Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlParser.MetadataProvider 命名空间

The Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlParser.MetadataProvider namespace contains types designed to support the SQL Server parser.

公共类 ApplicationRoleCollection Represents a collection of IApplicationRole objects.
公共类 AsymmetricKeyCollection Represents a collection of IAsymmetricKey objects.
公共类 BuiltInFunctionCollection Represents a collection of IBuiltInFunction objects.
公共类 BuiltInFunctionLookupBase Provides the ability to look up built-in functions.
公共类 CertificateCollection Represents a collection of ICertificate objects.
公共类 CollationLookupBase Provides the ability to look up collations.
公共类 Collection< (Of < ( <'T> ) > ) > Provides helper methods and classes for metadata object collections.
公共类 ColumnCollection Represents a collection of IColumn objects.
公共类 ColumnOrderedCollection Represents a collection of IColumn objects in which element ordering is preserved.
公共类 ConstraintCollection Represents a collection of IConstraint objects.
公共类 CredentialCollection Represents a collection of ICredential objects.
公共类 CursorVariableCollection Represents a collection of ICursorVariable objects.
公共类 DatabaseCollection Represents a collection of IDatabase objects.
公共类 DatabaseDdlTriggerCollection Represents a collection of IDatabaseDdlTrigger objects.
公共类 DatabaseDdlTriggerEventTypeSet Represents a set of database DDL trigger event types.
公共类 DatabaseRoleCollection Represents a collection of IDatabaseRole objects.
公共类 DatePartCollection Represents a collection of IDatePart objects.
公共类 DictionaryCollection< (Of < ( <'T> ) > ) > Represents a collection of metadata objects that uses an Dictionary object as the underlying container.
公共类 DictionaryCollectionBase< (Of < ( <'T, U> ) > ) > Provides the base class for metadata object collections.
公共类 DmlTriggerCollection Represents a collection of IDmlTrigger objects.
公共类 DualTypeSortedListCollection< (Of < ( <'T, B> ) > ) > Represents a collection of metadata objects that implements IMetadataCollection<(Of <(<'T>)>)> for T and B types.
公共类 ExtendedStoredProcedureCollection Represents a collection of IExtendedStoredProcedure objects.
公共类 ExtensionMethods Defines a set of extension methods for the IMetadataObject interface.
公共类 ForeignKeyColumnCollection Represents a collection of IForeignKeyColumn objects where element ordering is preserved.
公共类 IndexCollection Represents a collection of IIndex objects.
公共类 IndexedColumnCollection Represents a collection of IIndexedColumn objects.
公共类 LoginCollection Represents a collection of ILogin objects.
公共类 MetadataDisplayInfoProvider Defines a set of methods that provide extended display information for metadata objects.
公共类 MetadataFactory Provides the base class for a metadata factory object.
公共类 MetadataObjectBase Provides the abstract base class for a metadata object.
公共类 MetadataProviderBase Provides the abstract base class for the metadata provider object.
公共类 MetadataProviderEventArgs Provides data for the AfterCheck, AfterCollapse, AfterExpand, or AfterSelect events of an IMetadataProvider object.
公共类 MetadataProviderUtils Provides utilities for the metadata provider.
公共类 MetadataProviderUtils. . :: . .Names Provides the common names of the SQL Server objects.
公共类 MetadataProviderUtils. . :: . .Names. . :: . .Database Provides the common names of the SQL Server databases.
公共类 MetadataProviderUtils. . :: . .Names. . :: . .Schema Provides the common names of the SQL Server schemas.
公共类 OrderedCollection< (Of < ( <'T> ) > ) > Represents an ordered collection.
公共类 OrderedCollectionBase< (Of < ( <'T> ) > ) > Represents a metadata object collection that preserves item ordering.
公共类 ParameterCollection Represents a collection of IParameter objects
公共类 ScalarValuedFunctionCollection Represents a collection of IScalarValuedFunction objects.
公共类 ScalarVariableCollection Represents a collection of IScalarVariable objects.
公共类 SchemaCollection Represents a collection of ISchema objects.
公共类 ServerDdlTriggerCollection Represents a collection of IServerDdlTrigger objects.
公共类 ServerDdlTriggerEventTypeSet Represents a collection of server DDL trigger event types.
公共类 SortedListCollection< (Of < ( <'T> ) > ) > Represents a collection of metadata objects that uses a SortedList object as the underlying container.
公共类 StoredProcedureCollection Represents a collection of IStoredProcedure objects.
公共类 SystemDataTypeLookupBase Provides look up functionality for system data types.
公共类 TableCollection Represents a collection of ITable objects.
公共类 TableValuedFunctionCollection Represents a collection of ITableValuedFunction objects.
公共类 TableVariableCollection Represents a collection of ITableVariable objects.
公共类 TabularCollection Represents a collection of ITabular objects.
公共类 TriTypeSortedListCollection< (Of < ( <'T, B1, B2> ) > ) > Represents a collection of metadata objects that implements IMetadataCollection<(Of <(<'T>)>)> for T, B1 and B2 types.
公共类 UdtMemberCollectionBase< (Of < ( <'T> ) > ) > Provides the abstract base class for a collection of IUdtMember objects.
公共类 UdtMethodCollection Represents a collection of IUdtMethod objects.
公共类 UserCollection Represents a collection of IUser objects.
公共类 UserDefinedAggregateCollection Represents a collection of IUserDefinedAggregate objects.
公共类 UserDefinedClrTypeCollection Represents a collection of IUserDefinedType objects.
公共类 UserDefinedDataTypeCollection Represents a collection of IUserDefinedDataType objects.
公共类 UserDefinedTableTypeCollection Represents a collection of IUserDefinedTableType objects.
公共类 ViewCollection Represents a collection of IView objects.


