Microsoft StaffHub [DEPRECATED]

Microsoft StaffHub is a cloud-based platform that works across all your devices. It enables firstline workers and their managers to manage time, communicate with their teams, and share content.

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Service Class Regions
Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions except the following:
     -   Azure Government regions
     -   Azure China regions
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Automate Standard All Power Automate regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Apps Standard All Power Apps regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Name Microsoft
URL Microsoft LogicApps Support
Microsoft Power Automate Support
Microsoft Power Apps Support
Connector Metadata
Publisher Microsoft

Deprecation Information

The StaffHub connector has been deprecated and functionality has been moved to "Shifts" actions under the Teams connector. Where applicable, the StaffHub connector operations have been updated with a recommended corresponding action under the Teams connector. Instructions on how to transition your StaffHub teams to Shifts in Microsoft Teams can be found here.

Throttling Limits

Name Calls Renewal Period
API calls per connection 100 60 seconds


Approve a shift swap or hand off request (managers only) [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Approve a Swap Shifts request instead.

This operation allows managers to approve a shift swap or hand off request.

Approve or deny a time off request (managers only) [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Approve a Time Off request instead.

This operation allows managers to approve or deny a time off request.

Get a team member by ID [DEPRECATED]

This operation gets a member of a team by their unique ID.

Get current account [DEPRECATED]

Get the account of the current logged in user.

Get Schedule details [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Get a Schedule's details instead.

This operation returns details of a schedule using the schedule's unique ID.


This action has been deprecated. Please use Get a Shift instead.

This operation returns details for a shift using the shift's unique ID.

Get Shift Request details [DEPRECATED]

This operation returns details for a shift request using the request's unique ID.

Get shift requests [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use List all Time Off Reasons instead.

This operation returns all shift requests for a team using the team's unique ID.

Get team details [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Get a team instead.

This operation returns details for a team using the team's unique ID.

Get Time Off Reasons [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use List all Time Off Reasons instead.

This operation returns the list of time off reasons associated with a team.

List all groups in a team [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use List all Scheduling Groups instead.

This operation lists all groups within a team.

List all members in a team [DEPRECATED]

This operation lists all the members of a given team.

List all team shifts [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use List all Shifts instead.

This operation returns all shifts assigned to members of a team

List the user's teams [DEPRECATED]

This operation lists all teams that the user is a member of.

Approve a shift swap or hand off request (managers only) [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Approve a Swap Shifts request instead.

This operation allows managers to approve a shift swap or hand off request.


Name Key Required Type Description
The team ID
teamId True string

Unique ID of the team.

Shift Request ID
shiftRequestId True string

The unique ID of the shift swap or hand off request

Message From Manager
message string

A message from the manager to the sender/recipient when a request is accepted

ETag of Shift Request
eTag True string

The version number used to update the swap or hand off request.


Properties associated with a manager's swap or hand off request approval.

Approve or deny a time off request (managers only) [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Approve a Time Off request instead.

This operation allows managers to approve or deny a time off request.


Name Key Required Type Description
The team ID
teamId True string

Unique ID of the team.

Shift Request ID
shiftRequestId True string

The unique ID of the time off request

Message From Manager
message string

A message from the manager to the sender/recipient when a request is accepted or denied.

ETag of Shift Request
eTag True string

The version number used to update the time off request.

Is Accepting
isAccepting True boolean

Whether the manager is accepting (True) or denying (False) the time off request.


Properties associated with a manager's time off approval.

Get a team member by ID [DEPRECATED]

This operation gets a member of a team by their unique ID.


Name Key Required Type Description
The team ID
teamId True string

Unique ID of the team.

Member ID
memberId True string

The id of the member.


Get member response

Get current account [DEPRECATED]

Get the account of the current logged in user.


Get Current Account response

Get Schedule details [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Get a Schedule's details instead.

This operation returns details of a schedule using the schedule's unique ID.


