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ACSCallDiagnostics 表的查询
有关在 Azure 门户中使用这些查询的信息,请参阅 Log Analytics 教程。 有关 REST API,请参阅查询。
// Count the streams and distinct calls
| summarize num_streams=count(), num_calls=dcount(CorrelationId)
// Calculate the average number of streams per call
| extend avg_streams = toreal(num_streams) / toreal(num_calls)
// Counts the number of streams per call
| summarize streams_per_call=count() by CorrelationId
// Aggregates the numbers of streams per call (e.g. if there are 7 calls that have 6 streams,
// this will produce a row [streams_per_call=6, stream_counts=7])
| summarize stream_counts=count() by streams_per_call
| order by streams_per_call asc
| render columnchart title="Streams per call histogram"
// Count the number of streams per media type
| summarize media_types=count() by MediaType
| render piechart title="Media Type Ratio"
// Count the number of streams per transport type
| summarize transport_types=count() by TransportType
| render piechart title="Transport Type Ratio"
// Calculate the average value for each of the six telemetry fields
| summarize Avg_JitterAvg=avg(JitterAvg),
// Filter null values
| where isnotnull(JitterAvg)
// Count jitter values by 10 millisecond intervals
| summarize JitterAvg_counts=count() by bin(JitterAvg, 10)
| order by JitterAvg asc
| render columnchart with (xcolumn = JitterAvg, title="JitterAvg histogram")
// Filter null values
| where isnotnull(JitterMax)
// Count jitter values by 10 millisecond intervals
|summarize JitterMax_counts=count() by JitterMax
| order by JitterMax asc
| render columnchart with (xcolumn = JitterMax, title="JitterMax histogram")
// Filter null values
| where isnotnull(PacketLossRateAvg)
// Count packet loss rate values within an inverval of 0.01 (1%)
| summarize PacketLossRateAvg_counts=count() by bin(PacketLossRateAvg, 0.01)
| order by PacketLossRateAvg asc
| render columnchart with (xcolumn = PacketLossRateAvg, title="PacketLossRateAvg histogram")
// Filter null values
| where isnotnull(PacketLossRateMax)
// Count packet loss rate values within an inverval of 0.01 (1%)
|summarize PacketLossRateMax_counts=count() by bin(PacketLossRateMax, 0.01)
| order by PacketLossRateMax asc
| render columnchart with (xcolumn = PacketLossRateMax, title="PacketLossRateMax histogram")
// RoundTripTime Average Histogram
// Filter null values
| where isnotnull(RoundTripTimeAvg)
// Count round trip time values by 10 millisecond intervals
|summarize RoundTripTimeAvg_counts=count() by bin(RoundTripTimeAvg, 10)
| order by RoundTripTimeAvg asc
| render columnchart with (xcolumn = RoundTripTimeAvg, title="RoundTripTimeAvg histogram")
// Filter null values
| where isnotnull(RoundTripTimeMax)
// Count round trip time values by 10 millisecond intervals
|summarize RoundTripTimeMax_counts=count() by bin(RoundTripTimeMax, 10)
| order by RoundTripTimeMax asc
| render columnchart with (xcolumn = RoundTripTimeMax, title="RoundTripTimeMax histogram")
// Classify the jitter quality as Poor or Good based on
// whether the average jitter is higher than 30 milliseconds
| project JitterQuality = iff(JitterAvg > 30, "Poor", "Good")
// Counts the number of streams per jitter quality
| summarize count() by JitterQuality
| render piechart title="Jitter Quality"
// Classify packet loss rate quality as Poor or Good based on
// whether the average packet loss rate is higher than 10%
| project PacketLossRateQuality = iff(PacketLossRateAvg > 0.1, "Poor", "Good")
// Count the number of streams per packet loss rate quality
| summarize count() by PacketLossRateQuality
| render piechart title="Packet Loss Rate Quality"
// Classifying the round trip time quality as Poor or Good based on
// whether the average round trip time is higher than 500 milliseconds
| project RoundTripTimeQuality = iff(RoundTripTimeAvg > 500, "Poor", "Good")
// Count the number of streams per round trip time quality
| summarize count() by RoundTripTimeQuality
| render piechart title="Round Trip Time Quality"
使用相关 ID 查询与调用自动化 API 交互的调用的诊断日志。
//| where CorrelationId == "<correlation ID>" // This can be uncommented to filter on a specific correlation ID
| join kind=inner
on CorrelationId
| limit 100
// Set queryConditions_keyword to be the searching keyword. It can be CallId, ParticipantId,
// Identifier or any other column values in ACSCallSummary log. If not set, the query will return all calls.
