
如何使用 IoT Central REST API 來管理裝置範本

IoT Central REST API 可讓您開發與 IoT Central 應用程式整合的用戶端應用程式。 您可以使用 REST API 在 IoT Central 應用程式中管理裝置範本

每個 IoT Central REST API 呼叫都需要授權標頭。 若要深入了解,請參閱如何驗證和授權 IoT Central REST API 呼叫

如需 IoT Central REST API 的參考文件,請參閱 Azure IoT Central REST API 參考

若要了解如何使用 IoT Central UI 來管理裝置範本,請參閱如何設定裝置範本如何編輯裝置範本


裝置範本包含裝置型號和檢視定義。 REST API 可讓您管理裝置型號,包括雲端屬性定義。 您必須使用 UI 建立和管理檢視。

裝置範本的裝置機型區段會指定您想要連線到應用程式的裝置功能。 功能包括遙測、屬性和命令。 模型是使用 DTDL v2 (英文) 來定義。


IoT Central 定義了 DTDL 語言的一些延伸模組。 若要深入了解,請參閱 IoT Central 延伸模組


IoT Central REST API \(英文\) 可讓您:

  • 將裝置範本新增到您的應用程式
  • 在您的應用程式中更新裝置範本
  • 取得應用程式中的裝置範本清單
  • 依識別碼取得裝置範本
  • 在您的應用程式中刪除裝置範本
  • 篩選應用程式中的裝置範本清單


使用下列要求來建立及發佈新的裝置範本。 預設檢視會自動針對以此方式建立的裝置範本產生。

PUT https://{your app subdomain}/api/deviceTemplates/{deviceTemplateId}?api-version=2022-07-31


裝置範本識別碼遵循 DTDL 命名慣例,例如:dtmi:contoso:mythermostattemplate;1

下列範例顯示會為控溫器裝置新增裝置範本的要求本文。 capabilityModel 包含溫度遙測、兩個屬性和命令。 裝置範本會定義 CustomerName 雲端屬性,並使用 decimalPlacesdisplayUnitmaxValueminValue 來自訂 targetTemperature 屬性。 裝置範本 @id 的值必須符合 URL 中的 deviceTemplateId 值。 裝置範本 @id 的值與 capabilityModel @id 值的值不同。

    "displayName": "Thermostat",

    "@id": "dtmi:contoso:mythermostattemplate;1",
    "@type": [
    "@context": [
    "capabilityModel": {
        "@id": "dtmi:contoso:Thermostat;1",
        "@type": "Interface",
        "contents": [
                "@type": [
                "description": "Temperature in degrees Celsius.",
                "displayName": "Temperature",
                "name": "temperature",
                "schema": "double",
                "unit": "degreeCelsius"
                "@type": [
                "description": "Allows to remotely specify the desired target temperature.",
                "displayName": "Target Temperature",
                "name": "targetTemperature",
                "schema": "double",
                "unit": "degreeCelsius",
                "writable": true,
                "decimalPlaces": 1,
                "displayUnit": "C",
                "maxValue": 80,
                "minValue": 50
                "@type": [
                "description": "Returns the max temperature since last device reboot.",
                "displayName": "Max temperature since last reboot.",
                "name": "maxTempSinceLastReboot",
                "schema": "double",
                "unit": "degreeCelsius"
                "@type": "Command",
                "description": "This command returns the max, min and average temperature from the specified time to the current time.",
                "displayName": "Get report",
                "name": "getMaxMinReport",
                "request": {
                    "@type": "CommandPayload",
                    "description": "Period to return the max-min report.",
                    "displayName": "Since",
                    "name": "since",
                    "schema": "dateTime"
                "response": {
                    "@type": "CommandPayload",
                    "displayName": "Temperature Report",
                    "name": "tempReport",
                    "schema": {
                        "@type": "Object",
                        "fields": [
                                "displayName": "Max temperature",
                                "name": "maxTemp",
                                "schema": "double"
                                "displayName": "Min temperature",
                                "name": "minTemp",
                                "schema": "double"
                                "displayName": "Average Temperature",
                                "name": "avgTemp",
                                "schema": "double"
                                "displayName": "Start Time",
                                "name": "startTime",
                                "schema": "dateTime"
                                "displayName": "End Time",
                                "name": "endTime",
                                "schema": "dateTime"
                "@type": [
                "displayName": "Customer Name",
                "name": "CustomerName",
                "schema": "string"
        "description": "Reports current temperature and provides desired temperature control.",
        "displayName": "Thermostat"


