Power BI DataViz World Championships
2月14日 下午4時 - 3月31日 下午4時
4 次參賽機會,有機會贏得會議套裝行程,現場參與在拉斯維加斯舉行的總決賽
進一步了解Contains information about the tracked service-level KPIs for cases that belong to different customers.
The Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales SLA table extends the Microsoft Dynamics 365 SLA table.
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales modifies the definition of columns/attributes defined in other solutions. Listed by SchemaName.
Changes from ObjectTypeCode (Microsoft Dataverse)
Value | Label |
10456 | Derived insights related entity |
10457 | Entity derived insights |
10458 | External CRM |
10459 | External Record |
10460 | msdyn_rawinsight |
10461 | msdyn_rawinsightentitylink |
10462 | Tagged Record |
10463 | Copilot for Sales customer list |
10464 | msdyn_vivaentitysetting |
10465 | msdyn_vivaorgextensioncred |
10466 | msdyn_vivaorgsetting |
10467 | msdyn_vivausersetting |
10468 | Sales Copilot Insight |
10469 | Org level settings for Sales Copilot apps |
10470 | Sales Copilot User Setting |
10471 | App profile |
10472 | Application Extension |
10473 | Application Tab Template |
10474 | App profile role mapping |
10475 | Notification Field |
10476 | Notification Template |
10477 | Session Template |
10478 | Template Parameter |
10484 | Channel Integration Framework v1.0 Provider |
10485 | Notification Field (Deprecated) |
10486 | Notification Template (Deprecated) |
10487 | App Parameter Definition (Deprecated) |
10488 | Session Templates (Deprecated) |
10489 | Application Tab Template (Deprecated) |
10490 | Parameter (Deprecated) |
10491 | Template Tag (Deprecated) |
10492 | Application Type (Deprecated) |
10501 | Channel Integration Framework v2.0 Provider |
10503 | Conversation Data (Deprecated) |
10504 | KPI Event Data |
10505 | KPI Event Definition |
10506 | Session Data (Deprecated) |
10507 | Session Participant Data (Deprecated) |
10508 | Channel Definition |
10509 | Channel Definition Consent |
10510 | Channel Definition Locale |
10511 | Channel Instance |
10512 | Channel Instance Account |
10513 | Channel Message Attachment |
10514 | Channel Message Context Part |
10515 | Channel Message Part |
10516 | Consuming Application |
10517 | msdyn_DefExtendedChannelInstance |
10518 | msdyn_DefExtendedChannelInstanceAccount |
10519 | Productivity pane configuration |
10520 | Pane tab configuration |
10521 | Pane tool configuration |
10523 | Agent script |
10524 | Agent script step |
10526 | Action Input Parameter |
10527 | Action Output Parameter |
10528 | Macro Action Template |
10529 | Macro Solution Configuration |
10530 | Macro Connector |
10531 | Macro Run History |
10532 | Parameter definition |
10535 | Adaptive Card Configuration |
10536 | Smartassist configuration |
10538 | Read Tracker |
10539 | Read tracking enabled information |
10540 | Microsoft Teams Graph resource Entity |
10541 | msdyn_msteamssetting |
10542 | msdyn_msteamssettingsv2 |
10543 | Microsoft Teams Collaboration entity |
10544 | Teams Dialer Admin settings |
10545 | Teams Contact Suggestion by AI |
10546 | Contact suggestion rule |
10547 | Contact suggestion ruleset |
10548 | Microsoft Teams chat association entity |
10549 | Microsoft Teams chat suggestion |
10550 | Microsoft Orgchart node entity |
10551 | Forecast Manual Adjustment History |
10552 | Distributed Lock |
10553 | Entity Delta Change |
10554 | File Upload Status Tracker |
10555 | Forecast |
10556 | Forecast Configuration |
10557 | Forecast definition |
10558 | Forecasting Cache |