// Note this query is also used to provide the data in Call Diagnostics.
declare query_parameters(queryConditions_keyword:string = '',
queryConditions_startTime:string = '',
queryConditions_endTime:string = '');
let callIds =
| where isempty(queryConditions_startTime) or CallStartTime >= todatetime(queryConditions_startTime)
| extend CallEndTime = CallStartTime + totimespan(strcat(tostring(CallDuration), 's'))
| where isempty(queryConditions_endTime) or CallEndTime <= todatetime(queryConditions_endTime)
| where isempty(queryConditions_keyword) or * contains queryConditions_keyword
| distinct CorrelationId, ParticipantId);
let searchedCalls =
| where CorrelationId in ((callIds | project CorrelationId))
| extend CallEndTime = CallStartTime + totimespan(strcat(tostring(CallDuration), 's'))
| where CorrelationId != ParticipantId
| extend ParticipantId = coalesce(ParticipantId, Identifier, EndpointId)
| extend ParticipantId = iff(ParticipantId == 'Redacted', strcat('RedactedParticipant-', EndpointType, '-Identifier-', Identifier), ParticipantId)
| extend EndpointId = iff(EndpointId == 'Redacted', strcat('RedactedEndpoint-', EndpointType, '-Identifier-', Identifier), EndpointId)
| summarize hint.strategy = shuffle CallStartTime = take_any(CallStartTime), CallEndTime = take_any(CallEndTime), CallType = take_any(CallType),
numOfDroppedParticipant = count_distinctif(ParticipantId, ParticipantEndReason in ('380', '400', '407', '408', '409', '410',
'412', '417', '430', '439', '440', '481', '483', '488', '489', '493', '500', '502', '503', '504', '580')) by CorrelationId);
// client type
let allParticipants = materialize(ACSCallSummary
| where CorrelationId != ParticipantId
| extend ParticipantId = coalesce(ParticipantId, Identifier, EndpointId)
| extend ParticipantId = iff(ParticipantId == 'Redacted', strcat('RedactedParticipant-', EndpointType, '-Identifier-', Identifier), ParticipantId)
| extend EndpointId = iff(EndpointId == 'Redacted', strcat('RedactedEndpoint-', EndpointType, '-Identifier-', Identifier), EndpointId)
| where CorrelationId in ((callIds | project CorrelationId))
| union (ACSCallClientOperations
| where CallId in ((callIds | project CorrelationId))
| where isnotempty(ParticipantId)
| distinct ParticipantId, CorrelationId = CallId, EndpointType = 'VoIP')
| summarize hint.strategy = shuffle take_any(EndpointType) by ParticipantId, CorrelationId);
let clientTypeInfo = materialize(allParticipants
| summarize hint.strategy = shuffle count() by EndpointType, CorrelationId
| extend info = strcat(count_, ' ', EndpointType)
| summarize hint.strategy = shuffle summaryInfo = make_list(info, 100) by CorrelationId
| extend ClientType = strcat_array(summaryInfo, ', ')
| project CorrelationId, ClientType);
let totalNumOfParticipants = materialize(allParticipants | summarize hint.strategy = shuffle participantsCount = dcount(ParticipantId) by CorrelationId);
// quality
let qualityInfo = materialize(ACSCallDiagnostics
| where CorrelationId in ((callIds | project CorrelationId))
| where CorrelationId != ParticipantId
