SPWeb 成员

Represents a SharePoint Foundation website.

SPWeb 类型公开以下成员。


  名称 说明
公共属性 Alerts Gets the collection of alerts for the site or subsite.
公共属性 AllowAnonymousAccess Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether anonymous access is allowed for the website.
公共属性 AllowAutomaticASPXPageIndexing Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the .aspx page within the website should be indexed by the search engine.
公共属性 AllowCreateDeclarativeWorkflowForCurrentUser
公共属性 AllowDesignerForCurrentUser Gets a Boolean value that specifies whether the current user is allowed to use the designer for this website. The default value is false.
公共属性 AllowMasterPageEditingForCurrentUser A Boolean value that specifies whether the current user is allowed to edit master pages.
公共属性 AllowRevertFromTemplateForCurrentUser A Boolean value that specifies whether the current user is allowed to revert the site from the template.
公共属性 AllowRssFeeds Gets a Boolean value that specifies whether the website allows RSS feeds.
公共属性 AllowSaveDeclarativeWorkflowAsTemplateForCurrentUser
公共属性 AllowSavePublishDeclarativeWorkflowForCurrentUser
公共属性 AllowUnsafeUpdates Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether to allow updates to the database as a result of a GET request or without requiring a security validation.
公共属性 AllProperties Gets a hash table that contains metadata for the website.
公共属性 AllRolesForCurrentUser Gets a full list of role definitions on the object to which the current user belongs on this scope. (从 SPSecurableObject 继承。)
公共属性 AllUsers Gets the collection of user objects that represents all users who are either members of the site or who have browsed to the site as authenticated members of a domain group in the site.
公共属性 AllWebTemplatesAllowed Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the available Web templates that are returned by the GetAvailableWebTemplates method comprise the complete set of templates.
公共属性 AlternateCssUrl Gets or sets the URL for an alternate cascading style sheet (CSS) to use in the website.
公共属性 AlternateHeader Gets or sets the URL for an alternate .aspx page that will be used to render the top navigation area in SharePoint Foundation pages.
公共属性 AnonymousPermMask64 Gets or sets the base permissions for anonymous users of the website. (Read-only in 沙盒解决方案.)
公共属性 AnonymousState Gets or sets the level of access for anonymous users on the website.
公共属性 AppDatabaseName Gets the name of the app database associated with this Web. This property can be 空引用(无 在 Visual Basic 中).
公共属性 AppDatabaseServerReferenceId Gets the reference identifier of the server where the database is located. This property can be 空引用(无 在 Visual Basic 中).
公共属性 AppDatabaseTargetApplicationId Gets the name of the target application.
公共属性 AppInstanceId The instance Id of the App Instance that this web represents. Guid.Empty if this is not an app web.
公共属性 ASPXPageIndexed Gets a Boolean value that specifies whether the .aspx pages of the website are automatically indexed.
公共属性 ASPXPageIndexMode Gets or sets the .aspx page indexing that is used by the website.
公共属性 AssociatedGroups Gets a list of the groups that are associated with the website.
公共属性 AssociatedMemberGroup Gets the users who have been given contribute permissions to the website.
公共属性 AssociatedOwnerGroup Gets or sets the associated owner groups of the website.
公共属性 AssociatedVisitorGroup Gets or sets the associated visitor group of the website.
公共属性 Audit Gets the audit log that is associated with the website.
公共属性 AuthenticationMode 已过时。仅供内部使用。
公共属性 Author Gets or sets a user object that represents the user who created the website. (Read-only in 沙盒解决方案.)
公共属性 AvailableContentTypes Gets the collection of all content type templates that apply to the current scope, including those of the current website, as well as any parent websites.
公共属性 AvailableFields Gets the collection of the available fields of the website.
公共属性 CacheAllSchema Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether caching of all schemas on the website is enabled.
公共属性 ClientFormWebData Returns a dictionary containing web properties used in CSR Forms
公共属性 ClientTag The client cache control number (client tag) for this website.