10559 | Forecast Insights |
10560 | Forecast |
10561 | Forecast Prediction Data |
10562 | Forecast Prediction Status |
10563 | Forecast recurrence |
10564 | Recompute Tracker |
10565 | Forecast Recurrence |
10566 | ShareAs Configuration |
10567 | Customer email communication |
10568 | GDPRData |
10569 | ODOSFeatureMetadata |
10570 | ODOSMetadata |
10571 | Recurring Sales Action |
10572 | Recurring Sales Action V2 |
10573 | msdyn_relationshipinsightsunifiedconfig |
10574 | siconfig |
10575 | SI Key Value Config |
10576 | Usage Metric |
10577 | Action Card Regarding |
10578 | Action Card Role Setting |
10579 | EntityRankingRule |
10580 | flowcardtype |
10581 | salesinsightssettings |
10582 | Action Card Usage |
10583 | Action Card Usage Aggregation |
10584 | Auto Capture Rule |
10585 | Auto Capture Settings |
10586 | UntrackedAppointment |
10587 | Suggested Activity |
10588 | Suggested Activity Data Source |
10589 | Suggested Contact |
10590 | Suggested Contacts Data Source |
10591 | Notes analysis Config |
10592 | icebreakersconfig |
10593 | dealmanageraccess |
10594 | Deal manager settings |
10595 | Account KPI Item |
10596 | Activity Analysis CleanUp State |
10597 | Relationship Analytics Config |
10598 | Contact KPI Item |
10599 | Daily Kpis for account |
10600 | Daily kpis for contact |
10601 | Daily kpis for lead |
10602 | Daily kpis for Opportunity |
10603 | Lead KPI Item |
10604 | Most Contacted |
10605 | Most Contacted By |
10606 | Opportunity KPI Item |
10607 | Relationship Analytics Metadata |
10608 | Similar entities feature importance |
10609 | wkwcolleaguesforcompany |
10610 | wkwcolleaguesforcontact |
10611 | wkwconfig |
10612 | Attribute Influence Statistics |
10613 | Prediction Computation Operation |
10614 | Prediction Model Status |
10615 | Prediction Scheduled Operation |
10616 | Predictive Model Score |
10617 | Predictive Score |
10618 | Predictive Scoring Sync Status |
10619 | Real Time Scoring |
10620 | Real Time Scoring Operation |
10621 | Submodel Definition |
10622 | Time spent in BPF |
10623 | Training Result |
10624 | OpportunityModelConfig |
10625 | LeadModelConfig |
10626 | ModelPreviewStatus |
10627 | Profile Album |
10628 | Post Configuration |
10629 | Post Rule Configuration |
10630 | Wall View |
10631 | Filter |
10632 | Customer Voice alert |
10633 | Customer Voice alert rule |
10634 | Customer Voice survey email template |
10635 | Customer Voice file response |
10636 | Customer Voice localized survey email template |
10637 | Customer Voice project |
10638 | Customer Voice survey question |
10639 | Customer Voice survey question response |
10640 | Customer Voice satisfaction metric |
10641 | Customer Voice survey |
10642 | Customer Voice survey invite |
10643 | Customer Voice survey reminder |
10644 | Customer Voice survey response |
10645 | Customer Voice unsubscribed recipient |
10646 | Customer Service Key Value Configuration |
10647 | AddToCalendar style |
10648 | basestyle |
10649 | Button style |
10650 | Code style |
10651 | Column style |
10652 | Content Block |
10653 | Divider style |
10654 | General styles |
10655 | imagestyle |
10656 | Layout Style |
10657 | QR code style |
10658 | Text style |
10659 | Video style |
10660 | App state |
10661 | CSAdminConfig |
10662 | Custom API Ruleset Configuration |
10663 | Decision contract |
10664 | Decision rule set |
10665 | Rulesetentitymapping |
10666 | Routing diagnostic item |
10667 | Routing diagnostic |
10668 | Template Rule Set |
10669 | Inbox card configuration |