| extend ParticipantId = coalesce(ParticipantId, Identifier, EndpointId)
| extend ParticipantId = iff(ParticipantId == 'Redacted', strcat('RedactedParticipant-', EndpointType, '-Identifier-', Identifier), ParticipantId)
| extend EndpointId = iff(EndpointId == 'Redacted', strcat('RedactedEndpoint-', EndpointType, '-Identifier-', Identifier), EndpointId)
| where isnotempty(StreamId)
| summarize hint.strategy = shuffle arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by ParticipantId, StreamId
| extend
MediaType = iff(MediaType == 'VBSS', 'ScreenSharing', MediaType) | extend
__JitterQuality = iff(JitterAvg > 30, "Poor", "Good"),
__JitterBufferQuality = iff(JitterBufferSizeAvg > 200, "Poor", "Good"),
__PacketLossRateQuality = iff(PacketLossRateAvg > 0.1, "Poor", "Good"),
__RoundTripTimeQuality = iff(RoundTripTimeAvg > 500, "Poor", "Good"),
__HealedDataRatioQuality = iff(HealedDataRatioAvg > 0.1, "Poor", "Good"),
__VideoFrameRateQuality = iff((VideoFrameRateAvg < 1 and MediaType == 'ScreenSharing') or
(VideoFrameRateAvg < 7 and MediaType == 'Video'), "Poor", "Good"),
__FreezesQuality = iff((RecvFreezeDurationPerMinuteInMs > 25000 and MediaType == 'ScreenSharing') or
(RecvFreezeDurationPerMinuteInMs > 6000 and MediaType == 'Video'), "Poor", "Good"),
__VideoResolutionHeightQuality = iff((RecvResolutionHeight < 768 and MediaType == 'ScreenSharing') or
(RecvResolutionHeight < 240 and MediaType == 'Video'), "Poor", "Good")
| extend
__StreamQuality = iff(
(__JitterQuality == "Poor")
or (__JitterBufferQuality == "Poor")
or (__PacketLossRateQuality == "Poor")
or (__RoundTripTimeQuality == "Poor")
or (__HealedDataRatioQuality == "Poor")
or (__VideoFrameRateQuality == "Poor")
or (__FreezesQuality == "Poor")
or (__VideoResolutionHeightQuality == "Poor"),
"Poor", "Good"),
MediaDirection = iff(EndpointType == 'Server', 'InboundStream', 'OutboundStream')
| summarize hint.strategy = shuffle numOfPoorStreams = countif(__StreamQuality == 'Poor') by CorrelationId
| extend Quality = iff(numOfPoorStreams >0, 'Poor', 'Good') | project Quality, numOfPoorStreams, CorrelationId);
// rating
let ratingInfo = materialize(ACSCallSurvey
| where CallId in ((callIds | project CorrelationId))
| extend OverallRatingScoreUpperBound = iff(isnotempty(OverallRatingScoreUpperBound), OverallRatingScoreUpperBound, 5)
| summarize hint.strategy = shuffle Rating = avg(OverallRatingScore*5.0/OverallRatingScoreUpperBound) by CallId
| project CorrelationId=CallId, Rating);
// client operation issues
let rangeEventsWithCorrelation = dynamic(['UserFacingDiagnostics']);
let pointEvents = dynamic([
'SelectedMicrophoneChanged', 'SelectedSpeakerChanged', 'OptimalVideoCount-changed', 'State-changed', 'CallMode-changed',
'IsMuted-changed', 'IsIncomingAudioMuted-changed', 'Id-changed', 'Role-changed', 'SelectedDevice-changed', 'PageHidden',
'optimalVideoCount-changed', 'state-changed', 'callMode-changed', 'isMuted-changed', 'isIncomingAudioMuted-changed',
'id-changed', 'role-changed', 'selectedDevice-changed', 'pageHidden']);
// We need clientIds to get all operations before call is established.
