
彈性磚範本是 Windows 10 中的新功能,可讓您使用配合不同螢幕密度調整的簡易靈活標記語言,設計專屬的磚通知內容。 本文會告訴您如何為 Windows 應用程式建立彈性動態磚。 如需彈性元素和屬性的完整清單,請參閱彈性磚結構描述

(在設計適用於 Windows 10 的通知時,您仍然可以依喜好使用 Windows 8 磚範本目錄中的預設範本。)


安裝通知程式庫。 如果您想要使用 C# 而非 XML 來產生通知,請安裝名為 Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Notifications (搜尋「notifications uwp」) 的 NuGet 套件。 本文提供的 C# 範例是使用 NuGet 套件 1.0.0 版。

安裝通知視覺化工具。 這個免費的 Windows 應用程式可透過在您編輯磚時提供立即的視覺效果預覽,類似 Visual Studio 的 XAML 編輯器/設計檢視,以協助您設計彈性動態磚。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱通知視覺化工具,或從商店下載通知視覺化工具


請閱讀我們有關傳送本機磚通知的快速入門。 下面的文件將說明使用彈性磚時擁有的所有可能的視覺效果 UI。


彈性範本的設計在於應用到不同的外形規格和通知類型。 像是群組和子群組這類元素會將內容連結在一起,而且本身不會影響特定視覺效果行為。 通知的最終外觀應以顯示通知所在的特定裝置為準,無論是手機、平板電腦或桌面裝置,還是另一部裝置。

提示是選用的屬性,可新增至元素以實現特定的視覺效果行為。 提示可以是裝置專用或通知專用。



    <binding template="TileMedium">
    <binding template="TileWide">
      <text hint-style="subtitle">Jennifer Parker</text>
      <text hint-style="captionSubtle">Photos from our trip</text>
      <text hint-style="captionSubtle">Check out these awesome photos I took while in New Zealand!</text>
    <binding template="TileLarge">
TileContent content = new TileContent()
    Visual = new TileVisual()
        TileMedium = ...
        TileWide = new TileBinding()
            Content = new TileBindingContentAdaptive()
                Children =
                    new AdaptiveText()
                        Text = "Jennifer Parker",
                        HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.Subtitle
                    new AdaptiveText()
                        Text = "Photos from our trip",
                        HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.CaptionSubtle
                    new AdaptiveText()
                        Text = "Check out these awesome photos I took while in New Zealand!",
                        HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.CaptionSubtle
        TileLarge = ...


quick sample tile


每一種磚大小的內容都會在 XML 承載內個別的 TileBinding 元素中分別指定。 將範本屬性設定為下列其中一個值,以選擇目標大小:

  • TileSmall
  • TileMedium
  • TileWide
  • TileLarge (僅適用桌面)

針對單一磚通知 XML 承載,請為您要支援的每一種磚大小提供 <binding> 元素,如下列範例所示:

    <binding template="TileSmall">
    <binding template="TileMedium">
    <binding template="TileWide">
    <binding template="TileLarge">
TileContent content = new TileContent()
    Visual = new TileVisual()
        TileSmall = new TileBinding()
            Content = new TileBindingContentAdaptive()
                Children =
                    new AdaptiveText() { Text = "Small" }
        TileMedium = new TileBinding()
            Content = new TileBindingContentAdaptive()
                Children =
                    new AdaptiveText() { Text = "Medium" }
        TileWide = new TileBinding()
            Content = new TileBindingContentAdaptive()
                Children =
                    new AdaptiveText() { Text = "Wide" }
        TileLarge = new TileBinding()
            Content = new TileBindingContentAdaptive()
                Children =
                    new AdaptiveText() { Text = "Large" }


adaptive tile sizes: small, medium, wide, and large


您可以使用通知承載上的商標屬性來控制動態磚底部的商標 (顯示名稱和角落標誌)。 您可以選擇「none」代表不顯示、「name」代表僅顯示名稱、「logo」代表僅顯示標誌,或「nameAndLogo」代表兩者同時顯示。

