MulticastOption 類別
部分資訊涉及發行前產品,在發行之前可能會有大幅修改。 Microsoft 對此處提供的資訊,不做任何明確或隱含的瑕疵擔保。
包含用來聯結 (Join) 和卸除多點傳送群組的 IPAddress 值。
public ref class MulticastOption
public class MulticastOption
type MulticastOption = class
Public Class MulticastOption
- 繼承
下列範例會將預設IP介面聯結至IP多播群組。 他們會假設範圍 到 中的 IP 多播群組位址。
#using <System.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Net;
using namespace System::Net::Sockets;
using namespace System::Text;
// This program shows how to use the MultiCastOption type. In particular,
// it shows how to use the MultiCastOption(IPAddress, IPAddress) constructor,
// You need to use this constructor, in the case of multihomed host (i.e.,
// a host with more than one network card). With the first parameter you
// specify the multicast group address, with the second you specify the
// local address of one of the network cards you want to use for the data
// exchange.
// You must run this program in conjunction with the sender program as
// follows:
// Open a console window and run the listener from the command line.
// In another console window run the sender. In both cases you must specify
// the local IPAddress to use. To obtain this address run the ipconfig from
// the command line.
public ref class TestMulticastOption
static IPAddress^ mcastAddress;
static int mcastPort;
static Socket^ mcastSocket;
static MulticastOption^ mcastOption;
static void MulticastOptionProperties()
Console::WriteLine( "Current multicast group is: {0}", mcastOption->Group );
Console::WriteLine( "Current multicast local address is: {0}", mcastOption->LocalAddress );
static void StartMulticast()
mcastSocket = gcnew Socket( AddressFamily::InterNetwork,SocketType::Dgram,ProtocolType::Udp );
Console::Write( "Enter the local IP Address: " );
IPAddress^ localIPAddr = IPAddress::Parse( Console::ReadLine() );
//IPAddress localIP = IPAddress::Any;
EndPoint^ localEP = dynamic_cast<EndPoint^>(gcnew IPEndPoint( localIPAddr,mcastPort ));
mcastSocket->Bind( localEP );
// Define a MuticastOption object specifying the multicast group
// address and the local IPAddress.
// The multicast group address is the same one used by the server.
mcastOption = gcnew MulticastOption( mcastAddress,localIPAddr );
mcastSocket->SetSocketOption( SocketOptionLevel::IP, SocketOptionName::AddMembership, mcastOption );
catch ( Exception^ e )
Console::WriteLine( e );
static void ReceiveBrodcastMessages()
bool done = false;
array<Byte>^bytes = gcnew array<Byte>(100);
IPEndPoint^ groupEP = gcnew IPEndPoint( mcastAddress,mcastPort );
EndPoint^ remoteEP = dynamic_cast<EndPoint^>(gcnew IPEndPoint( IPAddress::Any,0 ));
while ( !done )
Console::WriteLine( "Waiting for Multicast packets......." );
Console::WriteLine( "Enter ^C to terminate." );
mcastSocket->ReceiveFrom( bytes, remoteEP );
Console::WriteLine( "Received broadcast from {0} :\n {1}\n", groupEP, Encoding::ASCII->GetString( bytes, 0, bytes->Length ) );
catch ( Exception^ e )
Console::WriteLine( e );
static void Main()
// Initialize multicast address group and multicast port.
// Both address and port are selected from the allowed sets as
// defined in the related RFC documents. These are the same values
// used by the sender.
mcastAddress = IPAddress::Parse( "" );
mcastPort = 11000;
// Start a multicast group.
// Display multicast option properties.
// Receive brodcast messages.
int main()
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
// This is the listener example that shows how to use the MulticastOption class.
// In particular, it shows how to use the MulticastOption(IPAddress, IPAddress)
// constructor, which you need to use if you have a host with more than one
// network card.
// The first parameter specifies the multicast group address, and the second
// specifies the local address of the network card you want to use for the data
// exchange.
// You must run this program in conjunction with the sender program as
// follows:
// Open a console window and run the listener from the command line.