公共属性 Configuration Gets either the identifier (ID) of the site definition configuration that was used to create the site, or the ID of the site definition configuration from which the site template used to create the site was derived.
公共属性 ContentTypes Gets the collection of content types for the website.
公共属性 Created Gets or sets a date and time value that indicates when the site was created. (Read-only in 沙盒解决方案.)
公共属性 CurrencyLocaleID Gets the locale identifier (LCID) that is used for currency in the website.
公共属性 CurrentChangeToken Gets the change token that is used when the next change is logged to the website.
公共属性 CurrentUser Gets the current user of the site.
公共属性 CustomJavaScriptFileUrl The custom JavaScript file URL used by the CustomJsUrl web control.
公共属性 CustomMasterUrl Gets or sets the URL for a custom master page file to apply to the website.
公共属性 CustomUploadPage Gets or sets the path to a custom application page for uploading files.
公共属性 DataRetrievalServicesSettings 已过时。Gets an object that represents the data retrieval service settings for the deployment of SharePoint Foundation.
公共属性 Description Gets or sets the description for the site.
公共属性 DescriptionResource Gets an SPUserResource object that represents the translations for the description of the site.
公共属性 DesignerDownloadUrlForCurrentUser
公共属性 DocTemplates Gets the collection of document templates that are used on the site.
公共属性 DocumentLibraryCalloutOfficeWebAppPreviewersDisabled Determines if the Document Library Callout's WAC previewers are enabled or not.
公共属性 EffectiveBasePermissions Gets the effective base permissions that are assigned to the current user. (覆盖 SPSecurableObject.EffectiveBasePermissions。)
公共属性 EffectivePresenceEnabled Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether effective presence information is enabled on the site.
公共属性 EmailInsertsEnabled 已过时。Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether document libraries on the virtual server can accept e-mail attachments from public folders.
公共属性 EnableMinimalDownload Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the Web site should use Minimal Download Strategy
公共属性 EventHandlersEnabled 已过时。Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 event handlers can be used on the site.
公共属性 EventReceivers Gets the collection of event receiver definitions that are currently available on the website.
公共属性 ExcludeFromOfflineClient Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the data from the website should be downloaded to the client during offline synchronization.
公共属性 ExecuteUrl Gets the URL that is called after the site definition for a business solutions site is instantiated.
公共属性 Exists Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the website exists.
公共属性 ExternalSecurityProviderSetting 已过时。Gets the settings that are used by an external security provider for the site.
公共属性 FeatureDefinitions FeatureDefinitions for the Web
公共属性 Features Gets the collection of Features that are currently activated in the website.
公共属性 Fields Gets the collection of field objects that represents all the fields in the website.
公共属性 FieldTypeDefinitionCollection Gets the collection of SPFieldTypeDefinition objects that represents type definition information for the fields of the website.
公共属性 FileDialogPostProcessorId Gets or sets the Class Identifier (CLSID) for the user interface element that is used for Web views in the file dialog boxes and forms of document libraries.
公共属性 Files Gets the collection of all files in the root directory of the website.
公共属性 FirstUniqueAncestor 已过时。Use the FirstUniqueAncestorSecurableObject property instead. (从 SPSecurableObject 继承。)
公共属性 FirstUniqueAncestorSecurableObject An ISecurableObject interface that represents the first unique ancestor website. This is the object where the ACL is defined. For a web with unique permission the First Unique Ancestor is itself. For a web that inherits permissions the First Unique Ancestor is one of the ancestral webs. (覆盖 SPSecurableObject.FirstUniqueAncestorSecurableObject。)
公共属性 FirstUniqueAncestorWeb Gets the first parent website that has unique permissions.
公共属性 FirstUniqueRoleDefinitionWeb Gets the website where the role definitions for the current site were defined.
公共属性 Folders Gets the collection of all first-level folders in the website.
公共属性 Groups Gets a collection that contains all the groups for the website.
公共属性 HasExternalSecurityProvider 已过时。Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the site uses an external security provider.
公共属性 HasUniquePerm 已过时。Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the site has unique permissions.