  • @id:簡單統一資源名稱形式的唯一識別碼。
  • @type:宣告最上層的物件為 "ModelDefinition","DeviceModel"
  • @context:指定用於介面的 DTDL 版本。
  • contents:列出組成裝置的屬性、遙測和命令。 這些功能可以在多個介面中定義。
  • capabilityModel:每個裝置範本有一個功能模型。 系統會在每個模組功能模型和裝置模型之間建立關聯性。 功能模型會實作一或多個模組介面。


裝置範本 JSON 不是標準 DTDL 文件。 裝置範本 JSON 包含 IoT Central 特定資料,例如雲端屬性定義和顯示單位。 您可以使用裝置範本 JSON 格式,使用 REST API、CLI 和 UI,在 IoT Central 中匯入和匯出裝置範本。



  • name:介面的程式設計名稱。
  • schema:功能模型實作的介面。


    "etag": "\"~F27cqSo0ON3bfOzwgZxAl89/JVvM80+dds6y8+mZh5M=\"",
    "displayName": "Thermostat",
    "capabilityModel": {
        "@id": "dtmi:contoso:Thermostat;1",
        "@type": "Interface",
        "contents": [
                "@type": [
                "description": "Temperature in degrees Celsius.",
                "displayName": "Temperature",
                "name": "temperature",
                "schema": "double",
                "unit": "degreeCelsius"
                "@type": [
                "description": "Allows to remotely specify the desired target temperature.",
                "displayName": "Target Temperature",
                "name": "targetTemperature",
                "schema": "double",
                "unit": "degreeCelsius",
                "writable": true,
                "decimalPlaces": 1,
                "displayUnit": "C",
                "maxValue": 80,
                "minValue": 50
                "@type": [
                "description": "Returns the max temperature since last device reboot.",
                "displayName": "Max temperature since last reboot.",
                "name": "maxTempSinceLastReboot",
                "schema": "double",
                "unit": "degreeCelsius"
                "@type": "Command",
                "description": "This command returns the max, min and average temperature from the specified time to the current time.",
                "displayName": "Get report",
                "name": "getMaxMinReport",
                "request": {
                    "@type": "CommandPayload",
                    "description": "Period to return the max-min report.",
                    "displayName": "Since",
                    "name": "since",
                    "schema": "dateTime"
                "response": {
                    "@type": "CommandPayload",
                    "displayName": "Temperature Report",
                    "name": "tempReport",
                    "schema": {
                        "@type": "Object",
                        "fields": [
                                "displayName": "Max temperature",
                                "name": "maxTemp",
                                "schema": "double"
                                "displayName": "Min temperature",
                                "name": "minTemp",
                                "schema": "double"
                                "displayName": "Average Temperature",
                                "name": "avgTemp",
                                "schema": "double"
                                "displayName": "Start Time",
                                "name": "startTime",
                                "schema": "dateTime"
                                "displayName": "End Time",
                                "name": "endTime",
                                "schema": "dateTime"
                "@type": [
                "displayName": "Customer Name",
                "name": "CustomerName",
                "schema": "string"
        "description": "Reports current temperature and provides desired temperature control.",
        "displayName": "Thermostat"
    "@id": "dtmi:modelDefinition:spzeut3n:n2lteu39u6",
    "@type": [
    "@context": [



GET https://{your app subdomain}/api/deviceTemplates/{deviceTemplateId}?api-version=2022-07-31