// In another console window run the sender. In both cases you must specify
// the local IPAddress to use. To obtain this address run the ipconfig command
// from the command line.
namespace Mssc.TransportProtocols.Utilities
public class TestMulticastOption
private static IPAddress s_mcastAddress;
private static int s_mcastPort;
private static Socket s_mcastSocket;
private static MulticastOption s_mcastOption;
private static void MulticastOptionProperties()
Console.WriteLine("Current multicast group is: " + s_mcastOption.Group);
Console.WriteLine("Current multicast local address is: " + s_mcastOption.LocalAddress);
private static void StartMulticast()
s_mcastSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork,
Console.Write("Enter the local IP address: ");
IPAddress localIPAddr = IPAddress.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
//IPAddress localIP = IPAddress.Any;
EndPoint localEP = (EndPoint)new IPEndPoint(localIPAddr, s_mcastPort);
// Define a MulticastOption object specifying the multicast group
// address and the local IPAddress.
// The multicast group address is the same as the address used by the server.
s_mcastOption = new MulticastOption(s_mcastAddress, localIPAddr);
catch (Exception e)
private static void ReceiveBroadcastMessages()
bool done = false;
byte[] bytes = new byte[100];
IPEndPoint groupEP = new(s_mcastAddress, s_mcastPort);
EndPoint remoteEP = (EndPoint)new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);
while (!done)
Console.WriteLine("Waiting for multicast packets.......");
Console.WriteLine("Enter ^C to terminate.");
s_mcastSocket.ReceiveFrom(bytes, ref remoteEP);
Console.WriteLine("Received broadcast from {0} :\n {1}\n",
Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes, 0, bytes.Length));
catch (Exception e)
public static void Main(string[] args)
// Initialize the multicast address group and multicast port.
// Both address and port are selected from the allowed sets as
// defined in the related RFC documents. These are the same
// as the values used by the sender.
s_mcastAddress = IPAddress.Parse("");
s_mcastPort = 11000;
// Start a multicast group.
// Display MulticastOption properties.
// Receive broadcast messages.
' This is the listener example that shows how to use the MulticastOption class.
' In particular, it shows how to use the MulticastOption(IPAddress, IPAddress)
' constructor, which you need to use if you have a host with more than one
' network card.
' The first parameter specifies the multicast group address, and the second
' specifies the local address of the network card you want to use for the data
' exchange.
' You must run this program in conjunction with the sender program as
' follows:
' Open a console window and run the listener from the command line.
' In another console window run the sender. In both cases you must specify
' the local IPAddress to use. To obtain this address run the ipconfig command
' from the command line.
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Sockets
Imports System.Text
Namespace Mssc.TransportProtocols.Utilities
Module M_TestMulticastOption
Public Class TestMulticastOption
Private Shared mcastAddress As IPAddress
Private Shared mcastPort As Integer
Private Shared mcastSocket As Socket
Private Shared mcastOption As MulticastOption
Private Shared Sub MulticastOptionProperties()
Console.WriteLine(("Current multicast group is: " + mcastOption.Group.ToString()))
Console.WriteLine(("Current multicast local address is: " + mcastOption.LocalAddress.ToString()))
End Sub
Private Shared Sub StartMulticast()
mcastSocket = New Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp)
Console.Write("Enter the local IP address: ")
Dim localIPAddr As IPAddress = IPAddress.Parse(Console.ReadLine())
'IPAddress localIP = IPAddress.Any;
Dim localEP As EndPoint = CType(New IPEndPoint(localIPAddr, mcastPort), EndPoint)
' Define a MulticastOption object specifying the multicast group
' address and the local IPAddress.
' The multicast group address is the same as the address used by the server.
mcastOption = New MulticastOption(mcastAddress, localIPAddr)
mcastSocket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.IP, SocketOptionName.AddMembership, mcastOption)
Catch e As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Private Shared Sub ReceiveBroadcastMessages()
Dim done As Boolean = False
Dim bytes() As Byte = New [Byte](99) {}
Dim groupEP As New IPEndPoint(mcastAddress, mcastPort)
Dim remoteEP As EndPoint = CType(New IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0), EndPoint)
While Not done
Console.WriteLine("Waiting for multicast packets.......")
Console.WriteLine("Enter ^C to terminate.")
mcastSocket.ReceiveFrom(bytes, remoteEP)
Console.WriteLine("Received broadcast from {0} :" + ControlChars.Lf + " {1}" + ControlChars.Lf, groupEP.ToString(), Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes, 0, bytes.Length))
End While
Catch e As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Public Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
' Initialize the multicast address group and multicast port.