公共属性 HasUniqueRoleAssignments Indicates whether the object has unique role assignments or inherits its role assignments from a parent object. (从 SPSecurableObject 继承。)
公共属性 HasUniqueRoleDefinitions Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the role definitions are uniquely defined for this website or inherited from a parent website.
公共属性 HideSiteContentsLink Controls the appearance of the “site contents” link in the gear icon (the menu known as "Site Actions" in SharePoint 2010) of the UX control.
公共属性 ID Gets the GUID for the site.
公共属性 IncludeSupportingFolders Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether supporting folders for files or folders in the site are included in enumerations of files or folders.
公共属性 IndexedPropertyKeys Gets the set of property keys for properties that need to be exposed through Site Data Web Service.
公共属性 IsADAccountCreationMode Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether user accounts are automatically created in Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) when users are invited to the website.
公共属性 IsADEmailEnabled Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether e-mail for Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS)is enabled on the site.
公共属性 IsAppWeb Is this SPWeb the container web for an SPApp.
公共属性 IsMultilingual Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a multilingual user interface is enabled for the website.
公共属性 IsRootWeb Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the site is the top-level website of the site collection.
公共属性 Language Gets the locale identifier (LCID) for the default language of the website.
公共属性 LastItemModifiedDate Gets or sets the date and time that an item was last modified in the site. (Read-only in 沙盒解决方案.)
公共属性 Lists Gets the collection of all lists that are contained in the website.
公共属性 ListTemplates Gets the collection of all list definitions and list templates that are available for creating lists on the website.
公共属性 Locale Gets or sets the locale that is used when time, currency and numeric fields are rendered on the website.
公共属性 MasterPageReferenceEnabled Retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the website is enabled for master page referencing.
公共属性 MasterUrl Gets or sets the URL of the master page that is used for the website.
公共属性 Modules Gets the collection of modules that are used on the website.
公共属性 Name Gets or sets the name of the website.
公共属性 Navigation Gets a navigation object that represents navigation on the website, including the Quick Launch area and the top navigation bar.
公共属性 NoCrawl Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether searching is enabled for the website.
公共属性 NonHostHeaderUrl Gets the full url non-isolated url of the Web site.
公共属性 OverwriteTranslationsOnChange Gets and sets a Boolean value that indicates whether changes made to user-specified text in the default language should automatically overwrite existing translations made in all alternate languages.
公共属性 ParentWeb Gets the parent website of the specified website.
公共属性 ParentWebId Gets the identifier (ID) of the parent website for the site.
公共属性 ParserEnabled Gets or sets a value that specifies whether parsing is enabled for document libraries of the website.
公共属性 Permissions 已过时。Gets the collection of permissions for the website.
公共属性 PortalMember Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the website is associated with a portal site.
公共属性 PortalName Gets the name of a portal site that is associated with the site.
公共属性 PortalSubscriptionUrl Gets the URL that is used for alerts within a portal.
公共属性 PortalUrl Gets the URL to a portal site that is associated with the site.
公共属性 PresenceEnabled Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether inline presence information is enabled on the website.
公共属性 Properties Gets a SPPropertyBag object with the metadata for the website.
公共属性 Provisioned Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the website has been provisioned.
公共属性 PublicFolderRootUrl 已过时。Gets the URL of the public folder that is used for e-mail attachments in document libraries.
公共属性 PushNotificationSubscribers Gets the collection of push notification subscribers over the site.
公共属性 QuickLaunchEnabled Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the Quick Launch area is enabled on the website.
公共属性 RecycleBin Gets the recycle bin of the website.
公共属性 RecycleBinEnabled Gets or sets a value that determines whether the recycle bin is enabled for the website.
公共属性 RegionalSettings Gets the regional settings that are currently implemented on the website.
公共属性 RequestAccessEmail Gets or sets the e-mail address to which requests for access are sent.
公共属性 RequestAccessEnabled Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether request for access to the website is enabled.