請注意,Windows Mobile 不支援角落標誌,因此選擇「logo」和「nameAndLogo」的行為在行動裝置上會預設為「name」。


<visual branding="logo">
new TileVisual()
    Branding = TileBranding.Logo,


adaptive tiles, name and logo


  1. 藉由在 TileBinding 元素上套用屬性
  2. 藉由在 TileVisual 元素上套用屬性,這會影響整個通知承載,如果您未指定要繫結的商標,則會使用視覺效果元素上提供的商標。
  <visual branding="nameAndLogo">
    <binding template="TileMedium" branding="logo">
    <!--Inherits branding from visual-->
    <binding template="TileWide">
TileContent content = new TileContent()
    Visual = new TileVisual()
        Branding = TileBranding.NameAndLogo,

        TileMedium = new TileBinding()
            Branding = TileBranding.Logo,

        // Inherits branding from Visual
        TileWide = new TileBinding()


default branding on tiles

如果您未在通知承載中指定商標,基底磚的屬性將會決定商標。 如果基底磚顯示顯示名稱,則商標將預設為「name」。否則,如果未顯示顯示名稱,商標將會預設為「none」。

請注意,這是從 Windows 8.x 開始的變更,預設商標為「logo」。


Display name

您可以在 displayName 屬性中輸入您選擇的文字字串,以覆寫通知的顯示名稱。 如同商標一樣,您可以在 TileVisual 元素上指定此項,這樣會影響整個通知承載,或在 TileBinding 元素上指定,這樣只會影響個別磚。

Windows Mobile 上的已知問題:如果您為磚指定 ShortName,則不會使用通知中提供的顯示名稱 (一律顯示 ShortName)。

  <visual branding="nameAndLogo" displayName="Wednesday 22">
    <binding template="TileMedium" displayName="Wed. 22">
    <!--Inherits displayName from visual-->
    <binding template="TileWide">
TileContent content = new TileContent()
    Visual = new TileVisual()
        Branding = TileBranding.NameAndLogo,
        DisplayName = "Wednesday 22",

        TileMedium = new TileBinding()
            DisplayName = "Wed. 22",

        // Inherits DisplayName from Visual
        TileWide = new TileBinding()


adaptive tiles display name


AdaptiveText 元素是用來顯示文字。 您可以使用提示來修改文字顯示的方式。

<text>This is a line of text</text>
new AdaptiveText()
    Text = "This is a line of text"


adaptive tile text


根據預設,文字不會換行,而且會繼續超出磚的邊緣。 使用 hint-wrap 屬性可在文字元素上設定文字換行。 您也可以使用 hint-minLineshint-maxLines 來控制最小行數和最大行數,兩者都接受正整數。

<text hint-wrap="true">This is a line of wrapping text</text>
new AdaptiveText()
    Text = "This is a line of wrapping text",
    HintWrap = true


adaptive tile with text wrapping


樣式可控制文字元素的字型大小、色彩和粗細。 有許多種可用的樣式,包括每一種樣式的「淡色」變化,可將不透明度設定為 60%,通常會使文字色彩帶有淺灰色陰影。

<text hint-style="base">Header content</text>
<text hint-style="captionSubtle">Subheader content</text>
new AdaptiveText()
    Text = "Header content",
    HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.Base

new AdaptiveText()
    Text = "Subheader content",
    HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.CaptionSubtle


adaptive tiles text styles

請注意,如果未指定 hint-style,樣式會預設為標題。



<text hint-style="*" /> 字型高度 字型粗細
標題 12 個有效像素 (epx) 一般
本文 15 epx 一般
base 15 epx 半粗體
子標題 20 epx 一般
title 24 epx 半細體
子標頭 34 epx 淺色
標頭 46 epx 淺色




