Package containing the data models for MonitorClient. Monitor Management Client.
Access |
Access mode types. |
Access |
Properties that define the scope private link mode settings. |
Access |
Properties that define the scope private link mode settings exclusion item. |
Action |
The action detail. |
Action |
A list of action groups. |
Action |
An action group object for the body of patch operations. |
Action |
A list of Activity Log Alert rule actions. |
Actions |
Actions to invoke when the alert fires. |
Activity |
A pointer to an Azure Action Group. |
Activity |
An Activity Log Alert rule condition that is met when all its member conditions are met. |
Activity |
An Activity Log Alert rule condition that is met when all its member conditions are met. |
Aggregation |
the criteria time aggregation types. |
Alert |
An Activity Log Alert rule condition that is met by comparing the field and value of an Activity Log event. |
Alert |
A list of Activity Log Alert rules. |
Alert |
An Activity Log Alert rule object for the body of patch operations. |
Alert |
Represents a collection of alert rule resources. |
Alert |
The alert rule object for patch operations. |
Alert |
Severity of the alert. |
Arm |
An arm role receiver. |
Automation |
The Azure Automation Runbook notification receiver. |
Autoscale |
Autoscale notification. |
Autoscale |
Represents a collection of autoscale setting resources. |
Autoscale |
The autoscale setting object for patch operations. |
Azure |
The Azure mobile App push notification receiver. |
Azure |
An azure function receiver. |
Azure |
Azure Monitor Metrics destination. |
Azure |
Describes the list of Azure Monitor Private |
Baseline |
Represents a baseline metadata value. |
Baseline |
the sensitivity of the baseline. |
Column |
Definition of custom data column. |
Condition |
A condition of the scheduled query rule. |
Condition |
The minimum number of violations required within the selected lookback time window required to raise an alert. |
Configuration |
Definition of the endpoint used for accessing configuration. |
Context |
The context info. |
Criterion |
Specifies the type of threshold criteria. |
Data |
Definition of data collection endpoint. |
Data |
The endpoint used by clients to access their configuration. |
Data |
The endpoint used by clients to ingest logs. |
Data |
Network access control rules for the endpoints. |
Data |
A pageable list of resources. |
Data |
Definition of what monitoring data to collect and where that data should be sent. |
Data |
Definition of association of a data collection rule with a monitored Azure resource. |
Data |
Metadata about the resource. |
Data |
A pageable list of resources. |
Data |
The specification of data sources. |
Data |
The specification of destinations. |
Data |
Metadata about the resource. |
Data |
A pageable list of resources. |
Data |
Information about a container with data for a given resource. |
Data |
Definition of which streams are sent to which destinations. |
Data |
Specification of data sources that will be collected. |
Data |
The status of VM Insights data from the resource. |
Destinations |
Specification of destinations that can be used in data flows. |
Destinations |
Azure Monitor Metrics destination. |
Diagnostic |
Represents a collection of alert rule resources. |
Dimension |
Dimension splitting and filtering definition. |
Dimension |
Operator for dimension values. |
Dynamic |
Criterion for dynamic threshold. |
Dynamic |
The minimum number of violations required within the selected lookback time window required to raise an alert. |
Dynamic |
The operator used to compare the metric value against the threshold. |
Dynamic |
The extent of deviation required to trigger an alert. |
Email |
Email notification of an autoscale event. |
Email |
An email receiver. |
Enable |
Describes a receiver that should be resubscribed. |
Event |
A collection of event categories. |
Event |
Represents collection of events. |
Event |
Defines values for Event |
Event |
An Event hub receiver. |
Extension |
Definition of which data will be collected from a separate VM extension that integrates with the Azure Monitor Agent. |
Http |
The Http request info. |
Iis |
Enables IIS logs to be collected by this data collection rule. |
Incident |
The List incidents operation response. |
Itsm |
An Itsm receiver. |
Kind |
Indicates the type of scheduled query rule. |
Known |
The type of the column data. |
Known |
The resource provisioning state. |
Known |
The kind of the resource. |
Known |
The resource provisioning state. |
Known |
The resource provisioning state. |
Known |
The kind of the resource. |
Known |
Defines values for Known |
Known |
Defines values for Known |
Known |
One of the supported timestamp formats. |
Known |
The data format of the log files. |
Known |
Defines values for Known |
Known |
The configuration to set whether network access from public internet to the endpoints are allowed. |