公共属性 RequireDynamicCanary If true, the canary is required for all requests to this UrlZone including web service requests
公共属性 ReusableAcl Gets the reusable access control list (ACL) for the website. (覆盖 SPSecurableObject.ReusableAcl。)
公共属性 RoleAssignments Gets the role assignments for this securable object. (从 SPSecurableObject 继承。)
公共属性 RoleDefinitions Gets the collection of role definitions for the website.
公共属性 Roles 已过时。Use the RoleDefinitions property to get the collection of role definitions for a website. In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the Roles property was used to get the collection of site groups on the website.
公共属性 RootFolder Gets the root folder for the website.
公共属性 SaveSiteAsTemplateEnabled Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the Web site can be saved as a site template.
公共属性 ServerRelativeUrl Gets or sets the server-relative URL for the website.
公共属性 ShowUrlStructureForCurrentUser Retrieves a Boolean value that specifies whether the current user is allowed to see the file structure of the current site. The default value is false.
公共属性 Site Gets the parent site collection for the website.
公共属性 SiteAdministrators Gets the collection of the website administrators.
公共属性 SiteClientTag The client cache control number (client tag) for this Site Collection.
公共属性 SiteGroups Gets a collection that contains all the groups in the site collection.
公共属性 SiteLogoDescription Gets or sets the description of the website logo.
公共属性 SiteLogoUrl Gets or sets the absolute URL of the website logo.
公共属性 SiteUserInfoList Gets the UserInfo list of the site collection that contains the website.
公共属性 SiteUsers Gets the collection of all users that belong to the site collection.
公共属性 Solutions UserSolutions Activated for the Web.
公共属性 SupportedUICultures Gets an enumerable collection of objects with information about cultures supported by the website.
公共属性 SyndicationEnabled Gets or sets a value that specifies whether Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is enabled in the website.
公共属性 Theme 已过时。Gets the name of the theme that is applied to the website.
公共属性 ThemeCssUrl 已过时。Gets the URL for the cascading style sheets file that is used in the theme for the website.
公共属性 ThemedCssFolderUrl Gets or sets the URL to the folder that contains the cascading style sheets (CSS) file that is used in the theme for the website.
公共属性 ThemeInfo The theming information for this SPWeb. This includes information like colors, fonts, border radii sizes etc.
公共属性 Title Gets or sets the title for the website.
公共属性 TitleResource Gets an SPUserResource object that represents the translations for the title of the website.
公共属性 TreeViewEnabled Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the SharePoint Foundation TreeView is enabled in the left navigational area of website pages.
公共属性 UICulture Gets a CultureInfo object that represents to the default language for the website.
公共属性 UIVersion Gets or sets the current version number of the user interface.
公共属性 UIVersionConfigurationEnabled 已过时。Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to enable the user interface (UI) for changing the version of the UI.
公共属性 Url Gets the absolute URL for the website.
公共属性 UserCustomActions Retrieves a refreshed SPUserCustomActionCollection.
公共属性 UserIsSiteAdmin Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the user has administrative rights on the website, including ManageSubwebs, ManagePermissions, and ManageWeb permissions.
公共属性 UserIsWebAdmin Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the user is a member of the Administrator site group for the site.
公共属性 UserResources Gets the collection of user-defined localized resources scoped to the current website.
公共属性 Users Gets the collection of user objects that are explicitly assigned permissions in the website.
公共属性 ViewStyles Gets the collection of view styles for the website.
公共属性 Webs Gets a website collection object that represents all websites immediately beneath the website, excluding children of those websites.
公共属性 WebTemplate Gets the name of the site definition or site template that was used to create the site.
公共属性 WebTemplateId Gets the identifier (ID) of the site definition that was used to create the site.
公共属性 WorkflowAssociations Gets the collection of workflow association objects that represents all the workflows that are associated with the website.
公共属性 Workflows Gets the collection of workflow instances that are running or have run on the website.
公共属性 WorkflowTemplates Gets the collection of workflow templates of the website.



  名称 说明
公共方法 AddApplicationPrincipal Adds a user to the website as an application principal; that is, a user object that is delegated to act on behalf of an external application.