Name Key Required Type Description
The team ID
teamId True string

Unique ID of the team.

Schedule ID
scheduleId True string

Unique ID of the schedule.


Schedule Entity


This action has been deprecated. Please use Get a Shift instead.

This operation returns details for a shift using the shift's unique ID.


Name Key Required Type Description
The team ID
teamId True string

Unique ID of the team.

Shift ID
shiftId True string

The unique ID of the shift.


Properties associated with a shift.

Get Shift Request details [DEPRECATED]

This operation returns details for a shift request using the request's unique ID.


Name Key Required Type Description
The team ID
teamId True string

Unique ID of the team.

Shift Request ID
shiftRequestId True string

Unique ID of the shift request.


Properties associated with a shift request.

Get shift requests [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use List all Time Off Reasons instead.

This operation returns all shift requests for a team using the team's unique ID.


Name Key Required Type Description
The team ID
teamId True string

Unique ID of the team.


Get Shift Request response

Get team details [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Get a team instead.

This operation returns details for a team using the team's unique ID.


Name Key Required Type Description
The team ID
teamId True string

Unique ID of the team.


Get team response

Get Time Off Reasons [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use List all Time Off Reasons instead.

This operation returns the list of time off reasons associated with a team.


Name Key Required Type Description
The team ID
teamId True string

Unique ID of the team.


Properties associated with time off reasons.

List all groups in a team [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use List all Scheduling Groups instead.

This operation lists all groups within a team.


Name Key Required Type Description
The team ID
teamId True string

Unique ID of the team.


Get tags response

List all members in a team [DEPRECATED]

This operation lists all the members of a given team.


Name Key Required Type Description
The team ID
teamId True string

Unique ID of the team.


Get members response

List all team shifts [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use List all Shifts instead.

This operation returns all shifts assigned to members of a team


Name Key Required Type Description
The team ID
teamId True string

Unique ID of the team.

From Start Time
startTime date-time

yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ (UTC format)

To End Time
endTime date-time

yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ (UTC format)


Get shifts response

List the user's teams [DEPRECATED]

This operation lists all teams that the user is a member of.


Get teams response


When a member is deleted from the team [DEPRECATED]

This operation triggers when a member is deleted from the team.

When a member is updated in the team [DEPRECATED]

This operation triggers when a team member is updated.

When a new member is added to the team [DEPRECATED]

This operation triggers when a new member is added to the team.

When a new shift is added to the team [DEPRECATED]

This operation triggers when a new shift is added to a member of a team.

When a new shift request is created [DEPRECATED]

This operation triggers when a new swap, offer or time off shift request is created.

When a schedule is published for the team [DEPRECATED]

This operation triggers when a schedule is published for the team.

When a shift is deleted in a team [DEPRECATED]

This operation triggers when a shift is deleted for a member of a team.

When a shift is updated in a team [DEPRECATED]

This operation triggers when a shift is updated for a member of a team.

When a shift request is deleted [DEPRECATED]

This operation triggers when a swap, offer or time off shift request is deleted.

When a shift request is updated [DEPRECATED]

This operation triggers when a swap, offer or time off shift request is updated.

When a member is deleted from the team [DEPRECATED]

This operation triggers when a member is deleted from the team.


Name Key Required Type Description
The team ID
teamId True string

Unique ID of the team.


When a member is updated in the team [DEPRECATED]

This operation triggers when a team member is updated.


Name Key Required Type Description
The team ID
teamId True string

Unique ID of the team.


When a new member is added to the team [DEPRECATED]

This operation triggers when a new member is added to the team.


Name Key Required Type Description
The team ID
teamId True string

Unique ID of the team.


When a new shift is added to the team [DEPRECATED]

This operation triggers when a new shift is added to a member of a team.


Name Key Required Type Description
The team ID
teamId True string

Unique ID of the team.


When a new shift request is created [DEPRECATED]

This operation triggers when a new swap, offer or time off shift request is created.


