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Microsoft.Network expressRouteCircuits 2016-06-01

Choose a deployment language

Bicep resource definition

The expressRouteCircuits resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits resource, add the following Bicep to your template.

resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits@2016-06-01' = {
  etag: 'string'
  location: 'string'
  name: 'string'
  properties: {
    allowClassicOperations: bool
    authorizations: [
        etag: 'string'
        id: 'string'
        name: 'string'
        properties: {
          authorizationKey: 'string'
          authorizationUseStatus: 'string'
          provisioningState: 'string'
    circuitProvisioningState: 'string'
    gatewayManagerEtag: 'string'
    peerings: [
        etag: 'string'
        id: 'string'
        name: 'string'
        properties: {
          azureASN: int
          gatewayManagerEtag: 'string'
          lastModifiedBy: 'string'
          microsoftPeeringConfig: {
            advertisedPublicPrefixes: [
            advertisedPublicPrefixesState: 'string'
            customerASN: int
            routingRegistryName: 'string'
          peerASN: int
          peeringType: 'string'
          primaryAzurePort: 'string'
          primaryPeerAddressPrefix: 'string'
          provisioningState: 'string'
          secondaryAzurePort: 'string'
          secondaryPeerAddressPrefix: 'string'
          sharedKey: 'string'
          state: 'string'
          stats: {
            primarybytesIn: int
            primarybytesOut: int
            secondarybytesIn: int
            secondarybytesOut: int
          vlanId: int
    provisioningState: 'string'
    serviceKey: 'string'
    serviceProviderNotes: 'string'
    serviceProviderProperties: {
      bandwidthInMbps: int
      peeringLocation: 'string'
      serviceProviderName: 'string'
    serviceProviderProvisioningState: 'string'
  sku: {
    family: 'string'
    name: 'string'
    tier: 'string'
  tags: {
    {customized property}: 'string'

Property Values


Name Description Value
authorizationKey Gets or sets the authorization key string
authorizationUseStatus Gets or sets AuthorizationUseStatus 'Available'
provisioningState Gets provisioning state of the PublicIP resource Updating/Deleting/Failed string


Name Description Value
etag A unique read-only string that changes whenever the resource is updated string
id Resource Id string
name Gets name of the resource that is unique within a resource group. This name can be used to access the resource string
properties AuthorizationPropertiesFormat


Name Description Value
etag A unique read-only string that changes whenever the resource is updated string
id Resource Id string
name Gets name of the resource that is unique within a resource group. This name can be used to access the resource string
properties ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringPropertiesFormat


Name Description Value
advertisedPublicPrefixes Gets or sets the reference of AdvertisedPublicPrefixes string[]
advertisedPublicPrefixesState Gets or sets AdvertisedPublicPrefixState of the Peering resource 'Configured'
customerASN Gets or Sets CustomerAsn of the peering. int
routingRegistryName Gets or Sets RoutingRegistryName of the config. string


Name Description Value
azureASN Gets or sets the azure ASN int
gatewayManagerEtag Gets or sets the GatewayManager Etag string
lastModifiedBy Gets whether the provider or the customer last modified the peering string
microsoftPeeringConfig Gets or sets the Microsoft peering config ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringConfig
peerASN Gets or sets the peer ASN int
peeringType Gets or sets PeeringType 'AzurePrivatePeering'
primaryAzurePort Gets or sets the primary port string
primaryPeerAddressPrefix Gets or sets the primary address prefix string
provisioningState Gets provisioning state of the PublicIP resource Updating/Deleting/Failed string
secondaryAzurePort Gets or sets the secondary port string
secondaryPeerAddressPrefix Gets or sets the secondary address prefix string
sharedKey Gets or sets the shared key string
state Gets or sets state of Peering 'Disabled'
stats Gets or peering stats ExpressRouteCircuitStats
vlanId Gets or sets the vlan id int


Name Description Value
allowClassicOperations allow classic operations bool
authorizations Gets or sets list of authorizations ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorization[]
circuitProvisioningState Gets or sets CircuitProvisioningState state of the resource string
gatewayManagerEtag Gets or sets the GatewayManager Etag string
peerings Gets or sets list of peerings ExpressRouteCircuitPeering[]
provisioningState Gets provisioning state of the PublicIP resource Updating/Deleting/Failed string
serviceKey Gets or sets ServiceKey string
serviceProviderNotes Gets or sets ServiceProviderNotes string
serviceProviderProperties Gets or sets ServiceProviderProperties ExpressRouteCircuitServiceProviderProperties
serviceProviderProvisioningState Gets or sets ServiceProviderProvisioningState state of the resource 'Deprovisioning'