Known |
Defines values for Known |
Known |
Defines values for Known |
Known |
Defines values for Known |
Known |
Defines values for Known |
Location |
A rule condition based on a certain number of locations failing. |
Log |
Log Analytics destination. |
Log |
Settings for different log file formats. |
Log |
Text settings. |
Log |
Settings for text log files. |
Log |
Definition of which custom log files will be collected by this data collection rule. |
Log |
The log files specific settings. |
Log |
Represents a collection of log profiles. |
Log |
The log profile resource for patch operations. |
Log |
Part of Multi |
Logic |
A logic app receiver. |
Logs |
Definition of the endpoint used for ingesting logs. |
Management |
How the data that is collected should be combined over time. |
Management |
A management event rule condition. |
Metadata |
Metadata about the resource. |
Metric |
An alert action. |
Metric |
The rule criteria that defines the conditions of the alert rule. |
Metric |
Specifies the metric alert criteria for multiple resource that has multiple metric criteria. |
Metric |
Represents a collection of alert rule resources. |
Metric |
The metric alert resource for patch operations. |
Metric |
Defines values for Metric |
Metric |
Defines values for Metric |
Metric |
Specifies the metric alert criteria for a single resource that has multiple metric criteria. |
Metric |
An alert status. |
Metric |
An alert status properties. |
Metric |
Metric availability specifies the time grain (aggregation interval or frequency) and the retention period for that time grain. |
Metric |
A list of metric baselines. |
Metric |
The class of the metric. |
Metric |
Criterion to filter metrics. |
Metric |
Represents collection of metric definitions. |
Metric |
Specifies a metric dimension. |
Metric |
Represents collection of metric namespaces. |
Metric |
The fully qualified metric namespace name. |
Metric |
Part of Multi |
Metric |
The metric dimension name and value. |
Metric |
The trigger that results in a scaling action. |
Metric |
Represents a metric value. |
Multi |
The types of conditions for a multi resource alert. |
Namespace |
Kind of namespace. |
Network |
Definition of the network rules. |
Notification |
The request body which contain contact detail metadata. |
Odatatype |
specifies the type of the alert criteria. |
Onboarding |
The onboarding status for the resource. |
Operation |
Microsoft Insights API operation definition. |
Operation |
Display metadata associated with the operation. |
Operator |
the criteria operator. |
Perf |
Definition of which performance counters will be collected and how they will be collected by this data collection rule. |
Predictive |
The parameters for enabling predictive autoscale. |
Predictive |
Represents a predictive metric value in the given bucket. |
Private |
The Private Endpoint resource. |
Private |
The current provisioning state. |
Private |
The private endpoint connection status. |
Private |
A collection of information about the state of the connection between service consumer and provider. |
Recurrence |
The repeating times at which this profile begins. |
Recurrent |
The scheduling constraints for when the profile begins. |
Resource |
Definition of ARM tracked top level resource properties for update operation. |
Retention |
Specifies the retention policy for the log. |
Rule |
The action that is performed when the alert rule becomes active, and when an alert condition is resolved. |
Rule |
The condition that results in the alert rule being activated. |
Rule |
The resource from which the rule collects its data. |
Rule |
Specifies the action to send email when the rule condition is evaluated. |
Rule |
The claims for a rule management event data source. |
Rule |
A rule management event data source. |
Rule |
A rule metric data source. |
Rule |
Specifies the action to post to service when the rule condition is evaluated. |
Scale |
The parameters for the scaling action. |
Scale |
The number of instances that can be used during this profile. |
Scale |
Specifies an auto scale rule metric dimension. |
Scale |
the dimension operator. |
Scheduled |
The rule criteria that defines the conditions of the scheduled query rule. |
Scheduled |
Represents a collection of scheduled query rule resources. |
Scheduled |
The scheduled query rule resource for patch operations. |
Scoped |
A list of scoped resources in a private link scope. |
Sender |
the authorization used by the user who has performed the operation that led to this event. |
Single |
The baseline values for a single sensitivity value. |
Sms |
An SMS receiver. |
Stream |
Declaration of a custom stream. |
Syslog |
Definition of which syslog data will be collected and how it will be collected. |
Tags |
A container holding only the Tags for a resource, allowing the user to update the tags on a Private |
Threshold |
A rule condition based on a metric crossing a threshold. |