Name Key Required Type Description
The team ID
teamId True string

Unique ID of the team.


When a schedule is published for the team [DEPRECATED]

This operation triggers when a schedule is published for the team.


Name Key Required Type Description
The team ID
teamId True string

Unique ID of the team.


When a shift is deleted in a team [DEPRECATED]

This operation triggers when a shift is deleted for a member of a team.


Name Key Required Type Description
The team ID
teamId True string

Unique ID of the team.


When a shift is updated in a team [DEPRECATED]

This operation triggers when a shift is updated for a member of a team.


Name Key Required Type Description
The team ID
teamId True string

Unique ID of the team.


When a shift request is deleted [DEPRECATED]

This operation triggers when a swap, offer or time off shift request is deleted.


Name Key Required Type Description
The team ID
teamId True string

Unique ID of the team.


When a shift request is updated [DEPRECATED]

This operation triggers when a swap, offer or time off shift request is updated.


Name Key Required Type Description
The team ID
teamId True string

Unique ID of the team.




Get members response

Name Path Type Description
Members Array
members array of object

The list of team members.

Member ID string

The unique ID of the team member.

Team ID
members.teamId string

The unique ID of the team.

User ID
members.userId string

The unique ID of the user in the directory.

Display Name
members.displayName string

The display name of the team member.

First Name
members.firstName string

The first name of the team member.

Last Name
members.lastName string

The last name of the team member.

Full Name
members.fullName string

The full name of the team member.

Email string

The email address of the team member.

Phone Number
members.phoneNumber string

The phone number of the team member.

Is Manager
members.isManager boolean

Whether or not the team member is a manager of the team.

Member State
members.state string

The status of the user's membership in the team.


Get member response

Name Path Type Description
Member ID string

The unique ID of the team member.

Team ID
member.teamId string

The unique ID of the team.

User ID
member.userId string

The user ID of the team member

Display Name
member.displayName string

The display name of the team member.

First Name
member.firstName string

The first name of the team member.

Last Name
member.lastName string

The last name of the team member.

Full Name
member.fullName string

The full name of the team member.

Email string

The email address of the team member.

Phone Number
member.phoneNumber string

The phone number of the team member.

Is Manager
member.isManager boolean

Whether or not the team member is a manager of the team.

Member State
member.state string

The status of the user's membership in the team.


Get tags response

Name Path Type Description
tags array of object

The list of groups in the team.

id string

The unique ID of the group.

name string

The name of the group.

tags.teamId string

The unique ID of the team.

tags.state string

The status of the group in the team.


Get teams response

Name Path Type Description
teams array of object

The list of teams.

id string

The unique ID of the team.

name string

The name of the team.


Get team response

Name Path Type Description
Team ID string

The unique ID of the team.

Team Name string

The name of the team.

TimeZone of team
team.timeZone string

The timeZone Olson Code of the Team.


Get shifts response

Name Path Type Description
Published Shifts Array
publishedShifts array of object

The list of published shifts for a team.

Published Shift ID string

The unique ID of the shift.

Published Shift Label
publishedShifts.title string

The label of the shift.

Published Shift Type
publishedShifts.shiftType string

The type of the shift.

Team ID
publishedShifts.teamId string

The ID of the team the shift is in

Assigned to Member ID
publishedShifts.memberId string

The ID of the team member that the shift is assigned to.

Published Shift Start Time
publishedShifts.startTime date-time

The start time of the shift.

Published Shift End Time
publishedShifts.endTime date-time

The end time of the shift.

Published Shift Notes
publishedShifts.notes string

The notes assigned to the shift.

Published Shift State
publishedShifts.state string

The state of the shift.

Time Off Reason ID
publishedShifts.timeOffReasonId string

The ID of the time off reason for a shift (if of type Absence).

Unpublished Shifts Array
unpublishedShifts array of object

The list of unpublished shifts for a team.

Unpublished Shift ID string

The unique ID of the shift.

