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用于与 Azure SignalR 服务或 Web PubSub 服务交互的 Cmdlet。
Get-AzSignalR |
Get a specific SignalR service or all the SignalR services in a resource group or a subscription. |
Get-AzSignalRKey |
Get the access keys of a SignalR service. |
Get-AzSignalRUsage |
Get the usage quota of a subscription. |
New-AzSignalR |
Create a SignalR service. |
New-AzSignalRKey |
Regenerate an access key for a SignalR service. |
Remove-AzSignalR |
Remove a SignalR service. |
Restart-AzSignalR |
Restart a SignalR service. |
Set-AzSignalRUpstream |
Set the upstream settings of a SignalR service. |
Test-AzSignalRName |
Check whether a name is available. Alias: Test-AzSignal. |
Update-AzSignalR |
Update a SignalR service. |
Update-AzSignalRNetworkAcl |
Update the Network ACL of a SignalR service. |
Get-AzWebPubSub |
Get the resource and its properties. |
Get-AzWebPubSubCustomCertificate |
Get a custom certificate. |
Get-AzWebPubSubCustomDomain |
Get a custom domain. |
Get-AzWebPubSubHub |
Get a hub setting. |
Get-AzWebPubSubKey |
Get the access keys of the resource. |
Get-AzWebPubSubSku |
List all available skus of the resource. |
Get-AzWebPubSubUsage |
List resource usage quotas by location. |
New-AzWebPubSub |
Create or update a resource. |
New-AzWebPubSubCustomCertificate |
Create or update a custom certificate. |
New-AzWebPubSubCustomDomain |
Create or update a custom domain. |
New-AzWebPubSubEventHubEndpointObject |
Create an in-memory object for EventHubEndpoint. |
New-AzWebPubSubEventNameFilterObject |
Create an in-memory object for EventNameFilter. |
New-AzWebPubSubHub |
Create or update a hub setting. |
New-AzWebPubSubKey |
Regenerate the access key for the resource. PrimaryKey and SecondaryKey cannot be regenerated at the same time. |
Remove-AzWebPubSub |
Operation to delete a resource. |
Remove-AzWebPubSubCustomCertificate |
Delete a custom certificate. |
Remove-AzWebPubSubCustomDomain |
Delete a custom domain. |
Remove-AzWebPubSubHub |
Delete a hub setting. |
Restart-AzWebPubSub |
Operation to restart a resource. |
Test-AzWebPubSubNameAvailability |
Checks that the resource name is valid and is not already in use. |
Update-AzWebPubSub |
Operation to update an exiting resource. |