Time |
Aggregation type. |
Time |
The baseline values for a single time series. |
Time |
A time series result type. |
Time |
A specific date-time for the profile. |
Unit |
The unit of the metric. |
Voice |
A voice receiver. |
Webhook |
Webhook notification of an autoscale event. |
Webhook |
A webhook receiver. |
Webtest |
Specifies the metric alert rule criteria for a web test resource. |
Windows |
Definition of which Windows Event Log events will be collected and how they will be collected. |
Workspace |
Information about a Log Analytics Workspace. |
Action |
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Action Group. |
Action |
Receivers action definition allowing to set each receiver's configuration. |
Action |
The entirety of a Action Group definition. |
Action |
Grouping of Action Group definition stages. |
Action |
The first stage of a Action Group definition allowing the resource group to be specified. |
Action |
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified. |
Action |
The template for an update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified. |
Action |
Grouping of Action Group update stages. |
Action |
The stage of update which contains all the top level fields and transition stages to receiver updates. |
Action |
Receivers action update stage allowing to set each receiver's configuration. |
Action |
Entry point for Action Group management API. |
Activity |
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Activity Log Alert. |
Activity |
The entirety of a activity log alerts definition. |
Activity |
Grouping of activity log alerts definition stages. |
Activity |
The first stage of a activity log alert definition. |
Activity |
The stage of the definition which specifies actions that will be activated when the conditions are met in the activity log alert rules. |
Activity |
The stage of the definition which specifies if the activity log alert should be enabled upon creation. |
Activity |
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified. |
Activity |
The stage of the definition which specifies condition that will cause this alert to activate. |
Activity |
The stage of the definition which specifies description text for activity log alert. |
Activity |
The stage of the definition which specifies target resource or subscription for activity log alert. |
Activity |
The template for an update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified. |
Activity |
Grouping of activity log alerts update stages. |
Activity |
The stage of a activity log alerts update allowing to modify settings. |
Activity |
Entry point for Activity Log Alert management API. |
Activity |
Entry point for Monitor Activity logs API. |
Activity |
The entirety of a Activity Logs query definition. |
Activity |
Grouping of Activity log query stages. |
Activity |
The stage of the Activity log query execution. |
Activity |
The stage of the Activity log filtering by type and query execution. |
Activity |
The stage of a Activity Log query allowing to specify end time filter. |
Activity |
The stage of a Activity Log query allowing to specify data fields in the server response. |
Activity |
The stage of a Activity Log query allowing to specify start time filter. |
Alert |
Entry point to Alert Rules management API. |
Autoscale |
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure autoscale profile. |
Autoscale |
The entirety of an autoscale profile definition. |
Autoscale |
Grouping of autoscale profile definition stages. |
Autoscale |
The first stage of autoscale profile definition. |
Autoscale |
The final stage of the definition which attaches defined profile to the current Autoscale settings. |
Autoscale |
The stage of the definition which adds scale rules. |
Autoscale |
The stage of the definition which adds optional scale rules and schedules. |
Autoscale |
The stage of the definition which specifies autoscale profile schedule. |
Autoscale |
Grouping of autoscale profile update stages. |
Autoscale |
The entirety of an autoscale profile definition during current autoscale settings update. |
Autoscale |
Grouping of autoscale profile definition stages during current autoscale settings update stage. |
Autoscale |
The first stage of autoscale profile definition. |
Autoscale |
The final stage of the definition which attaches defined profile to the current Autoscale settings. |
Autoscale |
The stage of the definition which adds scale rules. |
Autoscale |
The stage of the definition which adds optional scale rules and schedules. |
Autoscale |
The stage of the definition which specifies autoscale profile schedule. |
Autoscale |
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure autoscale setting. |
Autoscale |
The entirety of an autoscale setting definition. |
Autoscale |
Grouping of autoscale setting definition stages. |
Autoscale |
The first stage of autoscale setting definition. |
Autoscale |
