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Microsoft Office विशेषज्ञ: Excel (Office 2016) - Certifications
प्रदर्शित करें कि आपके पास Microsoft Office विशेषज्ञ (MOS) प्रमाणन अर्जित करके Excel 2016 का अधिकतम लाभ उठाने के लिए आवश्यक कौशल हैं.
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If you fill or copy formulas into a large area of a worksheet, or you add formulas to a large worksheet, you receive error messages that are similar to the following:
Each instance of Microsoft Excel 2007, Excel 2010, and Excel 2013 32-bit is limited to 2 gigabyte (GB) of memory (internal heap space). Each instance is also limited to 32,760 source cells when you perform a smart fill operation. When you copy or fill large sections of a worksheet, one or both of these limitations may affect the result.
To work around the source cell limit, follow these steps:
Excel uses internal heap space for different types of operations, including the following:
In versions of Excel earlier than Microsoft Excel 2002, the memory limit is 64 MB. In Excel 2002, the limit is increased to 128 MB. In Microsoft Office Excel 2003, the limit is increased to 1 gigabyte (GB).
Because this is a per-instance limit, this problem may occur if you have two or three large workbooks open, or one very large workbook. If you are working with several workbooks, try to open them in separate instances of Excel.
With smart fill functionality, you can increment relative references and fill lists. By reducing the copy range in any copy or fill operation, you can work around the 32,760 source cell limit.
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Microsoft Office विशेषज्ञ: Excel (Office 2016) - Certifications
प्रदर्शित करें कि आपके पास Microsoft Office विशेषज्ञ (MOS) प्रमाणन अर्जित करके Excel 2016 का अधिकतम लाभ उठाने के लिए आवश्यक कौशल हैं.
Tài liệu
Memory usage in the 32-bit edition of Excel - Microsoft 365 Apps
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