timing, and how many faculty members are available to support. These factors guide how you approach Minecraft esports in your learning environment, from setting expectations to creating competitive tournaments.