Select the Data Map solution card. If the Data Map solution card isn't displayed, select View all solutions and then select Data Map from the Core section.
Select Register.
On Register sources, select Snowflake.
Set up a Data Map scan
Select the registered Snowflake source.
Select + New scan.
Provide the below details:
Name: The name of the scan
Connect via integration runtime: Select the Azure autoresolved integration runtime, Managed VNet IR, or SHIR according to your scenario.
Host for connection: Choose the endpoint used to establish connection to Snowflake during scan. You can choose from the server URL, or the other hosts that you configured in data source.
Credential: Select the credential to connect to your data source. Make sure to:
Select Basic Authentication while creating a credential.
Provide the user name used to connect to Snowflake in the User name input field.
Store the user password used to connect to Snowflake in the secret key.
Warehouse: Specify the name of the warehouse instance used to empower scan in capital case. The default role assigned to the user specified in the credential must have USAGE rights on this warehouse.
Databases: Specify one or more database instance names to import in capital case. Separate the names in the list with a semi-colon (;). For example, DB1;DB2. The default role assigned to the user specified in the credential must have adequate rights on the database objects.
Schema: List subset of schemas to import expressed as a semicolon separated list.
Select Test connection to validate the settings (available when using Azure Integration Runtime).
Select Continue.
Select a scan rule set for classification. You can choose between the system default, existing custom rule sets, or create a new rule set inline.
Review your scan and select Save and Run.
Once scanned, the data asset in Snowflake will be available on the Unified Catalog search. For more details about how to connect and manage Snowflake in Microsoft Purview, follow this document.
Quan trọng
When the object is deleted from the data source, the subsequent scan won't automatically remove the corresponding asset in Microsoft Purview.
Set up connection to Snowflake data source for data quality scan
At this point, the scanned asset is ready for cataloging and governance. Associate the scanned asset to the data product in a Governance Domain Sele. At the Data Quality Tab, add a new Azure SQL Database Connection: Get the Database Name entered manually.
Select Data quality > Governance Domain > Manage tab to create connection.
Configure connection in the connection page.
Add connection name and description
select source type Snowflake
add Server name, Warehouse name, Database name, Schema name, and Table name
Test connection to make sure the configured connection is successfully established.
Quan trọng
Data quality stewards need read only access to Snowflake to set up the data quality connection.
vNet isn't supported for the Snowflake data source yet.
The Snowflake connector doesn't accept https://. Remove https:// when you add the server name to configure data source connection.
Profiling and data quality scanning for data in Snowflake
After completed connection setup successfully, you can profile, create and apply rules, and run DQ scan of your data in Snowflake. Follow the step-by-step guideline described in below documents:
Mô-đun đào tạo này hướng dẫn bạn cách xây dựng một kết thúc quản lý dữ liệu chính và quản trị dữ liệu hoàn chỉnh với Microsoft Purview và CluedIn. Nó bao gồm phát triển các bản ghi vàng, deduplication, dòng dữ liệu, và chiến lược chất lượng dữ liệu.
Thể hiện sự hiểu biết về các tác vụ kỹ thuật dữ liệu phổ biến để thực hiện và quản lý khối lượng công việc kỹ thuật dữ liệu trên Microsoft Azure, bằng cách sử dụng một số dịch vụ Azure.
Get an overview of data quality rules in Microsoft Purview Unified Catalog, and how you can use them to increase the quality and trustworthiness of your data.
This article gives an overview of how data quality stewards can monitor data quality profiling and scanning jobs in the Microsoft Purview Unified Catalog.