ICLRTask Interface

Provides methods that allow the host to make requests of the common language runtime (CLR), or to provide notification to the CLR about the associated task.

interface ICLRTask : IUnknown {
    HRESULT Abort ();
    HRESULT ExitTask ();
    HRESULT GetMemStats (
        [out] COR_GC_THREAD_STATS *pMemUsage
    HRESULT LocksHeld (
        [out] SIZE_T *pLockCount
    HRESULT NeedsPriorityScheduling (
        [out] BOOL *pbNeedsPriorityScheduling
    HRESULT Reset (
        [in] BOOL fFull
    HRESULT RudeAbort ();
    HRESULT SetTaskIdentifier (
        [in] DWORD asked
    HRESULT SwitchIn (
        [in] HANDLE threadHandle
    HRESULT SwitchOut ();
    HRESULT YieldTask ();




ICLRTask::Abort Method

Requests that the CLR abort the task that the current ICLRTask instance represents.

ICLRTask::ExitTask Method

Notifies the CLR that the task associated with the current ICLRTask instance is ending, and attempts to shut the task down gracefully.

ICLRTask::GetMemStats Method

Gets statistical information on the use of memory resources by the task represented by the current ICLRTask instance.

ICLRTask::LocksHeld Method

Gets the number of locks currently held on the task.

ICLRTask::NeedsPriorityScheduling Method

Gets a value indicating whether the host should assign a high priority to rescheduling the task represented by the current ICLRTask instance.

ICLRTask::Reset Method

Informs the CLR that the host has completed a task, and enables the CLR to reuse the current ICLRTask instance to represent another task.

ICLRTask::RudeAbort Method

Causes the CLR to abort the task represented by the current ICLRTask instance immediately, without a guarantee that finalizers will be executed.

ICLRTask::SetTaskIdentifier Method

Sets a unique identifier for the task represented by the current ICLRTask instance, for use in debugging.

ICLRTask::SwitchIn Method

Notifies the CLR that the task represented by the current ICLRTask instance is in an operable state.

ICLRTask::SwitchOut Method

Notifies the CLR that the task represented by the current ICLRTask instance is no longer in an operable state.

ICLRTask::YieldTask Method

Requests that the CLR make processor time available to other tasks. The CLR makes no guarantee that the task will be put in a state where it can yield processing time.


An ICLRTask is the representation of a task for the CLR. At any point during code execution, a task can be described either as running or waiting to run. The host calls the ICLRTask::SwitchIn method to notify the CLR that the task that the current ICLRTask instance represents is now in an operable state. After a call to ICLRTask::SwitchIn, the host can schedule the task on any operating system thread, except in cases where the runtime requires thread-affinity, as specified by calls to the IHostTaskManager::BeginThreadAffinity and IHostTaskManager::EndThreadAffinity methods. Some time later, the operating system might decide to remove the task from the thread and place it in a non-running state. For example, this might happen whenever the task blocks on synchronization primitives, or waits for I/O operations to complete. The host calls SwitchOut to notify the CLR that the task represented by the current ICLRTask instance is no longer in an operable state.

A task typically terminates at the end of code execution. At that time, the host calls ICLRTask::ExitTask to destroy the associated ICLRTask. However, tasks can also be recycled by using a call to ICLRTask::Reset, which allows the ICLRTask instance to be used again. This approach prevents the overhead of repeatedly creating and destroying instances.


Platforms: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 family

Header: MSCorEE.idl

Library: Included as a resource in MSCorEE.dll

.NET Framework Version: 2.0

See Also


ICLRTaskManager Interface

IHostTask Interface

IHostTaskManager Interface

Hosting Interfaces