Unpublished Shift Title
unpublishedShifts.title string

The label of the shift.

Unpublished Shift Type
unpublishedShifts.shiftType string

The type of the shift.

Team ID
unpublishedShifts.teamId string

The ID of the team the shift is in.

Assigned to Member ID
unpublishedShifts.memberId string

The ID of the team member that the shift is assigned to.

Unpublished Shift Start Time
unpublishedShifts.startTime date-time

yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ (UTC format)

Unpublished Shift End Time
unpublishedShifts.endTime date-time

yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ (UTC format)

Unpublished Shift Notes
unpublishedShifts.notes string

The notes assigned to the shift.

Unpublished Shift State
unpublishedShifts.state string

The state of the shift.

Time Off Reason ID
unpublishedShifts.timeOffReasonId string

The ID of the time off reason for a shift (if shift is of type Absence).


Get Current Account response

Name Path Type Description
User ID
user.userId string

The unique ID of the user in the directory.

Display Name
user.displayName string

The display name of the user.

First Name
user.firstName string

The first name of the user.

Last Name
user.lastName string

The last name of the user.

Primary Email
user.primaryEmail string

The primary email address of the user.

Tenant ID
user.tenantId string

Tenant ID of the user.

Phone Number
user.phoneNumber string

The phone number of the user.


Schedule Entity

Name Path Type Description
Schedule ID string

The unique ID of the schedule.

Team ID
schedule.teamId string

The unique ID of the team the schedule is in.

Start Time
schedule.startTime date-time

The start time of the schedule.

End Time
schedule.endTime date-time

The end time of the schedule.

Schedule State
schedule.state string

The current state of the schedule.


Get Shift Request response

Name Path Type Description
Shift Requests Array
shiftRequests array of object

The list of shift requests in the team.

Shift Request ID string

The unique ID of the shift request

Shift ID
shiftRequests.shiftId string

The unique ID of the shift being handed off/swapped.

Team ID
shiftRequests.teamId string

The unique ID of the team the shift request is in.

Request Type
shiftRequests.requestType string

The type of the shift request.

Request Start Time
shiftRequests.startTime date-time

yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ (UTC format)

Request End Time
shiftRequests.endTime date-time

yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ (UTC format)

Message From Sender
shiftRequests.senderMessage string

The message from the sender to the recipient.

Message From Receiver
shiftRequests.receiverMessage string

The message from the recipient to the sender.

Message From Manager
shiftRequests.managerMessage string

A message from the manager to the sender.

Member ID of Manager
shiftRequests.managerMemberId string

The unique ID of the manager who accepted the request.

Member ID of Sender
shiftRequests.senderMemberId string

The unique ID of the team member who created the request.

Member ID of Receiver
shiftRequests.receiverMemberId string

The unique ID of the team member that the request was sent to.

Shift Request State
shiftRequests.state string

The current state of the shift request.

Shift Request Creation Time
shiftRequests.creationTime date-time

The time the request was created.

Last Modified Time of Shift Request
shiftRequests.lastModifiedTime date-time

The time the request was last modified.

Receiver Response Time
shiftRequests.receiverResponseTime date-time

The time the recipient responded to the request.

Time Off Reason ID
shiftRequests.timeOffReasonId string

The unique ID of the time off reason

Shift ID
shiftRequests.otherShiftInfo.shiftId string

The unique ID of the shift.

Shift Start Time
shiftRequests.otherShiftInfo.startTime date-time

The start time of the shift.

Shift End Time
shiftRequests.otherShiftInfo.endTime date-time

The end time of the shift.

ETag of Shift Request
shiftRequests.eTag string

The version number used to update the shift request.


Properties associated with a shift request.

Name Path Type Description
Shift Request ID string

The unique ID associated with the shift request.

Shift ID
shiftRequest.shiftId string

The unique ID of the shift being offered or swapped.

Shift Request Type
shiftRequest.requestType string

The type of shift request.

