Enable a metastore to be automatically assigned to new workspaces
To assign an existing Unity Catalog metastore automatically to new workspaces in that metastore’s region, an account admin can enable workspace auto-assignment for the metastore. If this setting is not selected, the admin who creates a workspace in the same region as the metastore must manually enable the workspace for Unity Catalog and select the metastore from a drop-down.
Before an account admin enables this option, they should be sure to understand the following impacts on new workspaces:
A workspace catalog will be created, and all workspace users will have the privileges required to create objects in it. See Automatic enablement of Unity Catalog.
If a metastore admin is defined for the metastore, they will be able to manage access to all securable objects in all workspaces attached to the metastore. See Metastore admins.
As an account admin, go to the Azure Databricks account console.
Click Catalog.
Select your metastore.
On the Configuration tab, under Workspace assignment, select Automatically assign new workspaces in <region> to this metastore.
On the confirmation dialog, click Enable auto-assignment.
Add managed storage to an existing metastore
Metastore-level managed storage is optional, and it is not included for metastores that were created automatically. You might want to add metastore-level storage to your metastore if you prefer a data isolation model that stores data centrally for multiple workspaces. You need metastore-level storage if you are a Azure Databricks partner who uses personal staging locations.
You must have at least one workspace attached to the Unity Catalog metastore.
Azure Databricks permissions required:
To create an external location, you must be a metastore admin or user with the CREATE EXTERNAL LOCATION and CREATE STORAGE CREDENTIAL privileges.
To add the storage location to the metastore definition, you must be an account admin. For instructions on enabling the account admin role in your account, see Establish your first account admin.
Permission to create a new resource to hold a system-assigned managed identity. This requires that you be a Contributor or Owner of a resource group in any subscription in the tenant.
Create an external location that references the storage credential that you created in the previous step and the ADLS Gen 2 storage container that you created in Step 1: Create the storage location.
If you are not, click Edit and assign yourself as the metastore admin. You can unassign yourself when you are done with this procedure.
On the Configuration tab, next to ADLS Gen 2 path, click Set.
On the Set metastore root dialog, enter the ADLS Gen 2 path that you used to create the external location, and click Update.
You cannot modify this path once you set it, but you can remove it and add a new path if necessary.
Remove metastore-level storage
If you have metastore-level storage for managed tables and volumes (also known as the metastore storage root), but you want to enforce data storage isolation at the catalog or schema level, you can remove the metastore-level storage option for the metastore. When you do, the following happens:
Existing catalogs that have no storage root specified are given the metastore storage root’s cloud storage location as their catalog-level managed storage location. In other words, the metastore storage root is “pushed down” to these catalogs. Access to data in these catalogs continues to function without interruption.
Depending on how your metastore was created, there might not be an external location securable defined in Unity Catalog for the metastore storage root. In that case, a new external location and associated storage credential are created for it. The new external location is named prior_metastore_root_location by default.
Every time a user creates a catalog, they must provide a dedicated storage location that is registered in Unity Catalog as an external location.
Lưu ý
If you use Delta Sharing to share notebooks and you used the metastore root as shared notebook storage, you must do the following before you can remove the metastore root:
Remove your notebook from the share.
Re-add the notebook using a dedicated storage location.
On the Configuration tab, under ADLS Gen 2 path, click the Remove button.
On the confirmation dialog, click Remove.
Add a metastore admin
Metastore admins are optional, but there are situations where you might want one for your metastore. See Assign a metastore admin.
Delete a metastore
If you are closing your Azure Databricks account or have another reason to delete access to data managed by your Unity Catalog metastore, you can delete the metastore.
Cảnh báo
All objects managed by the metastore will become inaccessible using Azure Databricks workspaces. This action cannot be undone.
Managed table data and metadata will be auto-deleted after 30 days. External table data in your cloud storage is not affected by metastore deletion.
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