  • titleNumeral

  • subheaderNumeral

  • headerNumeral



每一種樣式都有一種淡色變化,可讓文字具有 60% 不透明度,通常會使文字色彩帶有淺灰色陰影。

  • captionSubtle

  • bodySubtle

  • baseSubtle

  • subtitleSubtle

  • titleSubtle

  • titleNumeralSubtle

  • subheaderSubtle

  • subheaderNumeralSubtle

  • headerSubtle

  • headerNumeralSubtle



文字可以水平靠左、置中或靠右。 像是英文這類由左至右的語言,文字預設為靠左對齊。 像是阿拉伯文這類由右至左的語言,文字預設為靠右對齊。 您可以使用元素上的 hint-align 屬性手動設定對齊方式。

<text hint-align="center">Hello</text>
new AdaptiveText()
    Text = "Hello",
    HintAlign = AdaptiveTextAlign.Center


adaptive tiles text alignment


群組可讓您以語意方式宣告群組內的內容相關,而且必須完整顯示內容才有意義。 例如,您可能有兩個文字元素,一個標頭和一個子標頭,而只顯示標頭無法正確傳達意義。 藉由將這些元素組成子群組,元素將會全部顯示 (如果可容納) 或全部不顯示 (因為無法容納)。

為了在所有裝置和螢幕上提供最佳體驗,請提供多個群組。 擁有多個群組可讓您的磚針對較大的螢幕進行調整。



<binding template="TileWide" branding="nameAndLogo">
      <text hint-style="subtitle">Jennifer Parker</text>
      <text hint-style="captionSubtle">Photos from our trip</text>
      <text hint-style="captionSubtle">Check out these awesome photos I took while in New Zealand!</text>
  <text />
      <text hint-style="subtitle">Steve Bosniak</text>
      <text hint-style="captionSubtle">Build 2015 Dinner</text>
      <text hint-style="captionSubtle">Want to go out for dinner after Build tonight?</text>
TileWide = new TileBinding()
    Branding = TileBranding.NameAndLogo,
    Content = new TileBindingContentAdaptive()
        Children =
                from: "Jennifer Parker",
                subject: "Photos from our trip",
                body: "Check out these awesome photos I took while in New Zealand!"),

            // For spacing
            new AdaptiveText(),

                from: "Steve Bosniak",
                subject: "Build 2015 Dinner",
                body: "Want to go out for dinner after Build tonight?")


private static AdaptiveGroup CreateGroup(string from, string subject, string body)
    return new AdaptiveGroup()
        Children =
            new AdaptiveSubgroup()
                Children =
                    new AdaptiveText()
                        Text = from,
                        HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.Subtitle
                    new AdaptiveText()
                        Text = subject,
                        HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.CaptionSubtle
                    new AdaptiveText()
                        Text = body,
                        HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.CaptionSubtle


adaptive tiles groups and subgroups

子群組 (欄)

子群組也可讓您將資料分割成群組內的語意區段。 若是動態磚,這會透過視覺化的方式轉譯為欄。

hint-weight 屬性可讓您控制欄寬。 hint-weight 的值是以可用空間的加權比例表示,與 GridUnitType.Star 行為一致。 若是等寬欄,請將每個權數指定為 1。

hint-weight 寬度的百分比
1 25%
1 25%
1 25%
1 25%


subgroups, even columns

若要將某一欄設為另一欄的兩倍大,請將較小欄的權數指定為 1,並將較大欄的權數指定為 2。

hint-weight 寬度的百分比
1 33.3%
2 66.7%


subgroups, one column twice the size of the other

如果您想要讓第一欄佔總寬度的 20%,且第二欄佔總寬度的 80%,請將第一個權數指定為 20,並將第二個權數指定為 80。 如果您的總權數等於 100,則全部都會以百分比顯示。

hint-weight 寬度的百分比
20 20%
80 80%


subgroups, with weights totalling 100

請注意,欄之間會自動新增 8 像素的邊界。


如果您有兩個以上的子群組,則應指定 hint-weight,它只接受正整數。 如果您未指定第一個子群組的 hint-weight,則會為其指定權數 50。 對於下一個未指定 hint-weight 的子群組,指定的權數會等於 100 減去先前權數的總和,如果結果為零,則會指定 1。 對於其餘未指定 hint-weight 的子群組,將會指定權數 1。


