MouseWheel Event

MouseWheel Event

Occurs when the mouse wheel moves while the InkPicture control has focus.



void MouseWheel(
    [in] InkMouseButton Button,
    [in] InkShiftKeyModifierFlags Shift,
    [in] long Delta,
    [in] long x,
    [in] long y,
    [in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* Cancel



[in] The button that was pressed.


[in] The state of the SHIFT key.


[in] The distance that the mouse wheel turned.


[in] The x-coordinate, in pixels, of the IInkCursor object.


[in] The y-coordinate, in pixels, of the IInkCursor object.


[in, out] A Boolean value that indicates whether to cancel this event for the parent control.

Value Description
TRUE The MouseWheel event is cancelled for the parent control.
FALSE The MouseWheel event continues for the parent control.


Note: The parameters x and y are in pixels, and not the HIMETRIC units that are associated with the ink space coordinate system. This is because this event replaces the related mouse event of an application that is not pen-aware, and that type of application refers only to pixels.

This event method is defined in the _IInkPictureEvents interface. The _IInkPictureEvents interface implements the IDispatch Leave Site interface with an identifier of DISPID_IPEMouseWheel.

Applies To