Topology Node Attributes
The following attributes apply to topology nodes.
Attribute | Description |
MF_TOPONODE_CONNECT_METHOD | Specifies how the topology loader connects this topology node, and whether this node is optional. |
MF_TOPONODE_DECODER | Specifies whether a toplogy node's object is a decoder. |
MF_TOPONODE_DECRYPTOR | Specifies whether a toplogy node's underlying object is a decryptor. |
MF_TOPONODE_DISCARDABLE | Specifies whether the pipeline can drop samples from a topology node. |
MF_TOPONODE_ERROR_MAJORTYPE | Contains the major media type for a topology node. This attribute is set when the topology fails to load because the correct decoder could not be found. |
MF_TOPONODE_ERROR_SUBTYPE | Contains the media subtype for a topology node. This attribute is set when the topology fails to load because the correct decoder could not be found. |
MF_TOPONODE_ERRORCODE | Contains the error code from the most recent connection failure for this topology node. |
MF_TOPONODE_LOCKED | Specifies whether the media types can be changed on this topology node. |
MF_TOPONODE_MARKIN_HERE | Specifies whether the pipeline applies mark-in at this node. |
MF_TOPONODE_MARKOUT_HERE | Specifies whether the pipeline applies mark-out at this node. |
Attribute | Description |
MF_TOPONODE_MEDIASTART | Specifies the start time of a presentation, relative to the start the media source file, in 100-nanosecond units. |
MF_TOPONODE_MEDIASTOP | Specifies the stop time of a presentation, relative to the start the media source file, in 100-nanosecond units. |
MF_TOPONODE_PRESENTATION_DESCRIPTOR | Contains a pointer to the presentation descriptor for the media source. |
MF_TOPONODE_SEQUENCE_ELEMENTID | Specifies the element that contains a source node. |
MF_TOPONODE_SOURCE | Contains a pointer to the media source associated with a topology node. |
MF_TOPONODE_STREAM_DESCRIPTOR | Contains a pointer to the stream descriptor for the media source. |
MF_TOPONODE_WORKQUEUE_ID | Specifies a work queue for a topology node. |
MF_TOPONODE_WORKQUEUE_MMCSS_CLASS | Specifies a Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS) task for a topology node. |
MF_TOPONODE_WORKQUEUE_MMCSS_TASKID | Specifies a MMCSS task identifier for a topology node. |
Attribute | Description |
MF_TOPONODE_D3DAWARE | Specifies whether the transform associated with a topology node supports DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) |
MF_TOPONODE_DRAIN | Specifies when a transform is drained. |
MF_TOPONODE_FLUSH | Specifies when a transform is flushed. |
MF_TOPONODE_TRANSFORM_OBJECTID | The class identifier (CLSID) of the transform associated with this topology node. |
Attribute | Description |
MF_TOPONODE_DISABLE_PREROLL | Specifies whether the Media Session uses preroll on the media sink represented by this topology node. |
MF_TOPONODE_NOSHUTDOWN_ON_REMOVE | Specifies whether the Media Session shuts down the media sink when the output node is removed from the topology. |
MF_TOPONODE_RATELESS | Specifies whether the media sink associated with this topology node is rateless. |
MF_TOPONODE_STREAMID | The stream identifier of the stream sink associated with this topology node. |
Attribute | Description |
MF_TOPONODE_PRIMARYOUTPUT | Indicates which output is the primary output on a tee node. |