Shift Request Start Time
shiftRequest.startTime date-time

yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ (UTC format)

Shift Request End Time
shiftRequest.endTime date-time

yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ (UTC format)

Message From Sender
shiftRequest.senderMessage string

The message from the sender to the recipient.

Message From Receiver
shiftRequest.receiverMessage string

The message from the receiver to the sender.

Message From Manager
shiftRequest.managerMessage string

The message from the manager to the sender.

Manager Member ID
shiftRequest.managerMemberId string

The unique ID of the manager who accepted the request.

Sender Member ID
shiftRequest.senderMemberId string

The unique ID of the team member who created the request.

Receiver Member ID
shiftRequest.receiverMemberId string

The unique ID of the member that the request was sent to.

Shift Request State
shiftRequest.state string

The current state of the shift request.

Shift Request Creation Time
shiftRequest.creationTime date-time

The time when the request was created.

Shift Request Last Modified Time
shiftRequest.lastModifiedTime date-time

The time when the request was last modified.

Shift Request Receiver Response Time
shiftRequest.receiverResponseTime date-time

The time when the recipient responded to the request.

Time Off Reason ID
shiftRequest.timeOffReasonId string

The unique ID of the time off reason

Shift ID
shiftRequest.otherShiftInfo.shiftId string

The unique ID of the shift.

Shift Start Time
shiftRequest.otherShiftInfo.startTime date-time

yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ (UTC format)

Shift End Time
shiftRequest.otherShiftInfo.endTime date-time

yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ (UTC format)

ETag of Shift Request
shiftRequest.eTag string

The version number used to update the shift request.


Properties associated with a manager's swap or hand off request approval.

Name Path Type Description
List of shifts deleted
deletedShifts array of object

List of shifts deleted

Deleted Shift ID string

The unique ID of the shift.

Deleted Shift Type
deletedShifts.shiftType string

The type of shift.

Team ID
deletedShifts.teamId string

The unique ID of the team

Member ID
deletedShifts.memberId string

The unique ID of the team member that the shift was assigned to.

Deleted Shift Start Time
deletedShifts.startTime date-time

yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ (UTC format)

Deleted Shift End Time
deletedShifts.endTime date-time

yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ (UTC format)

Deleted Shift Notes
deletedShifts.notes string

The label of the shift.

Deleted Shift State
deletedShifts.state string

The current state of the shift.

Time Off Reason ID of Deleted Shift
deletedShifts.timeOffReasonId string

The unique ID of the time off reason.

List of shifts created as replacement
replacementShifts array of object

List of shifts created as replacement

Replacement Shift ID string

The unique ID of the shift.

Replacement Shift Type
replacementShifts.shiftType string

The type of shift.

Team ID
replacementShifts.teamId string

The unique ID of the team

Member ID
replacementShifts.memberId string

The unique ID of the team member that the shift was assigned to.

Replacement Shift Start Time
replacementShifts.startTime date-time

yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ (UTC format)

Replacement Shift End Time
replacementShifts.endTime date-time

yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ (UTC format)

Replacement Shift Notes
replacementShifts.notes string

The label of the shift.

Replacement Shift State
replacementShifts.state string

The current state of the shift.

Time Off Reason ID of Replacement Shift
replacementShifts.timeOffReasonId string

The unique ID of the time off reason.

List of shifts Request that got updated
updatedShiftRequests array of object

List of Shift Request that got updated

Shift Request ID string

The unique ID of the shift request

Shift ID
updatedShiftRequests.shiftId string

The unique ID of the shift being handed off/swapped.

Team ID
updatedShiftRequests.teamId string

The unique ID of the team the shift request is in.

Request Type
updatedShiftRequests.requestType string

The type of the shift request.

Request Start Time
updatedShiftRequests.startTime date-time

yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ (UTC format)

Request End Time
updatedShiftRequests.endTime date-time

yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ (UTC format)

Message From Sender
updatedShiftRequests.senderMessage string

The message from the sender to the recipient.