Name Description Value
bandwidthInMbps Gets or sets BandwidthInMbps. int
peeringLocation Gets or sets peering location. string
serviceProviderName Gets or sets serviceProviderName. string


Name Description Value
family Gets or sets family of the sku. 'MeteredData'
name Gets or sets name of the sku. string
tier Gets or sets tier of the sku. 'Premium'


Name Description Value
primarybytesIn Gets BytesIn of the peering. int
primarybytesOut Gets BytesOut of the peering. int
secondarybytesIn Gets BytesIn of the peering. int
secondarybytesOut Gets BytesOut of the peering. int


Name Description Value
etag Gets a unique read-only string that changes whenever the resource is updated string
location Resource location string
name The resource name string (required)
properties Properties of ExpressRouteCircuit ExpressRouteCircuitPropertiesFormat
sku Gets or sets sku ExpressRouteCircuitSku
tags Resource tags Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates


Name Description Value

Usage Examples

Azure Verified Modules

The following Azure Verified Modules can be used to deploy this resource type.

Module Description
ExpressRoute Circuit AVM Resource Module for ExpressRoute Circuit

Azure Quickstart Samples

The following Azure Quickstart templates contain Bicep samples for deploying this resource type.

Bicep File Description
Create an ExpressRoute Circuit This template creates an ExpressRoute Circuit for a specified Service Provider and SKU
ExpressRoute circuit with private peering and Azure VNet This template configure ExpressRoute Microsoft peering, deploy an Azure VNet with Expressroute gateway and link the VNet to the ExpressRoute circuit

ARM template resource definition

The expressRouteCircuits resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits resource, add the following JSON to your template.

  "type": "Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits",
  "apiVersion": "2016-06-01",
  "name": "string",
  "etag": "string",
  "location": "string",
  "properties": {
    "allowClassicOperations": "bool",
    "authorizations": [
        "etag": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "properties": {
          "authorizationKey": "string",
          "authorizationUseStatus": "string",
          "provisioningState": "string"
    "circuitProvisioningState": "string",
    "gatewayManagerEtag": "string",
    "peerings": [
        "etag": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "properties": {
          "azureASN": "int",
          "gatewayManagerEtag": "string",
          "lastModifiedBy": "string",
          "microsoftPeeringConfig": {
            "advertisedPublicPrefixes": [ "string" ],
            "advertisedPublicPrefixesState": "string",
            "customerASN": "int",
            "routingRegistryName": "string"
          "peerASN": "int",
          "peeringType": "string",
          "primaryAzurePort": "string",
          "primaryPeerAddressPrefix": "string",
          "provisioningState": "string",
          "secondaryAzurePort": "string",
          "secondaryPeerAddressPrefix": "string",
          "sharedKey": "string",
          "state": "string",
          "stats": {
            "primarybytesIn": "int",
            "primarybytesOut": "int",
            "secondarybytesIn": "int",
            "secondarybytesOut": "int"
          "vlanId": "int"
    "provisioningState": "string",
    "serviceKey": "string",
    "serviceProviderNotes": "string",
    "serviceProviderProperties": {
      "bandwidthInMbps": "int",
      "peeringLocation": "string",
      "serviceProviderName": "string"
    "serviceProviderProvisioningState": "string"
  "sku": {
    "family": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "tier": "string"
  "tags": {
    "{customized property}": "string"

Property Values


Name Description Value
authorizationKey Gets or sets the authorization key string
authorizationUseStatus Gets or sets AuthorizationUseStatus 'Available'
provisioningState Gets provisioning state of the PublicIP resource Updating/Deleting/Failed string


Name Description Value
etag A unique read-only string that changes whenever the resource is updated string
id Resource Id string
name Gets name of the resource that is unique within a resource group. This name can be used to access the resource string
properties AuthorizationPropertiesFormat


Name Description Value
etag A unique read-only string that changes whenever the resource is updated string
id Resource Id string
name Gets name of the resource that is unique within a resource group. This name can be used to access the resource string
properties ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringPropertiesFormat


Name Description Value
advertisedPublicPrefixes Gets or sets the reference of AdvertisedPublicPrefixes string[]
advertisedPublicPrefixesState Gets or sets AdvertisedPublicPrefixState of the Peering resource 'Configured'
customerASN Gets or Sets CustomerAsn of the peering. int
routingRegistryName Gets or Sets RoutingRegistryName of the config. string


