
Selecting Messages to Save

Message Analyzer enables you to select specific messages from a session that you want to save by allowing you to specify one of the following save options in the Save/Export Session dialog:


When you save data with either the Filtered Messages or Selected Messages option, the option descriptions will indicate the type of viewer or session, respectively, for which you are saving data.

  • All Messages — enables you to save all messages that have been loaded from a Data Retrieval Session or captured in a Live Trace Session. The data that you save depends on which viewer session tab that you select.

  • Filtered Messages — enables you to save a filtered message set that is displayed in a viewer such as the Analysis Grid or a Chart viewer Layout, for example, messages that display following application of a view Filter or Viewpoint. However, note that when you open a trace file that you saved, it initially opens in the Analysis Grid viewer, even if you saved the data while a different viewer was displaying it.

  • Selected Messages — enables you to save only specific messages that you select in a session, for example, in the Analysis Grid viewer.

    Note that the message count that displays when you save with this option, as parenthetically indicated in the option description, refers to top-level parent messages only and does not specify the total count of included underlying origins messages that supported such top-level messages or operations.


If you want to select specific messages to save, you can do so by selecting a message in the Analysis Grid viewer and using the keyboard shortcut Shift+Down Arrow until you highlight all the messages you want include in the save. You can then right-click the message selection and select the Save Selected Messages… command in the context menu. Thereafter, the Windows Save As dialog opens to the default save location for Message Analyzer traces. You can then specify a file name in the .matp format and save your selected messages by clicking the Save button in the dialog.

Note that you can also export any messages you want with the use of the Export feature on the Analysis Grid viewer toolbar. However, this feature saves your messages in comma separated value (CSV) format.