Package containing the inner data models for PowerBIDedicated. PowerBI Dedicated Web API provides a RESTful set of web services that enables users to create, retrieve, update, and delete Power BI dedicated capacities.
Auto |
Represents an instance of an auto scale v-core resource. |
Auto |
An object that represents a set of mutable auto scale v-core resource properties. |
Auto |
Properties of an auto scale v-core resource. |
Check |
The checking result of capacity name availability. |
Dedicated |
Represents an instance of a Dedicated Capacity resource. |
Dedicated |
An object that represents a set of mutable Dedicated capacity resource properties. |
Dedicated |
Properties of Dedicated Capacity resource. |
Operation |
Capacities REST API operation. |
Sku |
An object that represents enumerating SKUs for existing resources. |
Sku |
An object that represents enumerating SKUs for new resources. |