10670 | Inbox Configuration |
10671 | Inbox Entity Configuration |
10672 | App Profile Copilot Configuration |
10673 | Swarm |
10674 | Swarm participant |
10675 | Swarm participant rule |
10676 | Swarm role |
10677 | Swarm skill |
10678 | Swarm template |
10679 | Autonomous case creation and update rules |
10680 | Entity Attachment |
10681 | Time Tracker |
10682 | Customer feedback survey |
10683 | Customer feedback survey invite |
10684 | Customer feedback survey response |
10685 | msdyn_surveyconfig |
10686 | Survey setting |
10687 | Entity Attribute Prediction Rule |
10688 | Email Sentiment |
10689 | Master Entity Routing Configuration |
10690 | Routing Rule Set Setting |
10691 | Assignment Configuration |
10692 | Assignment Configuration Step |
10693 | Capacity Profile |
10694 | Overflow Action Config |
10695 | Preferred Agent |
10696 | Preferred Agent Customer Identity |
10697 | Preferred Agent Routed Entity |
10698 | Routing configuration |
10699 | Routing configuration step |
10700 | Bot Channel Registration |
10701 | Channel Configuration |
10702 | Channel State Configuration |
10703 | Provisioning State |
10704 | AdminAppState |
10705 | Agent Status history |
10706 | Power BI Configuration |
10707 | Authentication Settings |
10708 | Auth Settings Entry |
10709 | Quick reply |
10710 | Entity Routing Context |
10711 | Channel Capability |
10712 | Conversation Action |
10713 | Conversation Action Locale |
10714 | Conversation Message Block |
10715 | DeletedConversation |
10716 | Deprecated Workstream Entity Configuration |
10717 | Entity |
10718 | Ongoing conversation (Deprecated) |
10719 | Live work item event |
10720 | Work Stream |
10721 | Masking Rule |
10722 | Auto block rule |
10723 | Bot Channel Registration Secret |
10724 | Omnichannel channel api conversation privilege |
10725 | Omnichannel channel api message privilege |
10726 | Channel api method mapping |
10727 | External context |
10728 | Flagged spam |
10729 | Language |
10730 | Conversation |
10733 | Context item value |
10734 | Live Work Item Participant (Deprecated) |
10735 | Conversation Sentiment |
10736 | Context variable |
10737 | Localization |
10738 | OC Payment Profile |
10739 | Recording |
10740 | Omnichannel Request |
10741 | Rich message |
10742 | Rich message map |
10743 | Rule Item |
10744 | Sentiment daily topic |
10745 | Sentiment daily topic keyword |
10746 | Sentiment daily topic trending |
10747 | Session |
10748 | Session Participant Event |
10749 | Session Sentiment |
10750 | Message |
10751 | Tag |
10752 | Geo Location Provider |
10753 | Omnichannel Configuration |
10754 | Omnichannel Personalization |
10755 | Omnichannel Queue (Deprecated) |
10756 | Omnichannel Sync Config |
10757 | Operating Hour |
10758 | Personal quick reply |
10759 | Personal sound setting |
10760 | Persona Security Role Mapping |
10761 | Presence |
10762 | Provider |
10763 | RoutingRequest |
10764 | Search Configuration |
10765 | Sentiment analysis |
10766 | Session event |
10767 | Session participant |
10768 | Audio File |
10769 | Sound notification setting |
10770 | Transcript |
10771 | UR notification template |
10772 | UR Notification Template Mapping |
10773 | User settings |
10774 | Self service |
10781 | Agent capacity update history |
10782 | Bookable Resource Capacity Profile |
10783 | Work stream capacity profile |
10784 | Conversation Capacity profile |
10785 | Agent Capacity Profile Unit |
10786 | Agent Channel State |
10787 | Agent Status |
10788 | Agent Group |