Message From Receiver
updatedShiftRequests.receiverMessage string

The message from the recipient to the sender.

Message From Manager
updatedShiftRequests.managerMessage string

A message from the manager to the sender.

Member ID of Manager
updatedShiftRequests.managerMemberId string

The unique ID of the manager who accepted the request.

Member ID of Sender
updatedShiftRequests.senderMemberId string

The unique ID of the team member who created the request.

Member ID of Receiver
updatedShiftRequests.receiverMemberId string

The unique ID of the team member that the request was sent to.

Shift Request State
updatedShiftRequests.state string

The current state of the shift request.

Shift Request Creation Time
updatedShiftRequests.creationTime date-time

The time the request was created.

Last Modified Time of Shift Request
updatedShiftRequests.lastModifiedTime date-time

The time the request was last modified.

Receiver Response Time
updatedShiftRequests.receiverResponseTime date-time

The time the recipient responded to the request.

Time Off Reason ID
updatedShiftRequests.timeOffReasonId string

The unique ID of the time off reason

Shift ID
updatedShiftRequests.otherShiftInfo.shiftId string

The unique ID of the shift.

Shift Start Time
updatedShiftRequests.otherShiftInfo.startTime date-time

The start time of the shift.

Shift End Time
updatedShiftRequests.otherShiftInfo.endTime date-time

The end time of the shift.

ETag of Shift Request
updatedShiftRequests.eTag string

The version number used to update the shift request.


Properties associated with a manager's time off approval.

Name Path Type Description
Updated Shift ID string

The unique ID of the shift.

Updated Shift Type
updatedShift.shiftType string

The type of shift.

Team ID
updatedShift.teamId string

The unique ID of the team

Member ID
updatedShift.memberId string

The unique ID of the team member that the shift was assigned to.

Updated Shift Start Time
updatedShift.startTime date-time

yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ (UTC format)

Updated Shift End Time
updatedShift.endTime date-time

yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ (UTC format)

Updated Shift Notes
updatedShift.notes string

The label of the shift.

Updated Shift State
updatedShift.state string

The current state of the shift.

Time Off Reason ID of Updated Shift
updatedShift.timeOffReasonId string

The unique ID of the time off reason.

Is Updated Shift Published
isShiftPublished boolean

Whether the shift is part of a published schedule.


Properties associated with a shift.

Name Path Type Description
Shift ID string

The unique ID of the shift.

Shift Title
shift.title string

The label of the shift.

Shift Type
shift.shiftType string

The type of shift.

Team ID
shift.teamId string

The ID of the team the shift is in

Assigned To Member ID
shift.memberId string

The unique ID of the team member that the shift has been assigned to.

Shift Start Time
shift.startTime date-time

yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ (UTC format)

Shift End Time
shift.endTime date-time

yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ (UTC format)

Shift Notes
shift.notes string

The notes assigned to the shift.

Shift State
shift.state string

The current state of the shift.

Time Off Reason ID
shift.timeOffReasonId string

The unique ID of the time off reason.

Is Shift Published
isShiftPublished boolean

Whether the shift is part of a published schedule.


Properties associated with time off reasons.

Name Path Type Description
Time Off Reasons Array
timeOffReasons array of object

The list of time off reasons.

Time Off Reason ID string

The unique ID of the time off reason.

Time Off Reason Name string

The name of the time off reason.

Time Off Reason State
timeOffReasons.state string

The current state of the time off reason.


Name Path Type Description
WebHook Subscription Id
subscriptionId string

WebHook Subscription Id

Expiration time for webhook subscription
expirationDateTime date-time

yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ (UTC format)

Change Type
changeType string

Resource change type.

resource WebHookResponseResourceEntity


Name Path Type Description
Resource Id
id string

Id of the resource that is updated

Resource Path
resourcePath string

Resoure Path

Team Id
teamId string
