
Determine If You Need a Server Locator Point for Configuration Manager Clients

Server locator points are used in a Configuration Manager 2007 hierarchy to complete client site assignment on the intranet and help clients find management points when they cannot find that information through Active Directory Domain Services.

Intranet clients use Active Directory Domain Services as their preferred method to complete site assignment and find management points. However, clients must use a server locator point if the Active Directory schema is not extended for Configuration Manager 2007 or the site is not published to Active Directory Domain Services, or if clients do not belong to the same Active Directory forest as the site server's forest.

For more information about site assignment, see About Client Site Assignment in Configuration Manager.

For more information about how clients find management points, see Configuration Manager and Service Location (Site Information and Management Points).


You need only one server locator point for the Configuration Manager 2007 hierarchy, even if you have multiple sites. In a multi-site hierarchy, install the server locator point in the central site. If you install a server locator point in the middle of the hierarchy, it will have no knowledge of sites above it in the hierarchy.

You do not need to install a server locator point if both of the following conditions apply:

  • You have extended the Active Directory schema for Configuration Manager 2007, and all sites in the hierarchy are published to Active Directory Domain Services.

  • You do not manage either workgroup clients or clients from another forest.

Additionally, you do not need to install a server locator point if all sites are configured for Internet-based client management.

Install a server locator point if either of the following conditions applies:

  • You have not extended the Active Directory schema for Configuration Manager 2007 or not all sites in the hierarchy are published to Active Directory Domain Services.

  • You have workgroup clients or clients from another forest.


If native mode clients need to communicate with a server locator point, you must configure these clients to allow HTTP communication for roaming and site assignment. For more information, see How to Configure HTTP Communication for Roaming and Site Assignment.

For information about how to create the server locator point, see How to Create a Server Locator Point in Configuration Manager.

See Also


How to Specify the Server Locator Point for Configuration Manager Client Computers
How to Publish Configuration Manager Site Information to Active Directory Domain Services


Configuration Manager Site System Planning
Client Communication in Mixed Mode and Native Mode
Configuration Manager in Multiple Active Directory Forests
How to Install Configuration Manager Clients on Workgroup Computers

Other Resources

Deploying Configuration Manager Sites to Support Internet-Based Clients
How to Extend the Active Directory Schema for Configuration Manager