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Edit content on Microsoft Q&A

If you believe there is an opportunity to improve your content, you are welcome to make edits. Some reasons to edit your content could include:

  • Adding more details to your original question to help potential answerers.
  • Selecting a more relevant tag to better route your question to experts.
  • Adding more details to a comment or answer.


  • You need to be signed in Q&A.


  • Unless you're a moderator, you can only edit your own content.
  • Drafts are not saved when editing content. Instead, if you navigate away while editing content without saving, you will get the native browser alert Changes you made may not be saved.

Edit a question

You can modify the question details and tag simultaneously. When editing content, you will have access to the complete page for contextual reference.

  1. From the Questions page, select any question you would like to edit.
  2. Select the overflow menu on a question.
  3. Select "Edit".
  4. Update the question details using the editor.
  5. Update the tag by using the available dropdown menus.
  6. When you're done, select "Save".

Lưu ý

Microsoft Q&A previously used a "free form" tagging experience where a question author could select up to 5 tags as necessary. The new tagging system uses a hierarchy to help route your question to the most appropriate experts. If you choose to edit tags on an existing question, you will be required to use the new tagging system.

Edit an answer

Edit your answer for bigger impact.

  1. From the Questions page, select any question with an answer you would like to edit.
  2. From the answer overflow menu, select "Edit".
  3. Update the answer using the editor.
  4. When you're done, select "Save".

Edit a comment

Edit your comment for better clarity.

  1. From the Questions page, select any question with a comment you would like to edit.
  2. From the comment overflow menu, select "Edit".
  3. Update the comment using the editor.
  4. When you're done, select "Save".

If you're a moderator, you will see two saving options: "Save edits and view question" and "Save edits and go to the moderation queue".

  • Selecting "Save edits and view question" takes you to the question page, and you see the updated comment.
  • Selecting "Save edits and go to the moderation queue" takes you back to the moderation queue. The comment you have edited is no longer in the queue.

Edit deleted content

Editing deleted content automatically restores it. Ensure this is your intent before editing any title, tag, or details.