公共方法 AddProperty Adds a property to the list of metadata for the website.
公共方法 AddSupportedUICulture Adds culture-specific information to the list supported by the website.
公共方法 AllowAllWebTemplates Resets the available web templates on the website to the complete set of web templates.
公共方法 ApplyTheme(String) 已过时。Applies a theme to a website.
公共方法 ApplyTheme(String, String, String, Boolean) Applies a theme with the specified components to this site.
公共方法 ApplyWebTemplate(String) Applies the specified site definition or site template to the website that has no template applied to it.
公共方法 ApplyWebTemplate(SPWebTemplate) Applies the specified site definition object or site template object to the website that has no template applied to it.
公共方法 BreakRoleInheritance(Boolean) Creates unique role assignments for the object and optionally copies role assignments from the parent. (从 SPSecurableObject 继承。)
公共方法 BreakRoleInheritance(Boolean, Boolean) Creates unique role assignments for the website, optionally copies role assignments from the parent website, and optionally clears unique role assignments from descendants. (覆盖 SPSecurableObject.BreakRoleInheritance(Boolean, Boolean)。)
公共方法 BypassUseRemoteApis Accesses the website by bypassing the SOAP, WebDAV and Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007 interfaces.
公共方法 CheckPermissions Determines whether the current user has a specified set of permissions. (从 SPSecurableObject 继承。)
公共方法 Close Closes the website at the end of a request and releases resources.
公共方法 CreateDefaultAssociatedGroups Creates an owner group.
公共方法 CustomizeCss Customizes the specified style sheet for the website.
公共方法 Delete Deletes the website.
公共方法 DeleteProperty Deletes a property from the list of metadata for the website.
公共方法 Dispose Releases all resources used by the current instance of the website.
公共方法 DoesPushNotificationSubscriberExist Checks whether the push notification subscriber exist for the current user with the given device application instance ID.
公共方法 DoesUserHavePermissions(SPBasePermissions) Indicates whether the current user has a specified set of permissions. (从 SPSecurableObject 继承。)
公共方法 DoesUserHavePermissions(String, SPBasePermissions) Indicates whether the specified user has a specified set of permissions.
公共方法 EnsureUser Checks whether the specified logon name belongs to a valid user of the website, and if the logon name does not already exist, adds it to the website.
公共方法 Equals (从 Object 继承。)
公共方法 ExportUserResources Exports user resources for a given language.
受保护的方法 Finalize (从 Object 继承。)
公共方法 GetAppInstanceById Retrieves an AppInstance installed on this Site.
公共方法 GetAppInstancesByProductId Retrieves all AppInstances installed on this site that are instances of the specified App.
公共方法 GetAvailableCrossLanguageWebTemplates Returns the collection of available cross-language web templates.
公共方法 GetAvailableWebTemplates(UInt32) Gets the Web templates that are available for creating subsites beneath the website, based on the specified locale identifier (ID).
公共方法 GetAvailableWebTemplates(UInt32, Boolean) Gets the site templates that are available for creating subsites beneath the website, based on the specified locale identifier (ID) and whether to include language-neutral site templates.
公共方法 GetCatalog Gets the list template gallery, site template gallery, or Web 部件页 gallery for the website.
公共方法 GetChanges() Gets all of changes listed in the current change log for the website.
公共方法 GetChanges(SPChangeQuery) Gets changes from the change log filtered by the specified query.
公共方法 GetChanges(SPChangeToken) Gets the changes starting from a specified point in the change log.
公共方法 GetChanges(SPChangeToken, SPChangeToken) Gets the changes logged over a specified period of time.
公共方法 GetFieldLocalizations Returns the collection of localizations for the website for the specified culture.
公共方法 GetFile(Guid) Gets the file object with the specified identifier (ID).
公共方法 GetFile(String) Retrieves the file object located at the specified URL.
公共方法 GetFileAsString Gets the contents of the file object located at the specified URL as a string.