<binding template="TileWide" displayName="Seattle" branding="name">
    <subgroup hint-weight="1">
      <text hint-align="center">Mon</text>
      <image src="Assets\Weather\Mostly Cloudy.png" hint-removeMargin="true"/>
      <text hint-align="center">63°</text>
      <text hint-align="center" hint-style="captionsubtle">42°</text>
    <subgroup hint-weight="1">
      <text hint-align="center">Tue</text>
      <image src="Assets\Weather\Cloudy.png" hint-removeMargin="true"/>
      <text hint-align="center">57°</text>
      <text hint-align="center" hint-style="captionsubtle">38°</text>
    <subgroup hint-weight="1">
      <text hint-align="center">Wed</text>
      <image src="Assets\Weather\Sunny.png" hint-removeMargin="true"/>
      <text hint-align="center">59°</text>
      <text hint-align="center" hint-style="captionsubtle">43°</text>
    <subgroup hint-weight="1">
      <text hint-align="center">Thu</text>
      <image src="Assets\Weather\Sunny.png" hint-removeMargin="true"/>
      <text hint-align="center">62°</text>
      <text hint-align="center" hint-style="captionsubtle">42°</text>
    <subgroup hint-weight="1">
      <text hint-align="center">Fri</text>
      <image src="Assets\Weather\Sunny.png" hint-removeMargin="true"/>
      <text hint-align="center">71°</text>
      <text hint-align="center" hint-style="captionsubtle">66°</text>
TileWide = new TileBinding()
    DisplayName = "Seattle",
    Branding = TileBranding.Name,
    Content = new TileBindingContentAdaptive()
        Children =
            new AdaptiveGroup()
                Children =
                    CreateSubgroup("Mon", "Mostly Cloudy.png", "63°", "42°"),
                    CreateSubgroup("Tue", "Cloudy.png", "57°", "38°"),
                    CreateSubgroup("Wed", "Sunny.png", "59°", "43°"),
                    CreateSubgroup("Thu", "Sunny.png", "62°", "42°"),
                    CreateSubgroup("Fri", "Sunny.png", "71°", "66°")


private static AdaptiveSubgroup CreateSubgroup(string day, string image, string highTemp, string lowTemp)
    return new AdaptiveSubgroup()
        HintWeight = 1,
        Children =
            new AdaptiveText()
                Text = day,
                HintAlign = AdaptiveTextAlign.Center
            new AdaptiveImage()
                Source = "Assets/Weather/" + image,
                HintRemoveMargin = true
            new AdaptiveText()
                Text = highTemp,
                HintAlign = AdaptiveTextAlign.Center
            new AdaptiveText()
                Text = lowTemp,
                HintAlign = AdaptiveTextAlign.Center,
                HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.CaptionSubtle


example of a weather tile


<image> 元素用來在磚通知上顯示影像。 影像可內嵌在磚內容中 (預設)、做為內容後方的背景影像,或是從通知頂端以動畫方式進場顯示的預覽影像。


您可以使用來自應用程式套件、應用程式的本機儲存體,或 Web 的影像。 自 Fall Creators Update 開始,一般連線的 Web 影像上限可達 3 MB,計量付費連線可達 1 MB。 在尚未執行 Fall Creators Update 的裝置上,Web 影像不得超過 200 KB。