let callClientIds = materialize(ACSCallClientOperations
| where ParticipantId in ((callIds | project ParticipantId)) or CallId in ((callIds | project CorrelationId))
| distinct ClientInstanceId, ParticipantId, CallId);
let allOperations =
materialize(callClientIds | join kind=rightouter hint.strategy=shuffle
| where isempty(queryConditions_startTime) or CallClientTimeStamp >= (todatetime(queryConditions_startTime) - 2h)
| where ParticipantId in ((callIds | project ParticipantId)) or CallId in ((callIds | project CorrelationId)) or ClientInstanceId in ((callClientIds | project ClientInstanceId))
| where isnotempty(OperationName) and OperationName != 'CallClientOperations'
and isnotempty(OperationId) and isnotempty(CallClientTimeStamp))
on ClientInstanceId
| extend ParticipantId = coalesce(ParticipantId, ParticipantId1), CallId = coalesce(CallId, CallId1)
| project-away ParticipantId1, ClientInstanceId1, CallId1
| summarize hint.strategy = shuffle arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by OperationId, CallClientTimeStamp);
let correlatedOperations = materialize(allOperations
| where OperationName in (rangeEventsWithCorrelation)
| extend OperationPayload = todynamic(OperationPayload)
| extend
UFDQuality = tostring(OperationPayload.DiagnosticQuality),
UFDType = tostring(OperationPayload.DiagnosticChanged)
| extend UFDType = strcat(toupper(substring(UFDType, 0, 1)),substring(UFDType, 1))
| extend OperationPayloadNew = bag_pack(tostring(CallClientTimeStamp), OperationPayload)
| project-away ResultType
| summarize hint.strategy = shuffle
arg_max(TimeGenerated, *), ResultType = iff(countif(UFDQuality != 'Good')>0, 'Failed', 'Succeeded'),
OperationStartTime = min(CallClientTimeStamp), OperationEndTime = max(CallClientTimeStamp),
OperationPayloadPacked = make_bag(OperationPayloadNew) by OperationId, UFDType, CallId
| extend ResultType = iff(UFDType has_any ("SpeakingWhileMicrophoneIsMuted", "SpeakerMuted"), 'Succeeded', ResultType), OperationName = UFDType
| where ResultType !in ('Succeeded', 'Success', 'ExpectedError'));
let nonCorrelatedOperations = materialize(allOperations
| where OperationName !in (rangeEventsWithCorrelation)
| extend OperationId = coalesce(hash_sha256(strcat(OperationId, tostring(CallClientTimeStamp))), tostring(new_guid()))
| summarize hint.strategy = shuffle arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by OperationId, CallId
| where ResultType !in ('Succeeded', 'Success', 'ExpectedError'));
let clientOperationIssues =
materialize(union nonCorrelatedOperations, correlatedOperations
| summarize hint.strategy = shuffle numOfBadOperations=count() by OperationName, CallId
| extend badClientOperations = bag_pack(OperationName, numOfBadOperations)
| summarize hint.strategy = shuffle badClientOperations = make_bag(badClientOperations), numOfBadOperations = sum(numOfBadOperations) by CorrelationId=CallId);
| join kind=leftouter hint.strategy=shuffle clientTypeInfo on CorrelationId
| join kind=leftouter hint.strategy=shuffle qualityInfo on CorrelationId
| join kind=leftouter hint.strategy=shuffle ratingInfo on CorrelationId
| join kind=leftouter hint.strategy=shuffle clientOperationIssues on CorrelationId
| join kind=leftouter hint.strategy=shuffle totalNumOfParticipants on CorrelationId
| extend numOfPoorStreams = coalesce(numOfPoorStreams, 0)
| extend
drops=bag_pack('Call Ended Ungracefully',numOfDroppedParticipant),
badMediaStreams = bag_pack('Poor Media Streams', numOfPoorStreams),
Issues = coalesce(numOfBadOperations, 0) + numOfDroppedParticipant + numOfPoorStreams
| extend
IssuesBreakdown=bag_merge(drops, badClientOperations, badMediaStreams)
| project
CallId=CorrelationId, CallStartTime, CallEndTime, CallType,
Participants=participantsCount, ClientType,
Quality=iff(isempty(Quality), 'Unknown', Quality),
Rating=case(isempty(Rating), 'Unknown', Rating>=4.5, 'Good', Rating >=3, 'Average', 'Poor'),
NumOfDroppedParticipant = numOfDroppedParticipant,
NumOfPoorStreams = numOfPoorStreams,
Issues, IssuesBreakdown
| order by CallStartTime desc
通过 callId 查找呼叫中的所有参与者,并返回参与者的详细信息。此查询还用于在呼叫诊断中搜索参与者。
// Set queryConditions_callId to be the CallId you want to query.