公共方法 GetFileOrFolderObject Retrieves a file or folder on the website with the specified URL.
公共方法 GetFilePersonalizationInformation Returns the file level of a specified document as output parameters and also returns a value that specifies whether the document has personalized Web Parts.
公共方法 GetFolder(Guid) Retrieves the folder object with the specified GUID.
公共方法 GetFolder(String) Gets the folder that is located at the specified URL.
公共方法 GetHashCode (从 Object 继承。)
公共方法 GetLimitedWebPartManager Returns the limited Web Part Manager for the specified Web Part page and view.
公共方法 GetList Gets the list that is associated with the specified server-relative URL.
公共方法 GetListFromUrl Gets the list that is associated with the first Web Part on the specified Web 部件页. Beginning in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, use the GetListFromWebPartPageUrl method instead of this method.
公共方法 GetListFromWebPartPageUrl Gets the list that is associated with the first Web Part on the specified Web 部件页.
公共方法 GetListItem Gets the list item that is associated with the specified server-relative URL.
公共方法 GetListItemFields Gets the list item that is associated with the specified server-relative URL, returning data for only the specified fields.
公共方法 GetListsOfType Gets the lists of the specified type.
公共方法 GetObject Retrieves a file, folder, or list item that is associated with the specified URL.
公共方法 GetProperty Gets the value of a property with the specified key from the list of metadata for the website.
公共方法 GetPushNotificationSubscriber Gets the push notification subscriber over the site for the specified device application instance ID.
公共方法 GetPushNotificationSubscribersByArgs Queries for the push notification subscribers over the site for the specified value of custom arguments. Null or empty custom arguments will return subscribers without any filtering.
公共方法 GetPushNotificationSubscribersByUser Queries for the push notification subscribers over the site for the specified user.
公共方法 GetRecycleBinItems Gets the recycle bin items that are based on the specified query.
公共方法 GetServerRelativeUrlFromUrl Given a full, server relative or web relative url, returns a server relative url that always starts with a slash.
公共方法 GetSiteAppPrincipals Get the app principals in the site collection.
公共方法 GetSiteData Gets the list items across multiple lists, which can be located in multiple websites in the same website collection.
公共方法 GetSubwebsForCurrentUser() Gets the subsites beneath the current site of which the current user is a member.
公共方法 GetSubwebsForCurrentUser(Int32) Gets the subsites beneath the current website of which the current user is a member based on the specified site definition.
公共方法 GetSubwebsForCurrentUser(Int32, Int16) Gets the subsites beneath the current website in which the current user is a member, based on the specified site definition and configuration.
公共方法 GetType (从 Object 继承。)
公共方法 GetUsageData(SPUsageReportType, SPUsagePeriodType) Gets a table that contains information about the usage of a website, based on the specified report type and time interval.
公共方法 GetUsageData(SPUsageReportType, SPUsagePeriodType, Int32, DateTime) Gets a table that contains information about the usage of a website based on the specified report type, time interval, number of columns to display, and last day to display.
公共方法 GetUserEffectivePermissionInfo Gets the effective permissions that the specified user has and the role assignments related to this user within this scope. (覆盖 SPSecurableObject.GetUserEffectivePermissionInfo(String)。)
公共方法 GetUserEffectivePermissions Gets the effective permissions that the specified user has within the current application scope. (覆盖 SPSecurableObject.GetUserEffectivePermissions(String)。)
公共方法 GetUserToken Retrieves the user token for the specified user.
公共方法 GetViewFromUrl Gets a view of a list within the site based on the specified URL.
公共方法 GetWebPartCollection 已过时。Use the GetLimitedWebPartManager method of the SPFile class to return an SPLimitedWebPartManager object to manage Web Parts instead. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 the GetWebPartCollection method returned the collection of Web Parts on the page at the specified URL.)
公共方法 GetWebsAndListsWithUniquePermissions Retrieves a collection of Webs and Lists that either have unique permissions themselves or have items with unique permissions.
公共方法 ImportUserResources Imports user resources for the specified language.
