Teamwork Projects (Preview)

Keep all your team's tasks in one place. Collaborate and work in real time for real results. Teamwork Projects is a powerful and simple way to collaborate with your team.
This connector is available in the following products and regions:
Service | Class | Regions |
Logic Apps | Standard | All Logic Apps regions except the following: - Azure Government regions - Azure China regions - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Power Automate | Premium | All Power Automate regions except the following: - US Government (GCC) - US Government (GCC High) - China Cloud operated by 21Vianet - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Power Apps | Premium | All Power Apps regions except the following: - US Government (GCC) - US Government (GCC High) - China Cloud operated by 21Vianet - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Connector Metadata | |
Publisher | Microsoft |
Website | |
Privacy policy | |
To use the triggers in this integration, first you must have enabled Webhooks for your Teamwork Projects account. To enable Webhooks, click Settings in the top right of your Teamwork Projects account, click Site Settings and select the Webhooks tab. Once the setting is enabled in your account, using a trigger will automatically register the webhook for you.
The connector supports the following authentication types:
Default | Parameters for creating connection. | All regions | Not shareable |
Applicable: All regions
Parameters for creating connection.
This is not shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection explicitly.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
Username | string | The username for this api | True |
Password | securestring | The password for this api | True |
Site url | string | Root site url (Example: ) | True |
Name | Calls | Renewal Period |
API calls per connection | 100 | 60 seconds |
Frequency of trigger polls | 1 | 1 seconds |
Create project |
This operation is used to create a new Teamwork project. |
Create task |
This operation is used to create a new task. |
Create user |
This operation is used to create a new user. |
Delete task |
This operation is used to delete a task. |
Get project |
This operation returns all properties asosciated with a specific project, given its id. |
Get task |
This operation returns all properties asosciated with a specific task, given its id. |
Get user |
This operation is used to get all details of a user. |
List projects |
This operation returns a list of all projects associated with your account. |
List tasks |
This operation is used to return a list of tasks for a given project. |
List users |
This operation returns a list of all users asosciated with a specific project. |
Update task |
This operation is used to update the properties of a specific task. |
This operation is used to create a new Teamwork project.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
name | True | string |
Project name. |
description | string |
More details about the project. |
Category Id
category-id | string |
Pick a category |
Company Id
companyId | string |
Pick an existing company. |
New Company
newCompany | string |
Enter the name of a new external company. |
Start Date
startDate | string |
yyyy-MM-dd |
End Date
endDate | string |
yyyy-MM-dd |
tags | string |
A comma separated list of tags for the project. |
This operation is used to create a new task.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Project Id
projectId | True | string |
Pick a project. |
Task list Id
taskListId | True | string |
Pick a task list. |
content | True | string |
Task title. |
description | string |
Details of the task. |
progress | string |
Set the progress from 0 to 90. |
Assign To
responsible-party-id | string |
Pick a user. |
Start Date
start-date | string |
yyyy-MM-dd |
Due Date
due-date | string |
yyyy-MM-dd |
Estimated minutes
estimated-minutes | string |
For a task to complete. |
priority | string |
Pick a priority. |
Notify People
notify | boolean |
True to notify people assigned to this task by email. |
Is Private
private | boolean |
True to make task private. |
tags | string |
A comma separated list of tags for the task. |
- Body
- UpsertTask_Response
This operation is used to create a new user.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Email Address
email-address | True | string |
User's email. |
First Name
first-name | True | string |
User's first name. |
Last Name
last-name | True | string |
User's last name. |
Company Id
company-id | string |
User's company. |
Job Title
title | string |
User's title. |
phone-number-home | string |
User's home phone. |
phone-number-mobile | string |
User's mobile phone. |
phone-number-office | string |
User's office phone. |
Office Extension
phone-number-office-ext | string |
User's office phone extension. |
phone-number-fax | string |
User's fax number. |
user-name | True | string |
Display name of the user. |
- Body
- CreateUser_Response
This operation is used to delete a task.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Task Id
taskId | True | string |
Unique id of the task. |
- Body
- DeleteTask_Response
This operation returns all properties asosciated with a specific project, given its id.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Project Id
projectId | True | string |
Unique id of the project. |
- Body
- GetProject_Response
This operation returns all properties asosciated with a specific task, given its id.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Task Id
taskId | True | string |
Unique id of the task. |
Details associated with a specific task.
- Body
- GetTask_Response
This operation is used to get all details of a user.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Person Id
personId | True | string |
Unique id of the person. |
- Body
- GetUser_Response
This operation returns a list of all projects associated with your account.