The stage of the definition which specifies autoscale notifications. |
Autoscale |
The stage of the definition which specifies autoscale profile. |
Autoscale |
The stage of the definition which specifies if the current autoscale setting should be disabled upon creation. |
Autoscale |
The stage of the definition which selects target resource. |
Autoscale |
The stage of the definition which allows autoscale setting creation. |
Autoscale |
The stage of the definition which selects resource group. |
Autoscale |
Grouping of autoscale setting update stages. |
Autoscale |
Grouping of autoscale setting update stages. |
Autoscale |
The stage of the update which adds or updates autoscale profiles in the current setting. |
Autoscale |
The stage of the update which updates current autoscale setting. |
Autoscale |
Entry point to autoscale management API in Azure. |
Diagnostic |
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure diagnostic settings. |
Diagnostic |
The entirety of a diagnostic settings definition. |
Diagnostic |
Grouping of diagnostic settings definition stages. |
Diagnostic |
The first stage of a diagnostic setting definition. |
Diagnostic |
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified. |
Diagnostic |
The stage of the definition which contains minimum required properties to be specified for Diagnostic Settings creation. |
Diagnostic |
The template for an update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified. |
Diagnostic |
Grouping of diagnostic setting update stages. |
Diagnostic |
The stage of a Diagnostic Settings update allowing to modify Event |
Diagnostic |
The stage of a Diagnostic Settings update allowing to modify Log Analytics settings. |
Diagnostic |
The stage of a Diagnostic Settings update allowing to modify metric and logs. |
Diagnostic |
The stage of a Diagnostic Settings update allowing to modify Storage Account settings. |
Diagnostic |
Entry point for diagnostic settings management API. |
Diagnostic |
The Azure event log entries are of type Diagnostic |
Event |
The Azure event log entries are of type Event |
Localizable |
The localizable string class. |
Metric |
The Azure metric entries are of type Metric. |
Metric |
An immutable client-side representation of a Metric Alert. |
Metric |
The entirety of a Metric Alert definition. |
Metric |
Metric Alert definition for multiple resource. |
Metric |
Grouping of metric alerts definition stages. |
Metric |
The first stage of a Metric Alert definition. |
Metric |
The stage of the definition which specifies actions that will be activated when the conditions are met in the metric alert rules. |
Metric |
The stage of the definition which specifies actions that will be activated when the conditions are met in the metric alert rules. |
Metric |
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified. |
Metric |
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified. |
Metric |
The stage of the definition which specifies condition that will cause this alert to activate. |
Metric |
The stage of the definition which specifies condition that will cause this alert to activate. |
Metric |
The stage of the definition which specifies evaluation frequency for metric alert. |
Metric |
The stage of the definition which specifies evaluation frequency for metric alert. |
Metric |
The stage of the definition which specifies target resource for metric alert. |
Metric |
The stage of the definition which specifies severity for metric alert. |
Metric |
The stage of the definition which specifies severity for metric alert. |
Metric |
The stage of the definition which specifies monitoring window for metric alert. |
Metric |
The stage of the definition which specifies monitoring window for metric alert. |
Metric |
The template for an update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified. |
Metric |
Grouping of metric alerts update stages. |
Metric |
The stage of a metric alerts update allowing to modify settings. |
Metric |
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure metric dynamic alert criteria. |
Metric |
Grouping of metric alerts condition definition stages. |
Metric |
The first stage of a Metric Alert condition definition. |
Metric |
The stage of the definition which specifies metric signal name. |
Metric |
The stage of the definition which specifies metric alert additional filtering options. |
Metric |
The stage of the definition which specifies metric alert condition. |
Metric |
The entirety of a metric alert condition definition as a part of a parent metric alert update. |
Metric |
The first stage of a Metric Alert condition definition. |
Metric |
The stage of the definition which specifies metric signal name. |
Metric |
The stage of the definition which specifies metric alert additional filtering options. |
Metric |
The stage of the definition which specifies metric alert condition. |
Metric |
Grouping of metric alert condition update stages. |
Metric |