您可以將滑鼠停留在裝置上,以從 IoT Central 應用程式 UI 取得 deviceTemplateId


    "etag": "\"~F27cqSo0ON3bfOzwgZxAl89/JVvM80+dds6y8+mZh5M=\"",
    "displayName": "Thermostat",
    "capabilityModel": {
        "@id": "dtmi:contoso:Thermostat;1",
        "@type": "Interface",
        "contents": [
                "@type": [
                "description": "Temperature in degrees Celsius.",
                "displayName": "Temperature",
                "name": "temperature",
                "schema": "double",
                "unit": "degreeCelsius"
                "@type": [
                "description": "Allows to remotely specify the desired target temperature.",
                "displayName": "Target Temperature",
                "name": "targetTemperature",
                "schema": "double",
                "unit": "degreeCelsius",
                "writable": true,
                "decimalPlaces": 1,
                "displayUnit": "C",
                "maxValue": 80,
                "minValue": 50
                "@type": [
                "description": "Returns the max temperature since last device reboot.",
                "displayName": "Max temperature since last reboot.",
                "name": "maxTempSinceLastReboot",
                "schema": "double",
                "unit": "degreeCelsius"
                "@type": "Command",
                "description": "This command returns the max, min and average temperature from the specified time to the current time.",
                "displayName": "Get report",
                "name": "getMaxMinReport",
                "request": {
                    "@type": "CommandPayload",
                    "description": "Period to return the max-min report.",
                    "displayName": "Since",
                    "name": "since",
                    "schema": "dateTime"
                "response": {
                    "@type": "CommandPayload",
                    "displayName": "Temperature Report",
                    "name": "tempReport",
                    "schema": {
                        "@type": "Object",
                        "fields": [
                                "displayName": "Max temperature",
                                "name": "maxTemp",
                                "schema": "double"
                                "displayName": "Min temperature",
                                "name": "minTemp",
                                "schema": "double"
                                "displayName": "Average Temperature",
                                "name": "avgTemp",
                                "schema": "double"
                                "displayName": "Start Time",
                                "name": "startTime",
                                "schema": "dateTime"
                                "displayName": "End Time",
                                "name": "endTime",
                                "schema": "dateTime"
                "@type": [
                "displayName": "Customer Name",
                "name": "CustomerName",
                "schema": "string"
        "description": "Reports current temperature and provides desired temperature control.",
        "displayName": "Thermostat"
    "@id": "dtmi:modelDefinition:spzeut3n:n2lteu39u6",
    "@type": [
    "@context": [


PATCH https://{your app subdomain}/api/deviceTemplates/{deviceTemplateId}?api-version=2022-07-31

範例要求本文如下列範例所示,將 LastMaintenanceDate 雲端屬性新增至裝置範本中的 capabilityModel

    "capabilityModel": {
        "contents": [
                "@type": [
                "description": "Temperature in degrees Celsius.",
                "displayName": "Temperature",
                "name": "temperature",
                "schema": "double",
                "unit": "degreeCelsius"
                "@type": [
                "description": "Allows to remotely specify the desired target temperature.",
                "displayName": "Target Temperature",
                "name": "targetTemperature",
                "schema": "double",
                "unit": "degreeCelsius",
                "writable": true,
                "decimalPlaces": 1,
                "displayUnit": "C",
                "maxValue": 80.0,
                "minValue": 50.0
                "@type": [
                "description": "Returns the max temperature since last device reboot.",
                "displayName": "Max temperature since last reboot.",
                "name": "maxTempSinceLastReboot",
                "schema": "double",
                "unit": "degreeCelsius"
                "@type": "Command",
                "description": "This command returns the max, min and average temperature from the specified time to the current time.",
                "displayName": "Get report",
                "name": "getMaxMinReport",
                "request": {
                    "@type": "CommandPayload",
                    "description": "Period to return the max-min report.",
                    "displayName": "Since",
                    "name": "since",
                    "schema": "dateTime"
                "response": {
                    "@type": "CommandPayload",
                    "displayName": "Temperature Report",
                    "name": "tempReport",
                    "schema": {
                        "@type": "Object",
                        "fields": [
                                "displayName": "Max temperature",
                                "name": "maxTemp",
                                "schema": "double"
                                "displayName": "Min temperature",
                                "name": "minTemp",
                                "schema": "double"
                                "displayName": "Average Temperature",
                                "name": "avgTemp",
                                "schema": "double"
                                "displayName": "Start Time",
                                "name": "startTime",
                                "schema": "dateTime"
                                "displayName": "End Time",
                                "name": "endTime",
                                "schema": "dateTime"
                "@type": [
                "displayName": "Customer Name",
                "name": "CustomerName",
                "schema": "string"
                "@type": [
                "displayName": "Last Maintenance Date",
                "name": "LastMaintenanceDate",
                "schema": "dateTime"
        "description": "Reports current temperature and provides desired temperature control.",
        "displayName": "Thermostat"