This operation is used to return a list of tasks for a given project.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Project Id
projectId | True | string |
Pick a project. |
Task list Id
taskListId | True | string |
Pick a task list. |
- Body
- ListTasks_Response
This operation returns a list of all users asosciated with a specific project.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Project Id
projectId | True | string |
Pick a project. |
- Body
- ListUsers_Response
This operation is used to update the properties of a specific task.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Task Id
taskId | True | string |
Unique id of the task. |
content | string |
Task name. |
description | string |
Task description. |
progress | string |
Integer from 0 to 90. |
Assign to
responsible-party-id | string |
Pick a person. |
Start Date
start-date | string |
yyyy-MM-dd |
Due Date
due-date | string |
yyyy-MM-dd |
Estimated time
estimated-minutes | string |
Minutes to complete the task. |
priority | string |
Pick a priority. |
Notify People
notify | boolean |
True to notify people assigned to this task by email. |
Is Private
private | boolean |
True to make task private. |
tags | string |
A comma separated list of tags for the task. |
- Body
- UpsertTask_Response
When a project is created |
This operation triggers when a new project is created. |
When a task is created |
This operation triggers when a new task is created. |
When a user is created |
This operation triggers when a new user is created. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Project Id
objectId | string |
Unique identifier of the project. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Task Id
objectId | string |
Unique identifier of the task. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
User Id
objectId | string |
Unique identifier of the user. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Project Id
id | string |
Unique id of the project. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Projects List
projects | array of Project_Response |
Array of all projects asosciated with your account. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
project | Project_Response |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
| | string |
Unique id of the project category. |
| | string |
Name of the project category. |
| | string |
Unique id of the company. |
| | string |
Name of the company. |
Created Date-Time
created-on | date-time |
yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ |
description | string |
More details about the project. |
End Date-Time
endDate | string |
yyyy-MM-dd |
Timer Enabled
harvest-timers-enabled | boolean |
True if Harvest timer is enabled. |
Project Id
id | string |
Unique id of the project. |
Updated Date-Time
last-changed-on | date-time |
yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ |
logo | string |
Project logo. |
name | string |
Project name. |
Overview Page
overview-start-page | string |
Url of the overview-start-page. |
Privacy Enabled
privacyEnabled | boolean |
True if privacy is enabled. |
starred | boolean |
True if project is starred. |
Start Date-Time
startDate | string |
yyyy-MM-dd |
Start Page
start-page | string |
Url of the start-page. |
status | string |
Status of the project. |
subStatus | string |
Substatus of the project. |
Tasks Start Page
tasks-start-page | string |
Url of the tasks-start-page. |
type | string |
Type of project. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Task Id
id | string |
Unique id of the task. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
todo-items | array of Task_Response |
List of tasks along with their properties. |
Details associated with a specific task.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
todo-item | Task_Response |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Can Complete
canComplete | boolean |
True if the task can be completed. |
Can Edit
canEdit | boolean |
True if the task can be edited. |
Can Log Time
canLogTime | boolean |
True if time can be logged to the task. |
Company Id
company-id | integer |
Unique id of the company. |
Company Name
company-name | string |
Name of the company. |
Is completed
completed | boolean |
True is the task is completed. |
content | string |
Title of the task. |
Created Date-Time
created-on | date-time |
yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ |
Creator Avatar URL
creator-avatar-url | string |
Avatar URL of the task creator. |
Creator First Name
creator-firstname | string |
First name of the task creator. |
Creator Id
creator-id | integer |
Unique id of the creator. |
Creator Last Name
creator-lastname | string |
Last name of the task creator. |
description | string |
Task description. |
Due Date
due-date | string |
yyyy-MM-dd |
Estimated Minutes
estimated-minutes | integer |
Time estimate for the task. |
Harvest Enabled.
harvest-enabled | boolean |
True if harvest is enabled. |
Dependency Count
has-dependencies | integer |
Number of dependencies the task has. |
Has Predecessors
has-predecessors | integer |
Number of predecessors the task has. |
Has Reminders
has-reminders | boolean |
True if reminders exist. |
Has Tickets
hasTickets | boolean |
True if tickets exist. |
has-unread-comments | boolean |
True if unread comments exist. |
Task Id
id | integer |
Unique id of the task. |
Updated Date-Time
last-changed-on | date-time |
yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ |
Lock Down Id
lockdownId | string |
Unique Id of lock down. |
Parent Task Id
parentTaskId | string |
Unique Id of the parent task. |
priority | string |
Priority of the task. |
private | integer |
1 if the task is private. |
progress | integer |
Integer between 0 and 90. |
Project Id
project-id | integer |
Unique Id of the project. |
Project Name
project-name | string |
Name of the project. |
Start Date
start-date | string |
yyyy-MM-dd |
status | string |
Deleted, completed, reopened or new. |
Todo List Id
todo-list-id | integer |
Unique Id of the todo list. |
Todo List Name
todo-list-name | string |
Name of the todo list. |
Following Changes
userFollowingChanges | boolean |
True if user is following changes. |
Following Comments
userFollowingComments | boolean |
True if user is following comments. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Task Id
affectedTaskIds | string |
Unique id of the task. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
User Id
id | string |
Unique identifier of the user. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
people | array of User_Response |
List of users. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
person | User_Response |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Avatar URL
avatar-url | string |
User's avatar url. |
Company Id
company-id | string |
Unique Id of the company. |
Company Name
company-name | string |
Name of the company. |
Email Address
email-address | string |
User's email. |
Email Alternate 1
email-alt-1 | string |
User's alternate email. |
First Name
first-name | string |
User's first name. |
User Id
id | string |
Unique id of the user. |
Last Name
last-name | string |
User's last name, |
notes | string |
Notes about the user. |
Open Id
openId | string |
User's open id. |
Fax Number
phone-number-fax | string |
User's fax number. |
phone-number-home | string |
User's home phone. |
phone-number-mobile | string |
User's mobile number. |
Country Code
phone-number-mobile-parts.countryCode | string |
User's mobile number. |
| | string |
User's mobile number. |
phone-number-mobile-parts.prefix | string |
User's mobile number. |
phone-number-office | string |
User's office phone number. |
Office Extension
phone-number-office-ext | string |
User's office phone number. |
pid | string |
User's pid. |
title | string |
User's title. |
string |
User's twitter handle. |
user-name | string |
Display name of the user. |
user-type | string |
User type. |
userUUID | string |
User's UUID. |