公共方法 InsertAlertEvent(Guid, String, Int32, SPReusableAcl) Inserts an event in the events table for the specified custom prematching GUID, event data, event type, and reusable access control list (ACL).
公共方法 InsertAlertEvent(Guid, String, Int32, []) Inserts an event in the events table for the specified custom prematching GUID, event data, event type, and access control list (ACL).
公共方法 IsCurrentUserMemberOfGroup Gets whether the current user is a member of the specified group.
公共方法 LoadAndInstallApp Uploads and installs an app package.
公共方法 LoadAndInstallAppInSpecifiedLocale Uploads and installs an App package, in a specified locale.
公共方法 LoadApp Uploads an App package and creates an instance from it.
受保护的方法 MemberwiseClone (从 Object 继承。)
公共方法静态成员 OriginalBaseUrl Returns the base URL for the current request.
公共方法 ProcessBatchData Processes the specified commands for sending multiple requests to the server per transaction.
公共方法 RecalculateWebFineGrainedPermissions Recalculates whether the website contains a list or list item that has unique permissions, and updates the value of the AllowAutomaticASPXPageIndexing property.
公共方法 Recycle Sends the website to the recycle bin.
公共方法 RegisterPushNotificationSubscriber Registers the subscriber for push notifications over the site. If the registration already exists, the service token is updated with the new value.
公共方法 RemoveExternalSecurityProvider 已过时。Removes the external security provider for the website.
公共方法 RemoveSupportedUICulture Removes support for the specified culture (locale) from the website.
公共方法 ResetRoleInheritance Resets the local role assignments so the website, and all it's descendant objects, re-inherit role assignments from the parent website. (覆盖 SPSecurableObject.ResetRoleInheritance()。)
公共方法 RevertAllDocumentContentStreams Restores all files within the website to their original, uncustomized state so that their logic becomes cached in memory (also known as "ghosted") rather than stored within the database.
公共方法 RevertCss Reverts style sheet customization of a file to the default style sheet.
公共方法 SaveAsTemplate Saves the website as a site template solution.
公共方法 SearchDocuments(String) 此类或成员已被弃用。更新或编写使用此类或此成员的新应用程序时,请改用新的类或成员。 Use the Execute method of the Microsoft.SharePoint.Search.Query.KeywordQuery class or the FullTextSqlQuery class instead.
公共方法 SearchDocuments(String, UInt32, SPSearchResultCollectionPosition) 此类或成员已被弃用。更新或编写使用此类或此成员的新应用程序时,请改用新的类或成员。 Use the Execute method of the Microsoft.SharePoint.Search.Query.KeywordQuery class or the FullTextSqlQuery class instead.
公共方法 SearchListItems(String) 此类或成员已被弃用。更新或编写使用此类或此成员的新应用程序时,请改用新的类或成员。 Use the Execute method of the Microsoft.SharePoint.Search.Query.KeywordQuery class or the FullTextSqlQuery class instead.
公共方法 SearchListItems(String, UInt32, SPSearchResultCollectionPosition) 此类或成员已被弃用。更新或编写使用此类或此成员的新应用程序时,请改用新的类或成员。 Use the Execute method of the Microsoft.SharePoint.Search.Query.KeywordQuery class or the FullTextSqlQuery class instead.
公共方法 SetAvailableCrossLanguageWebTemplates Specifies a set of language-neutral Web templates that are available for creating subsites below the website, regardless of locale.
公共方法 SetAvailableWebTemplates Specifies the Web templates that are available for creating subsites below the website for the specified locale.
公共方法 SetProperty Sets the value of a property with the specified key in the list of metadata for the website.
公共方法 ToString Returns the title of the website. (覆盖 Object.ToString()。)
公共方法 UnregisterPushNotificationSubscriber Unregisters the subscriber for push notifications from the site.
公共方法 Update Updates the database with changes that are made to the website.
公共方法 ValidateFormDigest Validates the form digest control that is used in the current request.




SPWeb 类

Microsoft.SharePoint 命名空间