// Note this query is used in Call Diagnostics to get all the participant entities of a call.
declare query_parameters(queryConditions_callId:string = '');
let participants = materialize(ACSCallSummary
| where CorrelationId == queryConditions_callId
| where ParticipantId != CorrelationId and isnotempty(ParticipantId)
| distinct ParticipantId, CallType);
let serviceSideParticipants = materialize(ACSCallSummary
| where CorrelationId == queryConditions_callId
// some participants don't have startTime, we use callStartTime instead.
| extend ParticipantStartTime = coalesce(ParticipantStartTime, CallStartTime)
| extend ParticipantEndTime = coalesce(ParticipantStartTime + 1s*ParticipantDuration, ParticipantStartTime + 10ms)
| extend EndReason=case(
ParticipantEndReason == "0", "Success",
ParticipantEndReason == "100","Trying",
ParticipantEndReason == "180","Ringing",
ParticipantEndReason == "181","Call Is Being Forwarded",
ParticipantEndReason == "182","Queued",
ParticipantEndReason == "183","Session Progress",
ParticipantEndReason == "199","Early Dialog Terminated",
ParticipantEndReason == "200","Success",
ParticipantEndReason == "202","Accepted",
ParticipantEndReason == "204","No Notification",
ParticipantEndReason == "300","Multiple Choices",
ParticipantEndReason == "301","Moved Permanently",
ParticipantEndReason == "302","Moved Temporarily",
ParticipantEndReason == "305","Use Proxy",
ParticipantEndReason == "380","Alternative Service",
ParticipantEndReason == "400","Bad Request",
ParticipantEndReason == "401","Unauthorized",
ParticipantEndReason == "402","Payment Required",
ParticipantEndReason == "403","Forbidden / Authentication failure",
ParticipantEndReason == "404","Call not found",
ParticipantEndReason == "405","Method Not Allowed",
ParticipantEndReason == "406","Not Acceptable",
ParticipantEndReason == "407","Proxy Authentication Required",
ParticipantEndReason == "408","Call controller timed out",
ParticipantEndReason == "409","Conflict",
ParticipantEndReason == "410","Local media stack or media infrastructure error",
ParticipantEndReason == "411","Length Required",
ParticipantEndReason == "412","Conditional Request Failed",
ParticipantEndReason == "413","Request Entity Too Large",
ParticipantEndReason == "414","Request-URI Too Large",
ParticipantEndReason == "415","Unsupported Media Type",
ParticipantEndReason == "416","Unsupported URI Scheme",
ParticipantEndReason == "417","Unknown Resource-Priority",
ParticipantEndReason == "420","Bad Extension",
ParticipantEndReason == "421","Extension Required",
ParticipantEndReason == "422","Session Interval Too Small",
ParticipantEndReason == "423","Interval Too Brief",
ParticipantEndReason == "424","Bad Location Information",
ParticipantEndReason == "428","Use Identity Header",
ParticipantEndReason == "429","Provide Referrer Identity",
ParticipantEndReason == "430","Unable to deliver message to client application",
ParticipantEndReason == "433","Anonymity Disallowed",
ParticipantEndReason == "436","Bad Identity-Info",
ParticipantEndReason == "437","Unsupported Certificate",
ParticipantEndReason == "438","Invalid Identity Header",
ParticipantEndReason == "439","First Hop Lacks Outbound Support",
ParticipantEndReason == "440","Max-Breadth Exceeded",
ParticipantEndReason == "469","Bad Info Package",
ParticipantEndReason == "470","Consent Needed",
ParticipantEndReason == "480","Remote client endpoint not registered",
ParticipantEndReason == "481","Failed to handle incoming call",