若未指定額外的行為,影像將統一縮小或放大以填滿可用寬度。 此範例示範使用兩欄和內嵌影像的磚。 內嵌影像會延伸以填滿欄寬。

<binding template="TileMedium" displayName="Seattle" branding="name">
      <text hint-align="center">Mon</text>
      <image src="Assets\Apps\Weather\Mostly Cloudy.png" hint-removeMargin="true"/>
      <text hint-align="center">63°</text>
      <text hint-style="captionsubtle" hint-align="center">42°</text>
      <text hint-align="center">Tue</text>
      <image src="Assets\Apps\Weather\Cloudy.png" hint-removeMargin="true"/>
      <text hint-align="center">57°</text>
      <text hint-style="captionSubtle" hint-align="center">38°</text>
TileMedium = new TileBinding()
    DisplayName = "Seattle",
    Branding = TileBranding.Name,
    Content = new TileBindingContentAdaptive()
        Children =
            new AdaptiveGroup()
                Children =
                    CreateSubgroup("Mon", "Mostly Cloudy.png", "63°", "42°"),
                    CreateSubgroup("Tue", "Cloudy.png", "57°", "38°")
private static AdaptiveSubgroup CreateSubgroup(string day, string image, string highTemp, string lowTemp)
    return new AdaptiveSubgroup()
        Children =
            new AdaptiveText()
                Text = day,
                HintAlign = AdaptiveTextAlign.Center
            new AdaptiveImage()
                Source = "Assets/Weather/" + image,
                HintRemoveMargin = true
            new AdaptiveText()
                Text = highTemp,
                HintAlign = AdaptiveTextAlign.Center
            new AdaptiveText()
                Text = lowTemp,
                HintAlign = AdaptiveTextAlign.Center,
                HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.CaptionSubtle


image example

放置在 <binding> 根目錄中或在第一個群組中的影像,也會配合可用高度進行延伸。


您可以使用 hint-align 屬性將影像設定為靠左、置中或靠右對齊。 這也會使得影像以原生解析度顯示,而不會延伸以填滿寬度。

<binding template="TileLarge">
  <image src="Assets/fable.jpg" hint-align="center"/>
TileLarge = new TileBinding()
    Content = new TileBindingContentAdaptive()
        Children =
            new AdaptiveImage()
                Source = "Assets/fable.jpg",
                HintAlign = AdaptiveImageAlign.Center


image alignment example (left, center, right)


根據預設,內嵌影像與其上方或下方內容之間有 8 個像素的邊界。 您可以使用影像上的 hint-removeMargin 屬性移除此邊界。 不過,影像一律會與磚邊緣之間保留 8 個像素邊界,而子群組 (欄) 一律會在欄之間保留 8 個像素邊框間距。

<binding template="TileMedium" branding="none">
      <text hint-align="center">Mon</text>
      <image src="Assets\Numbers\4.jpg" hint-removeMargin="true"/>
      <text hint-align="center">63°</text>
      <text hint-style="captionsubtle" hint-align="center">42°</text>
      <text hint-align="center">Tue</text>
      <image src="Assets\Numbers\3.jpg" hint-removeMargin="true"/>
      <text hint-align="center">57°</text>
      <text hint-style="captionsubtle" hint-align="center">38°</text>
TileMedium = new TileBinding()
    Branding = TileBranding.None,
    Content = new TileBindingContentAdaptive()
        Children =
            new AdaptiveGroup()
                Children =
                    CreateSubgroup("Mon", "4.jpg", "63°", "42°"),
                    CreateSubgroup("Tue", "3.jpg", "57°", "38°")


private static AdaptiveSubgroup CreateSubgroup(string day, string image, string highTemp, string lowTemp)
    return new AdaptiveSubgroup()
        HintWeight = 1,
        Children =
            new AdaptiveText()
                Text = day,
                HintAlign = AdaptiveTextAlign.Center
            new AdaptiveImage()
                Source = "Assets/Numbers/" + image,
                HintRemoveMargin = true
            new AdaptiveText()
                Text = highTemp,
                HintAlign = AdaptiveTextAlign.Center
            new AdaptiveText()
                Text = lowTemp,
                HintAlign = AdaptiveTextAlign.Center,
                HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.CaptionSubtle

