DkmModuleFlags Enum


Flags which indicate traits of a DkmModuleInstance.

This enumeration supports a bitwise combination of its member values.

public enum class DkmModuleFlags
public enum class DkmModuleFlags
enum DkmModuleFlags
public enum DkmModuleFlags
type DkmModuleFlags = 
Public Enum DkmModuleFlags


Editable 64

The module can be edited during debugging. For .NET modules this implies that the CORDEBUG_JIT_ENABLE_ENC is set.

FileBacked 1

Module is backed by a file. Note that this is set even in cases where the module could not be resolved (dll is missing, binary could not be found while examining a minidump, etc).

FileResolved 2

Module is backed by a file and the debug monitor was able to open this file.

MissingBinary 4

Neither the module's file or memory content could be found. Debugging will be impaired.

None 0

No module flags are set.

OpenEnclaveModule 128

True if this module was created by the Open Enclave DM.

Optimized 16

Optimization status for the module could be detected and the module was determined to be optimized.

Relocated 8

Module was relocated because it could not load at its preferred base address.

SymbolsUnavailable 256
Unoptimized 32

Optimization status for the module could be detected and the module was determined to be unoptimized.

Applies to