ParticipantEndReason == "482","Loop Detected",
ParticipantEndReason == "483","Too Many Hops",
ParticipantEndReason == "484","Address Incomplete",
ParticipantEndReason == "485","Ambiguous",
ParticipantEndReason == "486","Busy Here",
ParticipantEndReason == "487","Call canceled, locally declined, ended due to an endpoint mismatch issue, or failed to generate media offer",
ParticipantEndReason == "488","Not Acceptable Here",
ParticipantEndReason == "489","Bad Event",
ParticipantEndReason == "490","Local endpoint network issues",
ParticipantEndReason == "491","Local endpoint network issues",
ParticipantEndReason == "493","Undecipherable",
ParticipantEndReason == "494","Security Agreement Required",
ParticipantEndReason == "496","Local endpoint network issues",
ParticipantEndReason == "497","Local endpoint network issues",
ParticipantEndReason == "498","Local endpoint network issues",
ParticipantEndReason == "500","Communication Services infrastructure error",
ParticipantEndReason == "501","Not Implemented",
ParticipantEndReason == "502","Bad Gateway",
ParticipantEndReason == "503","Communication Services infrastructure error",
ParticipantEndReason == "504","Communication Services infrastructure error",
ParticipantEndReason == "505","Version Not Supported",
ParticipantEndReason == "513","Message Too Large",
ParticipantEndReason == "555","Push Notification Service Not Supported",
ParticipantEndReason == "580","Precondition Failure",
ParticipantEndReason == "600","Busy Everywhere",
ParticipantEndReason == "603","Call globally declined by remote Communication Services participant",
ParticipantEndReason == "604","Does Not Exist Anywhere",
ParticipantEndReason == "606","Not Acceptable",
ParticipantEndReason == "607","Unwanted",
ParticipantEndReason == "608","Rejected", "")
| extend Rank = iff(isempty(ParticipantId) and CallType == 'P2P' and EndpointType == 'VoIP', -1, 1)
| where CorrelationId != ParticipantId
| extend ParticipantId = coalesce(ParticipantId, Identifier, EndpointId)
| extend ParticipantId = iff(ParticipantId == 'Redacted', strcat('RedactedParticipant-', EndpointType, '-Identifier-', Identifier), ParticipantId)
| extend EndpointId = iff(EndpointId == 'Redacted', strcat('RedactedEndpoint-', EndpointType, '-Identifier-', Identifier), EndpointId)
| summarize hint.strategy = shuffle arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by ParticipantId
| extend CallDroppedUngracefully = ParticipantEndReason in ('380', '400', '407', '408', '409', '410',
'412', '417', '430', '439', '440', '481', '483', '488', '489', '493', '500', '502', '503', '504', '580')
| project
ParentEntityId = CorrelationId,
ParentEntityType = 'Call',
EntityType = 'Participant',
EntityId = ParticipantId,
EntityDisplayName = strcat('Participant-', ParticipantId),
EntityPayload = bag_pack(
'EndReasonCode', toint(ParticipantEndReason),
'EndReasonPhrase', EndReason,
'Identifier', Identifier,
'EndpointId', EndpointId,
'ParticipantType', ParticipantType,
'EndpointType', EndpointType,
'SdkVersion', SdkVersion,
'OsVersion', OsVersion,
'PstnParticipantCallType', PstnParticipantCallType
Insights_HasIssues = CallDroppedUngracefully,
Insights_Payload = bag_pack(
'EndReasonCode', toint(ParticipantEndReason),
'EndReasonPhrase', EndReason,
'ParticipantId', ParticipantId,
'CallDroppedUngracefully', CallDroppedUngracefully),
GroupName = "lifeCycle",
let clientSideParticipants = materialize(ACSCallClientOperations
| where ParticipantId in (participants) or CallId == queryConditions_callId