10789 | Agent Group Language |
10790 | Agent Group Membership |
10791 | Agent Group Region |
10792 | Agent Language |
10793 | Agent Region |
10794 | Language Hierarchy |
10795 | Region |
10796 | Conversation Characteristic |
10797 | Session Characteristic |
10798 | Skill Attachment Rule |
10799 | Attach Skill |
10800 | Model training details |
10801 | Training data import configuration |
10802 | Characteristic mapping |
10803 | Training record |
10804 | Skill finder model |
10805 | Effort estimate |
10806 | Effort estimation model |
10807 | Effort model training details |
10808 | ConversationInsight |
10809 | Active ICD Extension |
10810 | Entity-Workstream Map |
10811 | ICD Extension |
10812 | Lock Status |
10813 | Omnichannel agent assignment custom api privilege |
10814 | Conversation Action Item |
10815 | Conversation Aggregated Insights |
10816 | Comment |
10817 | Conversation Participant Insights |
10818 | Conversation Participant Sentiment |
10819 | Conversation Question |
10820 | Conversation Segment Sentiment |
10821 | Conversation Sentiment |
10822 | Conversation Signal |
10823 | Conversation Subject |
10824 | Conversation Summary Suggestion |
10825 | Conversation System Tag |
10826 | Conversation Tag |
10827 | Recording (Deprecated) |
10828 | SCI Conversation |
10829 | Custom Email Highlight |
10830 | Custom Highlight |
10831 | Custom Publisher |
10832 | EnvironmentSettings |
10833 | UserSettings |
10834 | CatalogEventStatusConfiguration |
10835 | Configuration |
10836 | Trigger |
10837 | Triggers To Sdk Message Processing Steps |
10838 | EventParameterMetadata |
10839 | TrackingContext |
10840 | Marketing feature configuration |
10841 | msdynmkt_experimentv2 |
10842 | ACS channel instance |
10843 | ACS channel instance account |
10844 | Infobip channel instance |
10845 | Infobip channel instance account |
10846 | Link mobility channel instance |
10847 | Link mobility channel instance account |
10848 | MockSmsProvider channel instance |
10849 | MockSmsProvider channel instance account |
10850 | TeleSign channel instance |
10851 | TeleSign channel instance account |
10852 | Twilio channel instance |
10853 | Twilio channel instance account |
10854 | Vibes channel instance |
10855 | Vibes channel instance account |
10856 | Predefined Placeholder |
10857 | Metadata Entity Relationship |
10858 | Metadata Item |
10859 | Metadata Store State |
10860 | DigitalSellingActiveTask |
10861 | DigitalSellingCompletedTask |
10862 | Sales Tag |
10863 | Sequence |
10864 | Sequence Stat |
10865 | Sequence Target |
10866 | Sequence Target Step |
10867 | Sequence Template |
10869 | sabackupdiagnostic |
10870 | SABatchRunInstance |
10871 | salesroutingdiagnostic |
10872 | SARunInstance |
10873 | Segment |
10874 | segmentsetting |
10875 | Segment property |
10876 | SegmentsUtil |
10877 | Assignment Rule |
10878 | Seller attribute |
10879 | Seller attribute value |
10880 | Assignment Map |
10881 | Sales Assignment Setting |
10882 | Sales routing run |
10884 | Extended User Setting |
10885 | Sales acceleration insights |
10886 | Sales Acceleration settings |
10887 | Insight |
10888 | Work List Suggestion |
10889 | Work list suggestion source |
10890 | Work List View Configuration |
10891 | Work Queue Record |
10892 | Work Queue Record State |
10893 | Work list user setting |
10894 | WQDataSource |
10895 | Suggestion Assignment Rule |
10896 | Suggestion Principal Object Access |
10897 | Suggestion Seller Priority |
10898 | Data Hygiene Setting Info |