Name Description Value
azureASN Gets or sets the azure ASN int
gatewayManagerEtag Gets or sets the GatewayManager Etag string
lastModifiedBy Gets whether the provider or the customer last modified the peering string
microsoftPeeringConfig Gets or sets the Microsoft peering config ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringConfig
peerASN Gets or sets the peer ASN int
peeringType Gets or sets PeeringType 'AzurePrivatePeering'
primaryAzurePort Gets or sets the primary port string
primaryPeerAddressPrefix Gets or sets the primary address prefix string
provisioningState Gets provisioning state of the PublicIP resource Updating/Deleting/Failed string
secondaryAzurePort Gets or sets the secondary port string
secondaryPeerAddressPrefix Gets or sets the secondary address prefix string
sharedKey Gets or sets the shared key string
state Gets or sets state of Peering 'Disabled'
stats Gets or peering stats ExpressRouteCircuitStats
vlanId Gets or sets the vlan id int


Name Description Value
allowClassicOperations allow classic operations bool
authorizations Gets or sets list of authorizations ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorization[]
circuitProvisioningState Gets or sets CircuitProvisioningState state of the resource string
gatewayManagerEtag Gets or sets the GatewayManager Etag string
peerings Gets or sets list of peerings ExpressRouteCircuitPeering[]
provisioningState Gets provisioning state of the PublicIP resource Updating/Deleting/Failed string
serviceKey Gets or sets ServiceKey string
serviceProviderNotes Gets or sets ServiceProviderNotes string
serviceProviderProperties Gets or sets ServiceProviderProperties ExpressRouteCircuitServiceProviderProperties
serviceProviderProvisioningState Gets or sets ServiceProviderProvisioningState state of the resource 'Deprovisioning'


Name Description Value
bandwidthInMbps Gets or sets BandwidthInMbps. int
peeringLocation Gets or sets peering location. string
serviceProviderName Gets or sets serviceProviderName. string


Name Description Value
family Gets or sets family of the sku. 'MeteredData'
name Gets or sets name of the sku. string
tier Gets or sets tier of the sku. 'Premium'


Name Description Value
primarybytesIn Gets BytesIn of the peering. int
primarybytesOut Gets BytesOut of the peering. int
secondarybytesIn Gets BytesIn of the peering. int
secondarybytesOut Gets BytesOut of the peering. int


Name Description Value
apiVersion The api version '2016-06-01'
etag Gets a unique read-only string that changes whenever the resource is updated string
location Resource location string
name The resource name string (required)
properties Properties of ExpressRouteCircuit ExpressRouteCircuitPropertiesFormat
sku Gets or sets sku ExpressRouteCircuitSku
tags Resource tags Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates
type The resource type 'Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits'


Name Description Value

Usage Examples

Azure Quickstart Templates

The following Azure Quickstart templates deploy this resource type.

Template Description
Create an ExpressRoute Circuit

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an ExpressRoute Circuit for a specified Service Provider and SKU
Create an ExpressRoute Circuit with BGP Peering

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an ExpressRoute Circuit and an AzurePrublicPeering BGP Peering, for a specified Service Provider and SKU
ExpressRoute circuit with private peering and Azure VNet

Deploy to Azure
This template configure ExpressRoute Microsoft peering, deploy an Azure VNet with Expressroute gateway and link the VNet to the ExpressRoute circuit

Terraform (AzAPI provider) resource definition

The expressRouteCircuits resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

  • Resource groups

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits resource, add the following Terraform to your template.

resource "azapi_resource" "symbolicname" {
  type = "Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits@2016-06-01"
  name = "string"
  etag = "string"
  location = "string"
  sku = {
    family = "string"
    name = "string"
    tier = "string"
  tags = {
    {customized property} = "string"
  body = jsonencode({
    properties = {
      allowClassicOperations = bool
      authorizations = [
          etag = "string"
          id = "string"
          name = "string"
          properties = {
            authorizationKey = "string"
            authorizationUseStatus = "string"
            provisioningState = "string"
      circuitProvisioningState = "string"
      gatewayManagerEtag = "string"
      peerings = [
          etag = "string"
          id = "string"
          name = "string"
          properties = {
            azureASN = int
            gatewayManagerEtag = "string"
            lastModifiedBy = "string"
            microsoftPeeringConfig = {
              advertisedPublicPrefixes = [
              advertisedPublicPrefixesState = "string"
              customerASN = int
              routingRegistryName = "string"
            peerASN = int
            peeringType = "string"
            primaryAzurePort = "string"
            primaryPeerAddressPrefix = "string"
            provisioningState = "string"
            secondaryAzurePort = "string"
            secondaryPeerAddressPrefix = "string"
            sharedKey = "string"
            state = "string"
            stats = {
              primarybytesIn = int
              primarybytesOut = int
              secondarybytesIn = int
              secondarybytesOut = int
            vlanId = int
      provisioningState = "string"
      serviceKey = "string"
      serviceProviderNotes = "string"
      serviceProviderProperties = {
        bandwidthInMbps = int
        peeringLocation = "string"
        serviceProviderName = "string"
      serviceProviderProvisioningState = "string"

