This article explains how to convert between different session token formats to ensure compatibility between SDK versions.
Lưu ý
By default, the SDK keeps track of the session token automatically and it will use the most recent session token. For more information, please visit Utilize session tokens. The instructions in this article only apply with the following conditions:
Your Azure Cosmos DB account uses Session consistency.
You are managing the session tokens manually.
You are using multiple versions of the SDK at the same time.
Session token formats
There are two session token formats: simple and vector. These two formats are not interchangeable so, the format should be converted when passing to the client application with different versions.
The simple session token format is used by the .NET SDK V1 (Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDB -version 1.x)
The vector session token format is used by the .NET SDK V2 (Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDB -version 2.x)
Simple session token
A simple session token has this format: {pkrangeid}:{globalLSN}
Vector session token
A vector session token has the following format:
Convert to Simple session token
To pass a session token to client using .NET SDK V1, use a simple session token format. For example, use the following sample code to convert it.
privatestaticreadonlychar[] SegmentSeparator = (new[] { '#' });
privatestaticreadonlychar[] PkRangeSeparator = (new[] { ':' });
// sessionTokenToConvert = session token from previous responsestring[] items = sessionTokenToConvert.Split(PkRangeSeparator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
string[] sessionTokenSegments = items[1].Split(SessionTokenHelpers.SegmentSeparator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
string sessionTokenInSimpleFormat;
if (sessionTokenSegments.Length == 1)
// returning the same token since it already has the correct format
sessionTokenInSimpleFormat = sessionTokenToConvert;
long version = 0;
long globalLSN = 0;
if (!long.TryParse(sessionTokenSegments[0], out version)
|| !long.TryParse(sessionTokenSegments[1], out globalLSN))
thrownew ArgumentException("Invalid session token format", sessionTokenToConvert);
sessionTokenInSimpleFormat = string.Format("{0}:{1}", items[0], globalLSN);
Convert to Vector session token
To pass a session token to client using .NET SDK V2, use the vector session token format. For example, use the following sample code to convert it.
privatestaticreadonlychar[] SegmentSeparator = (new[] { '#' });
privatestaticreadonlychar[] PkRangeSeparator = (new[] { ':' });
// sessionTokenToConvert = session token from previous responsestring[] items = sessionTokenToConvert.Split(PkRangeSeparator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
string[] sessionTokenSegments = items[1].Split(SegmentSeparator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
string sessionTokenInVectorFormat;
if (sessionTokenSegments.Length == 1)
long globalLSN = 0;
if (long.TryParse(sessionTokenSegments[0], out globalLSN))
sessionTokenInVectorFormat = string.Format("{0}:-2#{1}", items[0], globalLSN);
thrownew ArgumentException("Invalid session token format", sessionTokenToConvert);
// returning the same token since it already has the correct format
sessionTokenInVectorFormat = sessionTokenToConvert;
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