hint remove margin example


使用 hint-crop 屬性可以將影像裁剪成圓形,此屬性目前僅支援「none」(預設) 或「circle」值。

<binding template="TileLarge" hint-textStacking="center">
    <subgroup hint-weight="1"/>
    <subgroup hint-weight="2">
      <image src="Assets/Apps/Hipstame/hipster.jpg" hint-crop="circle"/>
    <subgroup hint-weight="1"/>
  <text hint-style="title" hint-align="center">Hi,</text>
  <text hint-style="subtitleSubtle" hint-align="center">MasterHip</text>
TileLarge = new TileBinding()
    Content = new TileBindingContentAdaptive()
        TextStacking = TileTextStacking.Center,
        Children =
            new AdaptiveGroup()
                Children =
                    new AdaptiveSubgroup() { HintWeight = 1 },
                    new AdaptiveSubgroup()
                        HintWeight = 2,
                        Children =
                            new AdaptiveImage()
                                Source = "Assets/Apps/Hipstame/hipster.jpg",
                                HintCrop = AdaptiveImageCrop.Circle
                    new AdaptiveSubgroup() { HintWeight = 1 }
            new AdaptiveText()
                Text = "Hi,",
                HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.Title,
                HintAlign = AdaptiveTextAlign.Center
            new AdaptiveText()
                Text = "MasterHip",
                HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.SubtitleSubtle,
                HintAlign = AdaptiveTextAlign.Center


image cropping example


若要設定背景影像,請將影像元素放在 <binding> 的根目錄中,並將位置屬性設定為「background」。

<binding template="TileWide">
  <image src="Assets\Mostly Cloudy-Background.jpg" placement="background"/>
    <subgroup hint-weight="1">
      <text hint-align="center">Mon</text>
      <image src="Assets\Weather\Mostly Cloudy.png" hint-removeMargin="true"/>
      <text hint-align="center">63°</text>
      <text hint-align="center" hint-style="captionsubtle">42°</text>
TileWide = new TileBinding()
    Content = new TileBindingContentAdaptive()
        BackgroundImage = new TileBackgroundImage()
            Source = "Assets/Mostly Cloudy-Background.jpg"

        Children =
            new AdaptiveGroup()
                Children =
                    CreateSubgroup("Mon", "Mostly Cloudy.png", "63°", "42°")


private static AdaptiveSubgroup CreateSubgroup(string day, string image, string highTemp, string lowTemp)
    return new AdaptiveSubgroup()
        HintWeight = 1,
        Children =
            new AdaptiveText()
                Text = day,
                HintAlign = AdaptiveTextAlign.Center
            new AdaptiveImage()
                Source = "Assets/Weather/" + image,
                HintRemoveMargin = true
            new AdaptiveText()
                Text = highTemp,
                HintAlign = AdaptiveTextAlign.Center
            new AdaptiveText()
                Text = lowTemp,
                HintAlign = AdaptiveTextAlign.Center,
                HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.CaptionSubtle


background image example


您可以指定從磚頂端進場顯示的「預覽」影像。 預覽影像使用動畫從磚頂端向下/向上滑動、預覽檢視,接著再向外滑動以顯示磚上的主要內容。 若要設定預覽影像,請將影像元素放在 <binding> 的根目錄中,並將位置屬性設定為「peek」。

<binding template="TileMedium" branding="name">
  <image placement="peek" src="Assets/Apps/Hipstame/hipster.jpg"/>
  <text>New Message</text>
  <text hint-style="captionsubtle" hint-wrap="true">Hey, have you tried Windows 10 yet?</text>
TileWide = new TileBinding()
    Branding = TileBranding.Name,
    Content = new TileBindingContentAdaptive()
        PeekImage = new TilePeekImage()
            Source = "Assets/Apps/Hipstame/hipster.jpg"
        Children =
            new AdaptiveText()
                Text = "New Message"
            new AdaptiveText()
                Text = "Hey, have you tried Windows 10 yet?",
                HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.CaptionSubtle,
                HintWrap = true

examples of peeking images


在預覽和背景影像上使用 hint-crop 屬性執行圓形裁剪:

<image placement="peek" hint-crop="circle" src="Assets/Apps/Hipstame/hipster.jpg"/>
new TilePeekImage()
    HintCrop = TilePeekImageCrop.Circle,
    Source = "Assets/Apps/Hipstame/hipster.jpg"


circle crop for peek and background image




peek and background image used together


您可以使用 hint-overlay 在背景和預覽影像上設定黑色重疊,此屬性可接受 0 到 100 的整數,0 表示無重疊,100 表示全黑重疊。 使用重疊有助於確保磚上的文字可供閱讀。

