IAuthenticationExtension 接口

Represents an authentication extension in SQL Server Reporting Services.

命名空间:  Microsoft.ReportingServices.Interfaces
程序集:   Microsoft.ReportingServices.SharePoint.UI.WebParts(在 Microsoft.ReportingServices.SharePoint.UI.WebParts.dll 中)
  Microsoft.ReportingServices.Interfaces(在 Microsoft.ReportingServices.Interfaces.dll 中)


Public Interface IAuthenticationExtension _
    Inherits IExtension
Dim instance As IAuthenticationExtension
public interface IAuthenticationExtension : IExtension
public interface class IAuthenticationExtension : IExtension
type IAuthenticationExtension =  
        interface IExtension
public interface IAuthenticationExtension extends IExtension

IAuthenticationExtension 类型公开以下成员。


  名称 说明
公共属性 LocalizedName Gets the localized name of the extension to be displayed in a user interface. (从 IExtension 继承。)



  名称 说明
公共方法 GetUserInfo Returns the current user identity.
公共方法 IsValidPrincipalName Indicates whether the specified principal name is valid.
公共方法 LogonUser Creates a logon session for the user associated with the given credentials.
公共方法 SetConfiguration Used to pass custom configuration data to an extension. (从 IExtension 继承。)



The IAuthenticationExtension interface in Reporting Services enables your security extension to specify a custom way for the report server to authenticate users. To create an authentication extension class, implement IAuthenticationExtension.

Your authentication extension should provide implementations for the LogonUser, GetUserInfo, and IsValidPrincipalName methods. Implementing IAuthenticationExtension enables your security extension to validate user credentials against a specified authority and enables the report server to access user information.

The primary way in which you can implement a custom authentication extension is through the use of Forms authentication. For more information, see "Forms Authentication Provider" in your .NET Framework Developer's Guide.