' Both address and port are selected from the allowed sets as
' defined in the related RFC documents. These are the same
' as the values used by the sender.
mcastAddress = IPAddress.Parse("")
mcastPort = 11000
' Start a multicast group.
' Display MulticastOption properties.
' Receive broadcast messages.
End Sub
End Class
End Module
End Namespace
#using <System.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Net::Sockets;
using namespace System::Net;
using namespace System::Text;
// This is an auxiliary program to be used in conjunction with a listener
// program.
// You must run this program as follows:
// Open a console window and run the listener from the command line.
// In another console window run the sender. In both cases you must specify
// the local IPAddress to use. To obtain this address run the ipconfig
// from the command line.
ref class TestMulticastOption
static IPAddress^ mcastAddress;
static int mcastPort;
static Socket^ mcastSocket;
static void JoinMulticast()
// Create multicast socket.
mcastSocket = gcnew Socket( AddressFamily::InterNetwork,SocketType::Dgram,ProtocolType::Udp );
// Get the local IP address used by the listener and the sender to
// exchange data in a multicast fashion.
Console::Write( "\nEnter local IPAddress for sending multicast packets: " );
IPAddress^ localIPAddr = IPAddress::Parse( Console::ReadLine() );
// Create an IPEndPoint Object*.
IPEndPoint^ IPlocal = gcnew IPEndPoint( localIPAddr,0 );
// Bind this end point to the multicast socket.
mcastSocket->Bind( IPlocal );
// Define a MuticastOption Object* specifying the multicast group
// address and the local IPAddress.
// The multicast group address is the same one used by the listener.
MulticastOption^ mcastOption;
mcastOption = gcnew MulticastOption( mcastAddress,localIPAddr );
mcastSocket->SetSocketOption( SocketOptionLevel::IP, SocketOptionName::AddMembership, mcastOption );
catch ( Exception^ e )
Console::WriteLine( "\n {0}", e );
static void BrodcastMessage( String^ message )
IPEndPoint^ endPoint;
//Send multicast packets to the listener.
endPoint = gcnew IPEndPoint( mcastAddress,mcastPort );
mcastSocket->SendTo( ASCIIEncoding::ASCII->GetBytes( message ), endPoint );
Console::WriteLine( "Multicast data sent....." );
catch ( Exception^ e )
Console::WriteLine( "\n {0}", e );
static void main()
// Initialize multicast address group and multicast port.
// Both address and port are selected from the allowed sets as
// defined in the related RFC documents. These are the same values
// used by the sender.
mcastAddress = IPAddress::Parse( "" );
mcastPort = 11000;
// Join the listener multicast group.
// Broadcast message to the listener.
BrodcastMessage( "Hello multicast listener." );
int main()
using System;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
// This sender example must be used in conjunction with the listener program.
// You must run this program as follows:
// Open a console window and run the listener from the command line.
// In another console window run the sender. In both cases you must specify
// the local IPAddress to use. To obtain this address, run the ipconfig command
// from the command line.
namespace Mssc.TransportProtocols.Utilities
class TestMulticastOption2
static IPAddress s_mcastAddress;
static int s_mcastPort;
static Socket s_mcastSocket;
static void JoinMulticastGroup()
// Create a multicast socket.
s_mcastSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork,
// Get the local IP address used by the listener and the sender to
// exchange multicast messages.
Console.Write("\nEnter local IPAddress for sending multicast packets: ");
IPAddress localIPAddr = IPAddress.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
// Create an IPEndPoint object.
IPEndPoint IPlocal = new IPEndPoint(localIPAddr, 0);
// Bind this endpoint to the multicast socket.
// Define a MulticastOption object specifying the multicast group
// address and the local IP address.
// The multicast group address is the same as the address used by the listener.
MulticastOption mcastOption;
mcastOption = new MulticastOption(s_mcastAddress, localIPAddr);
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("\n" + e.ToString());
static void BroadcastMessage(string message)
IPEndPoint endPoint;
//Send multicast packets to the listener.
endPoint = new IPEndPoint(s_mcastAddress, s_mcastPort);
s_mcastSocket.SendTo(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(message), endPoint);
Console.WriteLine("Multicast data sent.....");
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("\n" + e.ToString());
static void Main(string[] args)
// Initialize the multicast address group and multicast port.