    "etag": "\"~6Ku691rHAgw/yw8u+ygZJGAKjSN4P4q/KxCU2xskrmk=\"",
    "displayName": "Thermostat",
    "capabilityModel": {
        "@id": "dtmi:contoso:Thermostat;1",
        "@type": "Interface",
        "contents": [
                "@type": [
                "description": "Temperature in degrees Celsius.",
                "displayName": "Temperature",
                "name": "temperature",
                "schema": "double",
                "unit": "degreeCelsius"
                "@type": [
                "description": "Allows to remotely specify the desired target temperature.",
                "displayName": "Target Temperature",
                "name": "targetTemperature",
                "schema": "double",
                "unit": "degreeCelsius",
                "writable": true,
                "decimalPlaces": 1,
                "displayUnit": "C",
                "maxValue": 80,
                "minValue": 50
                "@type": [
                "description": "Returns the max temperature since last device reboot.",
                "displayName": "Max temperature since last reboot.",
                "name": "maxTempSinceLastReboot",
                "schema": "double",
                "unit": "degreeCelsius"
                "@type": "Command",
                "description": "This command returns the max, min and average temperature from the specified time to the current time.",
                "displayName": "Get report",
                "name": "getMaxMinReport",
                "request": {
                    "@type": "CommandPayload",
                    "description": "Period to return the max-min report.",
                    "displayName": "Since",
                    "name": "since",
                    "schema": "dateTime"
                "response": {
                    "@type": "CommandPayload",
                    "displayName": "Temperature Report",
                    "name": "tempReport",
                    "schema": {
                        "@type": "Object",
                        "fields": [
                                "displayName": "Max temperature",
                                "name": "maxTemp",
                                "schema": "double"
                                "displayName": "Min temperature",
                                "name": "minTemp",
                                "schema": "double"
                                "displayName": "Average Temperature",
                                "name": "avgTemp",
                                "schema": "double"
                                "displayName": "Start Time",
                                "name": "startTime",
                                "schema": "dateTime"
                                "displayName": "End Time",
                                "name": "endTime",
                                "schema": "dateTime"
                "@type": [
                "displayName": "Customer Name",
                "name": "CustomerName",
                "schema": "string"
                "@type": [
                "displayName": "Last Maintenance Date",
                "name": "LastMaintenanceDate",
                "schema": "dateTime"
        "description": "Reports current temperature and provides desired temperature control.",
        "displayName": "Thermostat"
    "@id": "dtmi:modelDefinition:spzeut3n:n2lteu39u6",
    "@type": [
    "@context": [



DELETE https://{your app subdomain}/api/deviceTemplates/{deviceTemplateId}?api-version=2022-07-31