  接口 说明
公共接口 IAsymmetricKeyFactory Defines methods that create asymmetric key objects.
公共接口 IBuiltInFunctionLookup Provides the ability to look up SQL Server built-in functions and system functions that start with two at signs (@@).
公共接口 ICertificateFactory Defines methods that are used to create certificate objects.
公共接口 ICollationLookup Provides the ability to look up system supported collations.
公共接口 IColumnFactory Defines methods that are used to create IColumn objects.
公共接口 IConstraintFactory Defines methods that are used to create constraint objects.
公共接口 ICredentialFactory Defines methods that are used to create credential objects.
公共接口 IDatabaseFactory Defines methods that are used to create database objects.
公共接口 IDataTypeFactory Defines properties and methods that are used to create IDataType objects.
公共接口 IExecutionContextFactory Provides methods that are used to create IExecutionContext objects.
公共接口 IIndexFactory Defines methods that are used to create index objects.
公共接口 ILiteralScalarFactory Defines methods and properties that are used to create scalar objects that represent typed literal scalar expressions.
公共接口 ILoginFactory Defines methods that are used to create SQL Server login objects.
公共接口 IMetadataDisplayInfoProvider Defines methods that provide extended display information properties about metadata objects.
公共接口 IMetadataFactory Defines methods and properties that can be used to create metadata objects.
公共接口 IMetadataProvider Defines methods and properties that can be used to access server metadata objects or create metadata objects.
公共接口 IParameterFactory Defines methods that are used to create parameter objects.
公共接口 IRoleFactory Provides methods that can be used to create database role and application role objects.
公共接口 IScalarFactory Defines methods and properties that can be used to create scalar objects.
公共接口 ISchemaFactory Defines methods that can be used to create schema objects.
公共接口 IServerFactory Defines methods that can be used to create server objects.
公共接口 IStoredProcedureFactory Defines methods that can be used to create stored procedure objects.
公共接口 ISystemDataTypeLookup Defines methods that can be used to look up and return system data types.
公共接口 ITabularFactory Defines methods that can be used to create tabular objects.
公共接口 ITriggerFactory Defines methods to create trigger objects.
公共接口 IUserDefinedFunctionFactory Defines methods that can be used to create user-defined function objects.
公共接口 IUserDefinedTypeFactory Defines methods that can be used to create IUserDefinedType objects.
公共接口 IUserFactory Defines methods that can be used to create IUser objects.
公共接口 IVariableFactory Defines methods that can be used to create ILocalVariable objects.


  委托 说明
公共委托 MetadataProviderEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the AfterCheck, AfterCollapse, AfterExpand, or AfterSelect event of an IMetadataProvider object.


  枚举 说明
公共枚举 CasingStyle Defines different casing styles for a string literal.
公共枚举 ColumnAttributes Defines a set of attributes that describe the column properties.