PerspectiveMeasureCollection 屬性


PerspectiveMeasureCollection 型別公開下列成員。


  名稱 說明
公用屬性 Count Gets the number of ModelComponent objects in the ModelComponentCollection. (繼承自 ModelComponentCollection。)
公用屬性 IsFixedSize Gets a value indicating whether the ModelComponentCollection has a fixed size. (繼承自 ModelComponentCollection。)
公用屬性 IsReadOnly Gets a value indicating whether the ModelComponentCollection is read-only. (繼承自 ModelComponentCollection。)
公用屬性 IsSynchronized Gets a value indicating whether access to the ModelComponentCollection is synchronized (thread-safe). (繼承自 ModelComponentCollection。)
公用屬性 Item[Int32] Gets the PerspectiveMeasure at the specified index from the collection.
公用屬性 Item[String] Gets the PerspectiveMeasure that has the specified identifier from the collection.
公用屬性 Parent Gets the IModelComponent that contains the ModelComponentCollection. (繼承自 ModelComponentCollection。)
公用屬性 SyncRoot Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the ModelComponentCollection. (繼承自 ModelComponentCollection。)


明確 繼承 實作

  名稱 說明
明確介面實作私用屬性 IList.Item Gets or sets the element at the specified index. (繼承自 ModelComponentCollection。)
明確介面實作私用屬性 IOnDemandLoadableCollection.Loaded Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the collection is loaded. (繼承自 ModelComponentCollection。)




PerspectiveMeasureCollection 類別

Microsoft.AnalysisServices 命名空間