UITableViewCellStyle Enum


The visual style of a UITableViewCell.

[ObjCRuntime.Unavailable(ObjCRuntime.PlatformName.WatchOS, ObjCRuntime.PlatformArchitecture.All, null)]
public enum UITableViewCellStyle


Name Value Description
Default 0

Plain style with a black, left-aligned TextLabel and an optional ImageView (that will appear to the left of the text).

Value1 1

Style with two text labels. The TextLabel appears on the left, and is left-aligned with black text. DetailTextLabel appears to the right, and is right-aligned with smaller blue text. The Settings app uses this style.

Value2 2

Style with two text labels. The TextLabel appears on the left, but is right-aligned with blue text. DetailTextLabel appears to the right, but is left-aligned with black text. The detailed contact information in the Contacts app is an example of this cell style.

Subtitle 3

Style with two text labels. They are both left-aligned, the top TextLabel is large black text and the bottom DetailTextLabel uses smaller gray text. The Music app's Albums listing is an example of this cell style.

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Xamarin iOS SDK 12