GET https://{your app subdomain}/api/deviceTemplates?api-version=2022-07-31


    "value": [
            "etag": "\"~F27cqSo0ON3bfOzwgZxAl89/JVvM80+dds6y8+mZh5M=\"",
            "displayName": "Thermostat",
            "capabilityModel": {
                "@id": "dtmi:contoso:Thermostat;1",
                "@type": "Interface",
                "contents": [
                        "@type": [
                        "description": "Temperature in degrees Celsius.",
                        "displayName": "Temperature",
                        "name": "temperature",
                        "schema": "double",
                        "unit": "degreeCelsius"
                        "@type": [
                        "description": "Allows to remotely specify the desired target temperature.",
                        "displayName": "Target Temperature",
                        "name": "targetTemperature",
                        "schema": "double",
                        "unit": "degreeCelsius",
                        "writable": true,
                        "decimalPlaces": 1,
                        "displayUnit": "C",
                        "maxValue": 80,
                        "minValue": 50
                        "@type": [
                        "description": "Returns the max temperature since last device reboot.",
                        "displayName": "Max temperature since last reboot.",
                        "name": "maxTempSinceLastReboot",
                        "schema": "double",
                        "unit": "degreeCelsius"
                        "@type": "Command",
                        "description": "This command returns the max, min and average temperature from the specified time to the current time.",
                        "displayName": "Get report",
                        "name": "getMaxMinReport",
                        "request": {
                            "@type": "CommandPayload",
                            "description": "Period to return the max-min report.",
                            "displayName": "Since",
                            "name": "since",
                            "schema": "dateTime"
                        "response": {
                            "@type": "CommandPayload",
                            "displayName": "Temperature Report",
                            "name": "tempReport",
                            "schema": {
                                "@type": "Object",
                                "fields": [
                                        "displayName": "Max temperature",
                                        "name": "maxTemp",
                                        "schema": "double"
                                        "displayName": "Min temperature",
                                        "name": "minTemp",
                                        "schema": "double"
                                        "displayName": "Average Temperature",
                                        "name": "avgTemp",
                                        "schema": "double"
                                        "displayName": "Start Time",
                                        "name": "startTime",
                                        "schema": "dateTime"
                                        "displayName": "End Time",
                                        "name": "endTime",
                                        "schema": "dateTime"
                        "@type": [
                        "displayName": "Customer Name",
                        "name": "CustomerName",
                        "schema": "string"
                "description": "Reports current temperature and provides desired temperature control.",
                "displayName": "Thermostat"
            "@id": "dtmi:modelDefinition:spzeut3n:n2lteu39u6",
            "@type": [
            "@context": [
            "etag": "\"~XS5GovPNzJqFIwkkV/vyWW5U/6if2NwC/NqUlDxExAY=\"",
            "displayName": "Thermostat2",
            "capabilityModel": {
                "@id": "dtmi:contoso:Thermostat2;1",
                "@type": "Interface",
                "contents": [
                        "@type": [
                        "description": "Temperature in degrees Celsius.",
                        "displayName": "Temperature",
                        "name": "temperature",
                        "schema": "double",
                        "unit": "degreeCelsius"
                        "@type": [
                        "description": "Allows to remotely specify the desired target temperature.",
                        "displayName": "Target Temperature",
                        "name": "targetTemperature",
                        "schema": "double",
                        "unit": "degreeCelsius",
                        "writable": true,
                        "decimalPlaces": 1,
                        "displayUnit": "C",
                        "maxValue": 80,
                        "minValue": 50
                        "@type": [
                        "description": "Returns the max temperature since last device reboot.",
                        "displayName": "Max temperature since last reboot.",
                        "name": "maxTempSinceLastReboot",
                        "schema": "double",
                        "unit": "degreeCelsius"
                        "@type": "Command",
                        "description": "This command returns the max, min and average temperature from the specified time to the current time.",
                        "displayName": "Get report",
                        "name": "getMaxMinReport",
                        "request": {
                            "@type": "CommandPayload",
                            "description": "Period to return the max-min report.",
                            "displayName": "Since",
                            "name": "since",
                            "schema": "dateTime"
                        "response": {
                            "@type": "CommandPayload",
                            "displayName": "Temperature Report",
                            "name": "tempReport",
                            "schema": {
                                "@type": "Object",
                                "fields": [
                                        "displayName": "Max temperature",
                                        "name": "maxTemp",
                                        "schema": "double"
                                        "displayName": "Min temperature",
                                        "name": "minTemp",
                                        "schema": "double"
                                        "displayName": "Average Temperature",
                                        "name": "avgTemp",
                                        "schema": "double"
                                        "displayName": "Start Time",
                                        "name": "startTime",
                                        "schema": "dateTime"
                                        "displayName": "End Time",
                                        "name": "endTime",
                                        "schema": "dateTime"
                        "@type": [
                        "displayName": "Customer Name",
                        "name": "CustomerName",
                        "schema": "string"
                "description": "Reports current temperature and provides desired temperature control.",
                "displayName": "Thermostat"
            "@id": "dtmi:modelDefinition:spzeut3n:n2lteu39u67",
            "@type": [
            "@context": [

使用 ODATA 篩選

在 API 的預覽版本 (api-version=2022-10-31-preview) 中,您可以使用 ODATA 篩選條件來篩選及排序清單裝置範本 API 所傳回的結果。


