Get started with Priva

Microsoft Priva licensing guidance.

Learn how to get set up to start using Microsoft Priva solutions.

Confirm subscriptions and licensing

Preview solutions

  • Consent Management (preview)
  • Privacy Assessments (preview)
  • Subject Rights Requests for data beyond Microsoft 365 (preview)
  • Tracker Scanning (preview)

The solutions listed above are in public preview and are accessible to all customers in the new Priva portal (preview).

The Privacy Assessments (preview) and Subject Rights Requests for data beyond Microsoft 365 (preview) solutions integrate with the Microsoft Purview Data Map. To use those solutions' capabilities, your organization needs to be set up with Microsoft Purview governance solutions. Get details about how to get started with governance solutions.

Generally available (GA) solutions

  • Privacy Risk Management
  • Subject Rights Requests for data within Microsoft 365

The Privacy Risk Management and Subject Rights Requests for data within Microsoft 365 solutions are generally available and can be accessed in both the new Priva portal (preview) and in the classic Microsoft Purview compliance portal.

These solutions can be purchased by organizations with the licenses outlined in the Microsoft 365 licensing guidance for security & compliance. These solutions can be purchased individually or together. When obtaining licenses for subject rights requests for data within Microsoft 365, you can choose the appropriate licensing tier for how many requests you need to handle. You can purchase more requests at any time.

Start a trial: The free Priva trial allows you to explore all the features and functionality of Privacy Risk Management and Subject Rights Requests for data within Microsoft 365. Learn how to sign up for the Priva trial.

Enable the Microsoft 365 audit log

Microsoft 365 audit logs are a summary of all activities within your organization. Privacy Risk Management policies may use these activities for generating policy insights.

Your organization may already have audit logs turned on. If you need to start using them for the first time, see Turn audit log search on or off for step-by-step instructions to turn on auditing. After you turn on auditing, a message is displayed that says the audit log is being prepared and that you can run a search in a couple of hours after the preparation is complete. You only have to do this action once. For more information about using the Microsoft 365 audit log, see Search the audit log.

Set user permissions and assign roles

Priva uses a role-based access control (RBAC) permission model. Only users who are assigned a role may access Priva, and the actions allowed by each user are restricted by role type.

Your global admin has permissions to access Priva and assign other users to roles. They can sign in and set user permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal for Priva. For a quick start, the Privacy Management role group has permissions to access all features of Priva. This group may be a good fit for organizations where the same individual may perform all duties. Other privacy roles allow you to take more granular control and assign users to selected features or functions.

To learn more about role groups and how to grant access, see Set user permissions and assign roles in Priva.

Priva availability

Preview solutions

The Priva solutions in preview are available in the regions listed below. The region names correspond to Azure regions supported by the Azure Cosmos DB service. Get definitions for Azure region names.

  • CanadaCentral
  • EastUS
  • EastUS2
  • North Europe
  • UK South
  • West Europe
  • WestUS3

Learn more about choosing Azure regions.

GA solutions

Privacy Risk Management and Subject Rights Requests for data within Microsoft 365 are available to customers worldwide. If your organization provisioned its tenant in one of the local data centers listed below in order to meet data residency requirements, the Priva solutions won't be available to you in the left navigation of the Microsoft Purview compliance portal:

  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Qatar
  • Singapore
  • South Africa
  • South Korea
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • United Arab Emirates

How Priva works with Microsoft Purview risk and compliance solutions

Microsoft Purview Compliance Manager

Priva works hand in hand with Microsoft Purview Compliance Manager, which offers data protection and privacy assessment templates that correspond to compliance regulations and industry standards around the world. Based on the assessments you build with these templates, Compliance Manager can help you understand what steps to take to meet your organization's regulatory requirements. Taking steps in Priva to protect the personal data you store can contribute to your privacy assessments in Compliance Manager and can help improve your compliance score.

In preview: By taking specific actions in Priva, you can achieve points that count toward assessment completion and increase your overall compliance score. Examples of actions that Compliance Manager can monitor and give you credit for include setting up a Privacy Risk Management policy, and enabling data retention limits for subject rights requests. Compliance Manager automatically detects whether you've completed the actions and awards points that contribute to your compliance sore. Learn more about automated testing and monitoring in Compliance Manager.

To find Priva actions in Compliance Manager, follow the steps below:

  1. In the Microsoft Purview compliance portal, select Compliance Manager on the left navigation pane.
  2. In Compliance Manager, go to the Improvement actions tab.
  3. On the Solutions filter, select "Priva Privacy Risk Management" and "Priva Subject Rights Requests."

Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention

Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention (DLP) provides robust capabilities to help prevent the unintentional sharing of sensitive items outside of an organization. Priva can extend this protection by delivering insights unique to your organization and empowering your users to address risks right away. For example, when you use Privacy Risk Management to detect transfers of personal data outside of your organization or between certain departments, users can receive email notifications with remediation actions right in the email. Get more details about user email notifications in Privacy Risk Management.

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