Entry point for Metric Alert management API. |
Metric |
The Metric |
Metric |
The Azure metric definition entries are of type Metric |
Metric |
The entirety of a Metrics query definition. |
Metric |
Grouping of Metric query stages. |
Metric |
The stage of a Metric query allowing to specify end time filter. |
Metric |
The stage of a Metric query allowing to specify start time filter. |
Metric |
The stage of a Metric query allowing to specify optional filters and execute the query. |
Metric |
Entry point for Monitor Metric Definitions API. |
Metric |
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure metric alert criteria. |
Metric |
Grouping of metric alerts condition definition stages. |
Metric |
The first stage of a Metric Alert condition definition. |
Metric |
The stage of the definition which specifies metric signal name. |
Metric |
The stage of the definition which specifies metric alert additional filtering options. |
Metric |
The stage of the definition which specifies metric alert condition. |
Metric |
The stage of the definition which specifies metric alert condition. |
Metric |
The entirety of a metric alert condition definition as a part of a parent metric alert update. |
Metric |
The first stage of a Metric Alert condition definition. |
Metric |
The stage of the definition which specifies metric signal name. |
Metric |
The stage of the definition which specifies metric alert additional filtering options. |
Metric |
The stage of the definition which specifies metric alert condition. |
Metric |
The stage of the definition which specifies metric alert condition. |
Metric |
Grouping of metric alert condition update stages. |
Scale |
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure autoscale profile scale rule. |
Scale |
The entirety of an autoscale profile scale rule definition. |
Scale |
Grouping of autoscale profile scale rule definition stages. |
Scale |
The first stage of autoscale profile scale rule definition. |
Scale |
The final stage of the definition which attaches defined scale rule to the current Autoscale profile. |
Scale |
The stage of the definition which specifies metric alert condition. |
Scale |
The stage of the definition which specifies metric name. |
Scale |
The stage of the definition which specifies action to take when the metric alert will be triggered. |
Scale |
The stage of the definition which specifies what kind of statistics should be used to calculate autoscale trigger action. |
Scale |
The entirety of an autoscale profile scale rule definition during parent Autoscale Profile definition in Autoscale Settings update stage. |
Scale |
Grouping of autoscale profile scale rule definition stages during definition of Autoscale Profile in the Autoscale update stage. |
Scale |
The first stage of autoscale profile scale rule definition. |
Scale |
The final stage of the definition which attaches defined scale rule to the current Autoscale profile. |
Scale |
The stage of the definition which specifies metric alert condition. |
Scale |
The stage of the definition which specifies metric name. |
Scale |
The stage of the definition which specifies action to take when the metric alert will be triggered. |
Scale |
The stage of the definition which specifies what kind of statistics should be used to calculate autoscale trigger action. |
Scale |
Grouping of scale rule update stages. |
Scale |
The entirety of an autoscale profile scale rule definition during parent Autoscale Profile update in Autoscale Settings update stage. |
Scale |
Grouping of autoscale profile scale rule definition stages during update of Autoscale Profile in the Autoscale update stage. |
Scale |
The first stage of autoscale profile scale rule definition. |
Scale |
The final stage of the definition which attaches defined scale rule to the current Autoscale profile. |
Scale |
The stage of the definition which specifies metric alert condition. |
Scale |
The stage of the definition which specifies metric name. |
Scale |
The stage of the definition which specifies action to take when the metric alert will be triggered. |
Scale |
The stage of the definition which specifies what kind of statistics should be used to calculate autoscale trigger action. |
Aggregation |
the aggregation type of the metric. |
Category |
The type of the diagnostic settings category. |
Comparison |
the operator that is used to compare the metric data and the threshold. |
Condition |
Operators allowed in the rule condition. |
Day |
Defines values for Day |
Event |
the event level. |
Metric |
the metric statistic type. |
Predictive |
the predictive autoscale mode. |
Receiver |
Indicates the status of the receiver. |
Recurrence |
the recurrence frequency. |
Result |
Defines values for Result |
Scale |
the scale direction. |
Scale |
the type of action that should occur when the scale rule fires. |
Time |
Aggregation operators allowed in a rule. |
Time |
time aggregation type. |