KnowledgeSyncProvider.GetChangeBatch 方法


命名空间: Microsoft.Synchronization
程序集: Microsoft.Synchronization(在 microsoft.synchronization.dll 中)


Public MustOverride Function GetChangeBatch ( _
    batchSize As UInteger, _
    destinationKnowledge As SyncKnowledge, _
    <OutAttribute> ByRef changeDataRetriever As Object _
) As ChangeBatch
Dim instance As KnowledgeSyncProvider
Dim batchSize As UInteger
Dim destinationKnowledge As SyncKnowledge
Dim changeDataRetriever As Object
Dim returnValue As ChangeBatch

returnValue = instance.GetChangeBatch(batchSize, destinationKnowledge, changeDataRetriever)
public abstract ChangeBatch GetChangeBatch (
    uint batchSize,
    SyncKnowledge destinationKnowledge,
    out Object changeDataRetriever
virtual ChangeBatch^ GetChangeBatch (
    unsigned int batchSize, 
    SyncKnowledge^ destinationKnowledge, 
    [OutAttribute] Object^% changeDataRetriever
) abstract
public abstract ChangeBatch GetChangeBatch (
    UInt32 batchSize, 
    SyncKnowledge destinationKnowledge, 
    /** @attribute OutAttribute() */ /** @ref */ Object changeDataRetriever
JScript does not support passing value-type arguments by reference.


  • batchSize
  • destinationKnowledge
    来自目标提供程序的知识。此知识必须先通过调用源知识中的 MapRemoteKnowledgeToLocal 进行映射,然后才能用于变更枚举。
  • changeDataRetriever
    返回一个可用于检索变更数据的对象。可以是 IChangeDataRetriever 对象,也可以是提供程序特定的对象。


包含某些项的项元数据的变更批,这些项不包含在来自目标提供程序的指定知识中。不能是 null 引用(在 Visual Basic 中为 Nothing)。



如果剩余的变更数小于 batchSize 指定的变更数,则返回较小的批。

如果在已无变更的情况下调用此方法,则引发 InvalidOperationException

实施者注意事项: 如果在此批之后再无变更要发送,则必须将返回的变更批的 IsLastBatch 设置为 true。否则,Sync Framework 将再次调用 GetChangeBatch 来检索另一个变更批。



public override ChangeBatch GetChangeBatch(uint batchSize, SyncKnowledge destinationKnowledge, out object changeDataRetriever)
    // Return this object as the IChangeDataRetriever object that is called to retrieve item data.
    changeDataRetriever = this;

    // Call the metadata store to get a batch of changes.
    return _itemStore.ContactReplicaMetadata.GetChangeBatch(batchSize, destinationKnowledge);

以下示例说明上一个示例中调用的 GetChangeBatch 方法。此示例创建一个 ChangeBatch 对象并启动一个有序组。当某一项不包含在目标知识中时,此示例会将该项添加到有序组。

public override ChangeBatch GetChangeBatch(uint batchSize, SyncKnowledge destinationKnowledge)
    // The destination knowledge must be converted to be compatible with the source replica
    // before it can be used.
    SyncKnowledge mappedDestKnowledge = _knowledge.MapRemoteKnowledgeToLocal(destinationKnowledge);

    // Create a new change batch, initialized by using the current knowledge of the source replica
    // and a new ForgottenKnowledge object.
    ChangeBatch changeBatch = new ChangeBatch(IdFormats, GetKnowledge(), new ForgottenKnowledge());

    // Start a group of changes in the change batch. The group is ordered by item ID.
    // _getChangeBatchCurrent is 0 the first time GetChangeBatch is called, and is used to track the
    // position in the metadata store for subsequent calls to GetChangeBatch.
    // itemsAdded is incremented each time a change is added to the change batch. When itemsAdded
    // is greater than the requested batch size, enumeration stops and the change batch is returned.
    int itemsAdded = 0;
    ItemMetadata itemMeta;

    // Enumerate items and add a change to the change batch if it is not contained in the 
    // destination knowledge.
    // _items is a SortedList that contains ItemMetadata objects that are ordered by item ID.
    for (; itemsAdded <= batchSize && _getChangeBatchCurrent < _items.Count; _getChangeBatchCurrent++)
        itemMeta = _items.Values[_getChangeBatchCurrent];
        ChangeKind kind = (itemMeta.IsDeleted) ? ChangeKind.Deleted : ChangeKind.Update;
        ItemChange change = new ItemChange(IdFormats, ReplicaId, itemMeta.GlobalId, kind, itemMeta.CreationVersion, 

        // If the change is not contained in the destination knowledge, add it to the change batch.
        if (!mappedDestKnowledge.Contains(change))

    // End the group of changes in the change batch. Pass the current source knowledge.
    changeBatch.EndOrderedGroup(_items.Values[_getChangeBatchCurrent - 1].GlobalId, _knowledge);

    // When all items in the metadata store have been enumerated, set this batch as the
    // last batch.
    if (_getChangeBatchCurrent == _items.Count)

    return changeBatch;



KnowledgeSyncProvider 类
KnowledgeSyncProvider 成员
Microsoft.Synchronization 命名空间