| where isnotempty(OperationName) and OperationName != 'CallClientOperations'
and isnotempty(OperationId) and isnotempty(CallClientTimeStamp)
| extend OperationId = coalesce(hash_sha256(strcat(OperationId, tostring(CallClientTimeStamp), OperationName)), tostring(new_guid()))
| summarize hint.strategy = shuffle arg_max(CallId, *) by OperationId
| where isnotempty(ParticipantId)
| extend OS = parse_user_agent(UserAgent, 'os').OperatingSystem
| extend OsVersion = strcat(OS.Family, OS.MajorVersion,'.', OS.MinorVersion)
| project OperationId, ParticipantId, CallId, CallClientTimeStamp, OperationName, OperationPayload, OsVersion, SdkVersion, ResultSignature, ResultType
| extend OperationPayload = todynamic(OperationPayload)
| extend
UFDQuality = tostring(OperationPayload.DiagnosticQuality),
UFDType = tostring(OperationPayload.DiagnosticChanged),
isUFD = OperationName == 'UserFacingDiagnostics'
| extend
ResultType = iff(isUFD, iff(UFDQuality != 'Good' and not(UFDType has_any ("SpeakingWhileMicrophoneIsMuted", "SpeakerMuted")), 'Failed', 'Succeeded'), ResultType),
CallDroppedUngracefully = iff(OperationName in ('Hangup', 'EnterCall', 'Join'), ResultType !in ('Succeeded', 'Success', 'ExpectedError'), False),
ParticipantStartTime = iff(OperationName == 'EnterCall', CallClientTimeStamp, datetime(null)),
ParticipantEndTime = iff(OperationName == 'Hangup', CallClientTimeStamp, datetime(null))
| summarize hint.strategy = shuffle arg_max(CallId, *), ResultType = iff(countif(ResultType == 'Failed') > 0, 'Failed', 'Succeeded'),
CallDroppedUngracefully = countif(CallDroppedUngracefully) > 0,
ParticipantStartTimeApprox = min(CallClientTimeStamp),
ParticipantEndTimeApprox = max(CallClientTimeStamp) by ParticipantId
| extend
ParticipantStartTime = coalesce(ParticipantStartTime, ParticipantStartTimeApprox),
ParticipantEndTime = coalesce(ParticipantEndTime, ParticipantEndTimeApprox)
| project
ParentEntityId = queryConditions_callId,
ParentEntityType = 'Call',
EntityId = ParticipantId,
EntityType = 'Participant',
EntityDisplayName = strcat('Participant-', ParticipantId),
EntityDuration=tolong((ParticipantEndTime - ParticipantStartTime)/1s),
EntityPayload = bag_pack(
'ParticipantType', 'ACS',
'EndpointType', 'VoIP',
'SdkVersion', SdkVersion,
'OsVersion', OsVersion
Insights_HasIssues = ResultType == 'Failed',
Insights_Payload = bag_pack('ParticipantId', ParticipantId, 'CallDroppedUngracefully', CallDroppedUngracefully),
GroupName = "lifeCycle",
Rank = 0);
// Merge participantEntities from service side and client side, and if the participant exists in both sides, we take the one with higher Rank.
union serviceSideParticipants, clientSideParticipants
| summarize hint.strategy = shuffle arg_max(Rank, *), EntityPayload_Merged = make_bag(EntityPayload),
Insights_Payload_Merged = make_bag(Insights_Payload),
Insights_HasIssues_Merged = countif(Insights_HasIssues) > 0 by EntityId
| order by Rank
| project
EntityPayload = EntityPayload_Merged,
Insights_HasIssues = Insights_HasIssues_Merged,
Insights_Payload = Insights_Payload_Merged
Microsoft 365 Certified: Collaboration Communications Systems Engineer Associate - Certifications
演示配置、部署、监视和管理 Microsoft Teams 电话、会议和认证设备的技能。
ACSBillingUsage 的示例日志表查询 - Azure Monitor
ACSBillingUsage 日志表的示例查询
ACSAuthIncomingOperations 的示例日志表查询 - Azure Monitor
ACSAuthIncomingOperations 日志表的示例查询
Azure Monitor 日志参考 - SynapseDXCommand - Azure Monitor
Azure Monitor 日志中 SynapseDXCommand 表的参考。