// Both address and port are selected from the allowed sets as
// defined in the related RFC documents. These are the same
// as the values used by the sender.
s_mcastAddress = IPAddress.Parse("");
s_mcastPort = 11000;
// Join the listener multicast group.
// Broadcast the message to the listener.
BroadcastMessage("Hello multicast listener.");
' This sender example must be used in conjunction with the listener program.
' You must run this program as follows:
' Open a console window and run the listener from the command line.
' In another console window run the sender. In both cases you must specify
' the local IPAddress to use. To obtain this address, run the ipconfig command
' from the command line.
Imports System.Net.Sockets
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Text
Namespace Mssc.TransportProtocols.Utilities
Module M_TestMulticastOption
Class TestMulticastOption
Private Shared mcastAddress As IPAddress
Private Shared mcastPort As Integer
Private Shared mcastSocket As Socket
Shared Sub JoinMulticastGroup()
' Create a multicast socket.
mcastSocket = New Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp)
' Get the local IP address used by the listener and the sender to
' exchange multicast messages.
Console.Write(ControlChars.Lf + "Enter local IPAddress for sending multicast packets: ")
Dim localIPAddr As IPAddress = IPAddress.Parse(Console.ReadLine())
' Create an IPEndPoint object.
Dim IPlocal As New IPEndPoint(localIPAddr, 0)
' Bind this endpoint to the multicast socket.
' Define a MulticastOption object specifying the multicast group
' address and the local IP address.
' The multicast group address is the same as the address used by the listener.
Dim mcastOption As MulticastOption
mcastOption = New MulticastOption(mcastAddress, localIPAddr)
mcastSocket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.IP, SocketOptionName.AddMembership, mcastOption)
Catch e As Exception
Console.WriteLine((ControlChars.Lf + e.ToString()))
End Try
End Sub
Shared Sub BroadcastMessage(ByVal message As String)
Dim endPoint As IPEndPoint
'Send multicast packets to the listener.
endPoint = New IPEndPoint(mcastAddress, mcastPort)
mcastSocket.SendTo(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(message), endPoint)
Console.WriteLine("Multicast data sent.....")
Catch e As Exception
Console.WriteLine((ControlChars.Lf + e.ToString()))
End Try
End Sub
Public Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
' Initialize the multicast address group and multicast port.
' Both address and port are selected from the allowed sets as
' defined in the related RFC documents. These are the same as the
' values used by the sender.
mcastAddress = IPAddress.Parse("")
mcastPort = 11000
' Join the listener multicast group.
' Broadcast the message to the listener.
BroadcastMessage("Hello multicast listener.")
End Sub
End Class
End Module
End Namespace
MulticastOption使用 來儲存IPAddress您要加入或卸除之多播群群組的 。 Socket.SetSocketOption使用方法搭配下列參數來聯結多播群組。
參數 | 值 |
socketOptionLevel | SocketOptionLevel.Udp |
socketOptionName | AddMembership |
物件 (object) | MulticastOption |
用來 DropMembership 卸除多播群組。
Multicast |
針對指定的 IP 多點傳送群組,初始化新版本的 MulticastOption 類別。 |
Multicast |
使用指定的 IP 多點傳送群組位址和介面索引,初始化 MulticastOption 類別的新執行個體。 |
Multicast |
使用指定的 IP 多點傳送群組位址和本機介面位址來初始化 MulticastOption 類別的新執行個體。 |
Group |
取得或設定多點傳送群組的 IP 位址。 |
Interface |
取得或設定用以傳送及接收多點傳送封包的介面索引。 |
Local |
取得或設定與多點傳送群組相關的本機位址。 |
Equals(Object) |
判斷指定的物件是否等於目前的物件。 (繼承來源 Object) |
Get |
做為預設雜湊函式。 (繼承來源 Object) |
Get |
取得目前執行個體的 Type。 (繼承來源 Object) |
Memberwise |
建立目前 Object 的淺層複製。 (繼承來源 Object) |
To |
傳回代表目前物件的字串。 (繼承來源 Object) |
產品 | 版本 |
.NET | Core 1.0, Core 1.1, Core 2.0, Core 2.1, Core 2.2, Core 3.0, Core 3.1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 |
.NET Framework | 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.8, 4.8.1 |
.NET Standard | 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 2.0, 2.1 |