在背景影像上使用 hint-overlay

您的背景影像會預設為 20% 重疊,前提是您的承載中已有一些文字元素 (否則會預設為 0% 重疊)。

<binding template="TileWide">
  <image placement="background" hint-overlay="60" src="Assets\Mostly Cloudy-Background.jpg"/>
TileWide = new TileBinding()
    Content = new TileBindingContentAdaptive()
        BackgroundImage = new TileBackgroundImage()
            Source = "Assets/Mostly Cloudy-Background.jpg",
            HintOverlay = 60


hint-overlay 結果:

example of an image hint overlay

在預覽影像上使用 hint-overlay

在 Windows 10 的 1511 版中,我們也支援預覽影像重疊,就如同背景影像。 在預覽影像元素上指定 0-100 整數的 hint-overlay。 預覽影像的預設重疊為 0 (無重疊)。

<binding template="TileMedium">
  <image hint-overlay="20" src="Assets\Map.jpg" placement="peek"/>
TileMedium = new TileBinding()
    Content = new TileBindingContentAdaptive()
        PeekImage = new TilePeekImage()
            Source = "Assets/Map.jpg",
            HintOverlay = 20

此範例顯示 20% 不透明度 (左) 和 0% 不透明度 (右) 的預覽影像:

hint-overlay on a peek image

垂直對齊 (文字堆疊)

您可以在 TileBinding 元素和 AdaptiveSubgroup 元素上使用 hint-textStacking 屬性來控制磚上內容的垂直對齊方式。 根據預設,所有內容都會垂直靠上對齊,但您也可以將內容靠下或置中對齊。

binding 元素上的文字堆疊

TileBinding 層級套用時,文字堆疊會整體設定通知內容的垂直對齊方式,也就是對齊商標/徽章區域上方的可用垂直空間。

<binding template="TileMedium" hint-textStacking="center" branding="logo">
  <text hint-style="base" hint-align="center">Hi,</text>
  <text hint-style="captionSubtle" hint-align="center">MasterHip</text>
TileMedium = new TileBinding()
    Branding = TileBranding.Logo,
    Content = new TileBindingContentAdaptive()
        TextStacking = TileTextStacking.Center,
        Children =
            new AdaptiveText()
                Text = "Hi,",
                HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.Base,
                HintAlign = AdaptiveTextAlign.Center

            new AdaptiveText()
                Text = "MasterHip",
                HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.CaptionSubtle,
                HintAlign = AdaptiveTextAlign.Center

text stacking on binding element

subgroup 元素上的文字堆疊

AdaptiveSubgroup 層級套用時,文字堆疊會設定子群組 (欄) 內容的垂直對齊方式,也就是對齊整個群組內可用的垂直空間。

<binding template="TileWide" branding="nameAndLogo">
    <subgroup hint-weight="33">
      <image src="Assets/Apps/Hipstame/hipster.jpg" hint-crop="circle"/>
    <subgroup hint-textStacking="center">
      <text hint-style="subtitle">Hi,</text>
      <text hint-style="bodySubtle">MasterHip</text>
TileWide = new TileBinding()
    Branding = TileBranding.NameAndLogo,
    Content = new TileBindingContentAdaptive()
        Children =
            new AdaptiveGroup()
                Children =
                    // Image column
                    new AdaptiveSubgroup()
                        HintWeight = 33,
                        Children =
                            new AdaptiveImage()
                                Source = "Assets/Apps/Hipstame/hipster.jpg",
                                HintCrop = AdaptiveImageCrop.Circle

                    // Text column
                    new AdaptiveSubgroup()
                        // Vertical align its contents
                        TextStacking = TileTextStacking.Center,
                        Children =
                            new AdaptiveText()
                                Text = "Hi,",
                                HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.Subtitle

                            new AdaptiveText()
                                Text = "MasterHip",
                                HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.BodySubtle