使用 maxpagesize 篩選來設定結果大小。 傳回的結果大小上限為 100,而預設大小為 25。

使用下列要求,從您的應用程式擷取前 10 個裝置範本:

GET https://{your app subdomain}/api/deviceTemplates?api-version=2022-10-31-preview&maxpagesize=10


    "value": [
            "etag": "\"~6Ku691rHAgw/yw8u+ygZJGAKjSN4P4q/KxCU2xskrmk=\"",
            "displayName": "Thermostat",
            "capabilityModel": {
                "@id": "dtmi:contoso:Thermostat;1",
                "@type": "Interface",
                "contents": [
                "description": "Reports current temperature and provides desired temperature control.",
                "displayName": "Thermostat"
            "@id": "dtmi:modelDefinition:spzeut3n:n2lteu39u6",
            "@type": [
            "@context": [
            "etag": "\"~6Ku691rHAgw/yw8u+ygZJGAKjSN4P4q/KxCU2xskrmk=\"",
            "displayName": "Thermostat3",
            "capabilityModel": {
                "@id": "dtmi:contoso:Thermostat;3",
                "@type": "Interface",
                "contents": [
                "description": "Reports current temperature and provides desired temperature control.",
                "displayName": "Thermostat3"
            "@id": "dtmi:modelDefinition:spzeut3n:n2lteu39u6",
            "@type": [
            "@context": [
        // ...
    "nextLink": "https://{your app subdomain}.azureiotcentral.com/api/deviceTemplates?api-version=2022-07-31&%24top=1&%24skiptoken=%7B%22token%22%3A%22%2BRID%3A%7EJWYqAKZQKp20qCoAAAAACA%3D%3D%23RT%3A1%23TRC%3A1%23ISV%3A2%23IEO%3A65551%23QCF%3A4%22%2C%22range%22%3A%7B%22min%22%3A%2205C1DFFFFFFFFC%22%2C%22max%22%3A%22FF%22%7D%7D"

回應包含 nextLink 值,可用來擷取下一頁的結果。


使用 filter 建立用於篩選裝置範本清單的運算式。 下表顯示您可以使用的比較運算子:

比較運算子 符號 範例
Equals eq '@id' eq 'dtmi:example:test;1'
不等於 ne displayName ne 'template 1'
Less than or equals le displayName le 'template A'
小於 lt displayName lt 'template B'
Greater than or equals ge displayName ge 'template A'
大於 gt displayName gt 'template B'

下表顯示您可以在 filter 運算式中使用的邏輯運算子:

邏輯運算子 符號 範例
and '@id' eq 'dtmi:example:test;1' and capabilityModelId eq 'dtmi:example:test:model1;1'
OR '@id' eq 'dtmi:example:test;1' or displayName ge 'template'

目前,filter 可搭配下列裝置範本欄位使用:

FieldName 類型 描述
@id string 裝置範本識別碼
displayName string 裝置範本顯示名稱
capabilityModelId string 裝置範本功能模型識別碼


目前,裝置範本清單唯一支援的篩選函式是 contains 函式:

filter=contains(displayName, 'template1')

下列範例示範如何擷取顯示名稱包含字串 thermostat 的所有裝置範本:

GET https://{your app subdomain}/api/deviceTemplates?api-version=2022-10-31-preview&filter=contains(displayName, 'thermostat')


    "value": [
            "etag": "\"~6Ku691rHAgw/yw8u+ygZJGAKjSN4P4q/KxCU2xskrmk=\"",
            "displayName": "Thermostat",
            "capabilityModel": {
                "@id": "dtmi:contoso:Thermostat;1",
                "@type": "Interface",
                "contents": [
                "description": "Reports current temperature and provides desired temperature control.",
                "displayName": "Thermostat"
            "@id": "dtmi:modelDefinition:spzeut3n:n2lteu39u6",
            "@type": [
            "@context": [
            "etag": "\"~6Ku691rHAgw/yw8u+ygZJGAKjSN4P46/KxCU2xskrmk=\"",
            "displayName": "Room Thermostat",
            "capabilityModel": {
                "@id": "dtmi:contoso:RoomThermostat;1",
                "@type": "Interface",
                "contents": [
                "description": "Reports current room temperature and provides desired temperature control.",
                "displayName": "Room Thermostat"
            "@id": "dtmi:modelDefinition:spzeut3n:n2lteu39u7",
            "@type": [
            "@context": [
            "etag": "\"~6Ku691rHAgw/yw8u+ygZJGAKjSN4P7q/KxCU2xskrmk=\"",
            "displayName": "Vehicle Thermostat",
            "capabilityModel": {
                "@id": "dtmi:contoso:VehicleThermostat;1",
                "@type": "Interface",
                "contents": [
                "description": "Reports current vehicle temperature and provides desired temperature control.",
                "displayName": "Vehicle Thermostat"
            "@id": "dtmi:modelDefinition:spzeut3n:n2lt7u39u7",
            "@type": [
            "@context": [


