Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE) is a graphical host application that enables you to read, write, run, debug, and test scripts and modules in a graphic-assisted environment. Key features such as IntelliSense, Show-Command, snippets, tab completion, syntax-coloring, visual debugging, and context-sensitive Help provide a rich scripting experience.
Using PowerShell.exe
The PowerShell_ISE.exe tool starts a Windows PowerShell ISE session. When you use PowerShell_ISE.exe, you can use its optional parameters to open files in Windows PowerShell ISE or to start a Windows PowerShell ISE session with no profile or with a multithreaded apartment.
To start a Windows PowerShell ISE session in a Command Prompt window, in Windows PowerShell, or at the Start menu, type:
To open a script (.ps1), script module (.psm1), module manifest (.psd1), XML file, or any other supported file in Windows PowerShell ISE, type:
PowerShell_Ise.exe <filepath>
In Windows PowerShell 3.0, you can use the optional File parameter as follows:
PowerShell_Ise.exe -file <filepath>
To start a Windows PowerShell ISE session without your Windows PowerShell profiles, use the NoProfile parameter. (The NoProfile parameter is introduced in Windows PowerShell 3.0.), type:
Windows PowerShell runs on the Server Core installation option of Windows Server operating systems. However, because Windows PowerShell ISE requires a graphic user interface, it does not run on Server Core installations.
Tham gia sự kiện ảo Windows Server cuối cùng từ ngày 29-30 tháng 4 để tham gia các phiên kỹ thuật chuyên sâu và hỏi đáp trực tiếp với các kỹ sư của Microsoft.