Property Values


Name Description Value
authorizationKey Gets or sets the authorization key string
authorizationUseStatus Gets or sets AuthorizationUseStatus 'Available'
provisioningState Gets provisioning state of the PublicIP resource Updating/Deleting/Failed string


Name Description Value
etag A unique read-only string that changes whenever the resource is updated string
id Resource Id string
name Gets name of the resource that is unique within a resource group. This name can be used to access the resource string
properties AuthorizationPropertiesFormat


Name Description Value
etag A unique read-only string that changes whenever the resource is updated string
id Resource Id string
name Gets name of the resource that is unique within a resource group. This name can be used to access the resource string
properties ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringPropertiesFormat


Name Description Value
advertisedPublicPrefixes Gets or sets the reference of AdvertisedPublicPrefixes string[]
advertisedPublicPrefixesState Gets or sets AdvertisedPublicPrefixState of the Peering resource 'Configured'
customerASN Gets or Sets CustomerAsn of the peering. int
routingRegistryName Gets or Sets RoutingRegistryName of the config. string


Name Description Value
azureASN Gets or sets the azure ASN int
gatewayManagerEtag Gets or sets the GatewayManager Etag string
lastModifiedBy Gets whether the provider or the customer last modified the peering string
microsoftPeeringConfig Gets or sets the Microsoft peering config ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringConfig
peerASN Gets or sets the peer ASN int
peeringType Gets or sets PeeringType 'AzurePrivatePeering'
primaryAzurePort Gets or sets the primary port string
primaryPeerAddressPrefix Gets or sets the primary address prefix string
provisioningState Gets provisioning state of the PublicIP resource Updating/Deleting/Failed string
secondaryAzurePort Gets or sets the secondary port string
secondaryPeerAddressPrefix Gets or sets the secondary address prefix string
sharedKey Gets or sets the shared key string
state Gets or sets state of Peering 'Disabled'
stats Gets or peering stats ExpressRouteCircuitStats
vlanId Gets or sets the vlan id int


Name Description Value
allowClassicOperations allow classic operations bool
authorizations Gets or sets list of authorizations ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorization[]
circuitProvisioningState Gets or sets CircuitProvisioningState state of the resource string
gatewayManagerEtag Gets or sets the GatewayManager Etag string
peerings Gets or sets list of peerings ExpressRouteCircuitPeering[]
provisioningState Gets provisioning state of the PublicIP resource Updating/Deleting/Failed string
serviceKey Gets or sets ServiceKey string
serviceProviderNotes Gets or sets ServiceProviderNotes string
serviceProviderProperties Gets or sets ServiceProviderProperties ExpressRouteCircuitServiceProviderProperties
serviceProviderProvisioningState Gets or sets ServiceProviderProvisioningState state of the resource 'Deprovisioning'


Name Description Value
bandwidthInMbps Gets or sets BandwidthInMbps. int
peeringLocation Gets or sets peering location. string
serviceProviderName Gets or sets serviceProviderName. string


Name Description Value
family Gets or sets family of the sku. 'MeteredData'
name Gets or sets name of the sku. string
tier Gets or sets tier of the sku. 'Premium'


Name Description Value
primarybytesIn Gets BytesIn of the peering. int
primarybytesOut Gets BytesOut of the peering. int
secondarybytesIn Gets BytesIn of the peering. int
secondarybytesOut Gets BytesOut of the peering. int


Name Description Value
etag Gets a unique read-only string that changes whenever the resource is updated string
location Resource location string
name The resource name string (required)
properties Properties of ExpressRouteCircuit ExpressRouteCircuitPropertiesFormat
sku Gets or sets sku ExpressRouteCircuitSku
tags Resource tags Dictionary of tag names and values.
type The resource type "Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits@2016-06-01"


Name Description Value

Usage Examples

Azure Verified Modules

The following Azure Verified Modules can be used to deploy this resource type.

Module Description
ExpressRoute Circuit AVM Resource Module for ExpressRoute Circuit