10899 | Duplicate Detection Plugin Run |
10900 | Duplicate Lead Mapping |
10901 | Lead Hygiene Setting |
10902 | Linked Entity Attribute Validity |
10903 | Sales provisioning request |
10904 | SalesOmnichannel Message |
10905 | Text message template |
10906 | Data Analytics Admin Settings (Deprecated) |
10907 | Data Analytics Report |
10908 | Insights |
10909 | Sales acceleration reports |
10911 | Bot Session |
10912 | Automated action rule |
10913 | Automated action rules mapping |
10914 | Agent Copilot Setting |
10915 | Copilot Summarization Setting |
10916 | intent |
10917 | intentattribute |
10918 | intentattributeset |
10919 | intentattribute_entity |
10920 | Intent Config |
10921 | intententity |
10922 | LOB Backfill Status |
10923 | Line of Business |
10924 | msdyn_intentfamily_harvestingconfiguration |
10925 | msdyn_intentfeature_configuration |
10926 | Intent Group Condition |
10927 | msdyn_intentharvesting_batchjobstatus |
10928 | msdyn_intentharvesting_batchjobstatusdetail |
10929 | msdyn_intentharvesting_provisioning_status |
10930 | Intent Solution Map |
10931 | msdyn_intentsolution_mappingconfiguration |
10932 | Case Enrichment |
10933 | Case follow up and closure configuration |
10934 | Case Suggestion |
10935 | Case Suggestion Request Payload |
10936 | Case Suggestions Data Souce |
10937 | Agent Preference For Copilot |
10938 | Copilot assisted case form fill settings |
10939 | Copilot Interaction |
10940 | Copilot Interaction Data |
10941 | Copilot knowledge interaction |
10942 | Copilot Transcript |
10943 | Copilot Transcript Data |
10944 | KB Enrichment |
10945 | Knowledge Article Suggestion |
10946 | Knowledge Article Suggestion Data Source |
10947 | Next Action |
10948 | Service Copilot Plugin |
10949 | Service Copilot Plugin Action |
10950 | Service Copilot Plugin Role |
10951 | Suggestion Interaction |
10952 | Suggestion request payload |
10953 | Suggestions Model Summary |
10954 | Suggestions Setting |
10955 | Data Analytics User Customized Report |
10956 | Data Analytics Dataset |
10957 | Data Analytics Workspace |
10958 | Report Bookmark |
10959 | Agent Resource Forecasting |
10960 | [Deprecated] Dynamics Customer Service Analytics |
10961 | Case Topic |
10962 | Case Topic Setting |
10963 | Case Topic Summary |
10964 | Case topic Incident mapping |
10965 | Customer Service historical analytics |
10966 | Forecast |
10967 | Knowledge analytics |
10968 | Model Customization analytics |
10969 | UR RecordRouting Real-time Analytics |
10970 | Forecast Summary and Setting |
10971 | Keywords Description Suggestion Setting |
10972 | Conversation Summary Interaction |
10973 | Conversation Summary Setting |
10974 | Conversation Topic |
10975 | Conversation Topic Setting |
10976 | Conversation Topic Summary |
10977 | Conversation topic Conversation mapping |
10978 | Omnichannel historical analytics |
10979 | Omnichannel voice historical analytics (preview) (Deprecated) |
10980 | Omnichannel Realtime analytics |
10981 | Copilot Analytics |
Dataverse table/entity reference
Dataverse Web API Reference
Power BI DataViz World Championships
2月14日 下午4時 - 3月31日 下午4時
4 次參賽機會,有機會贏得會議套裝行程,現場參與在拉斯維加斯舉行的總決賽
Work with service-level agreements in Dynamics 365 Customer Service - Training
Learn how to create and manage service-level agreements in Dynamics 365 Customer Service.
Microsoft Certified: Dynamics 365 Customer Service Functional Consultant Associate - Certifications
改善客戶服務功能的業務流程,例如使用 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service 自動建立案例和管理佇列。