Package containing the data models for DeviceUpdate. Microsoft Device Update resource provider.
Account |
List of Accounts. |
Account |
Request payload used to update and existing Accounts. |
Action |
Enum. |
Authentication |
Authentication Type. |
Check |
The reason why the given name is not available. |
Check |
The check availability request body. |
Connection |
Private endpoint connection proxy object properties. |
Diagnostic |
Customer-initiated diagnostic log collection storage properties. |
Group |
Group connectivity details. |
Group |
The provisioning state of private link group ID. |
Instance |
List of Instances. |
Iot |
Device Update account integration with IoT Hub settings. |
Location |
The Location model. |
Managed |
Managed service identity (system assigned and/or user assigned identities). |
Managed |
Type of managed service identity (where both System |
Operation |
Localized display information for this particular operation. |
Operation |
A list of REST API operations supported by an Azure Resource Provider. |
Origin |
The intended executor of the operation; as in Resource Based Access Control (RBAC) and audit logs UX. |
Private |
The Private Endpoint resource. |
Private |
List of private endpoint connection associated with the specified storage account. |
Private |
The current provisioning state. |
Private |
The available private endpoint connection proxies for an Account (not to be used by anyone, here because of ARM requirements). |
Private |
Private endpoint connection proxy object properties. |
Private |
The current provisioning state. |
Private |
The private endpoint connection status. |
Private |
Private endpoint update details. |
Private |
The available private link resources for an Account. |
Private |
Properties of a private link resource. |
Private |
Private link service connection details. |
Private |
A collection of information about the state of the connection between service consumer and provider. |
Private |
Private link service proxy details. |
Private |
Remote private endpoint connection details. |
Provisioning |
Provisioning state. |
Public |
Whether or not public network access is allowed for the account. |
Remote |
Remote private endpoint details. |
Remote |
Remote private endpoint connection details. |
Role |
Whether the location is primary or failover. |
Sku |
Device Update Sku. |
Tag |
Request payload used to update an existing resource's tags. |
User |
User assigned identity properties. |
Account |
An immutable client-side representation of Account. |
Account. |
The entirety of the Account definition. |
Account. |
The Account definition stages. |
Account. |
The first stage of the Account definition. |
Account. |
The stage of the Account definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified. |
Account. |
The stage of the Account definition allowing to specify identity. |
Account. |
The stage of the Account definition allowing to specify location. |
Account. |
The stage of the Account definition allowing to specify private |
Account. |
The stage of the Account definition allowing to specify public |
Account. |
The stage of the Account definition allowing to specify parent resource. |
Account. |
The stage of the Account definition allowing to specify sku. |
Account. |
The stage of the Account definition allowing to specify tags. |
Account. |
The template for Account update. |
Account. |
The Account update stages. |
Account. |
The stage of the Account update allowing to specify identity. |
Account. |
The stage of the Account update allowing to specify tags. |
Accounts |
Resource collection API of Accounts. |
Check |
An immutable client-side representation of Check |
Group |
An immutable client-side representation of Group |
Instance |
An immutable client-side representation of Instance. |
Instance. |
The entirety of the Instance definition. |
Instance. |
The Instance definition stages. |
Instance. |
The first stage of the Instance definition. |
Instance. |
The stage of the Instance definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified. |
Instance. |
The stage of the Instance definition allowing to specify diagnostic |
Instance. |
The stage of the Instance definition allowing to specify enable |
Instance. |
The stage of the Instance definition allowing to specify iot |
Instance. |
The stage of the Instance definition allowing to specify location. |
Instance. |
The stage of the Instance definition allowing to specify parent resource. |
Instance. |
The stage of the Instance definition allowing to specify tags. |
Instance. |
The template for Instance update. |
Instance. |
The Instance update stages. |
Instance. |
The stage of the Instance update allowing to specify tags. |
Instances |
Resource collection API of Instances. |
Operation |
An immutable client-side representation of Operation. |
Operations |
Resource collection API of Operations. |
Private |
An immutable client-side representation of Private |
Private |
The entirety of the Private |
Private |
The Private |
Private |
The first stage of the Private |
Private |
The stage of the Private |
Private |
The stage of the Private |
Private |
The stage of the Private |
Private |
The stage of the Private |
Private |
The stage of the Private |
Private |
The template for Private |
Private |
The Private |
Private |
The stage of the Private |
Private |
The stage of the Private |
Private |
The stage of the Private |
Private |
Resource collection API of Private |
Private |
An immutable client-side representation of Private |
Private |
The entirety of the Private |
Private |
The Private |
Private |
The first stage of the Private |
Private |
The stage of the Private |
Private |
The stage of the Private |
Private |
The stage of the Private |
Private |
The stage of the Private |
Private |
The template for Private |
Private |
The Private |
Private |
The stage of the Private |
Private |
The stage of the Private |
Private |
Resource collection API of Private |
Private |
Resource collection API of Private |
Resource |
Resource collection API of Resource |