使用 orderby 排序結果。 目前,orderby 只可讓您依 displayName 排序。 根據預設,orderby 會以遞增順序排序。 使用 desc 來依遞減順序排序,例如:

orderby=displayName desc

下列範例顯示如何擷取按 displayName 排序結果的所有裝置範本:

GET https://{your app subdomain}/api/deviceTemplates?api-version=2022-10-31-preview&orderby=displayName


    "value": [
            "etag": "\"~6Ku691rHAgw/yw8u+ygZJGAKjSN4P4q/KxCU2xskrmk=\"",
            "displayName": "Aircon Thermostat",
            "capabilityModel": {
                "@id": "dtmi:contoso:AirconThermostat;1",
                "@type": "Interface",
                "contents": [
                "description": "Reports current temperature and provides desired temperature control.",
                "displayName": "Thermostat"
            "@id": "dtmi:modelDefinition:spzeut3n:n2lteu39u6",
            "@type": [
            "@context": [
            "etag": "\"~6Ku691rHAgw/yw8u+ygZJGAKjSN4P46/KxCU2xskrmk=\"",
            "displayName": "Room Thermostat",
            "capabilityModel": {
                "@id": "dtmi:contoso:RoomThermostat;1",
                "@type": "Interface",
                "contents": [
                "description": "Reports current room temperature and provides desired temperature control.",
                "displayName": "Room Thermostat"
            "@id": "dtmi:modelDefinition:spzeut3n:n2lteu39u7",
            "@type": [
            "@context": [
            "etag": "\"~6Ku691rHAgw/yw8u+ygZJGAKjSN4P7q/KxCU2xskrmk=\"",
            "displayName": "Vehicle Thermostat",
            "capabilityModel": {
                "@id": "dtmi:contoso:VehicleThermostat;1",
                "@type": "Interface",
                "contents": [
                "description": "Reports current vehicle temperature and provides desired temperature control.",
                "displayName": "Vehicle Thermostat"
            "@id": "dtmi:modelDefinition:spzeut3n:n2lt7u39u7",
            "@type": [
            "@context": [


下列範例示範如何擷取顯示名稱包含字串 thermostat 的前兩個裝置範本。

GET https://{your app subdomain}/api/deviceTemplates?api-version=2022-10-31-preview&filter=contains(displayName, 'thermostat')&maxpagesize=2


    "value": [
            "etag": "\"~6Ku691rHAgw/yw8u+ygZJGAKjSN4P4q/KxCU2xskrmk=\"",
            "displayName": "Aircon Thermostat",
            "capabilityModel": {
                "@id": "dtmi:contoso:AirconThermostat;1",
                "@type": "Interface",
                "contents": [
                "description": "Reports current temperature and provides desired temperature control.",
                "displayName": "Thermostat"
            "@id": "dtmi:modelDefinition:spzeut3n:n2lteu39u6",
            "@type": [
            "@context": [
            "etag": "\"~6Ku691rHAgw/yw8u+ygZJGAKjSN4P46/KxCU2xskrmk=\"",
            "displayName": "Room Thermostat",
            "capabilityModel": {
                "@id": "dtmi:contoso:RoomThermostat;1",
                "@type": "Interface",
                "contents": [
                "description": "Reports current room temperature and provides desired temperature control.",
                "displayName": "Room Thermostat"
            "@id": "dtmi:modelDefinition:spzeut3n:n2lteu39u7",
            "@type": [
            "@context": [