
Add/Modify Connection (ODBC)

This dialog box allows you specify settings, such as data source name and passwords, for this connection. This dialog box is available when <unspecified> is selected under Data Source and .NET Framework Data Provider for ODBC is selected under Data provider in the Choose/Change Data Source dialog. To use a different provider, click the Change button and select a different data source of provider in the Change Data Source dialog box.


This topic also covers the New Database Reference dialog box.


Your computer might show different names or locations for some of the Visual Studio user interface elements in the following instructions. The Visual Studio edition that you have and the settings that you use determine these elements. For more information, see Customizing Development Settings in Visual Studio.

  • Data Source
    Shows the data source and provider chosen in the Data Source dialog box.

  • Change button
    Brings up the Change Data Source dialog box where you can change the data source or provider.

  • Use user or system data source name
    Shows the data source name (DSN) for this connection. To choose a different data source name, choose one from the list or type the name into the text box.

  • Refresh button
    Retrieves the most current list of available data source names.

  • Use connection string
    Allows you to use a connection string of your own instead of creating a DSN. For more information on the keywords used for various database systems, go to msdn.microsoft.com/library and search on the term sqldriverconnect.

  • Build button
    Brings up the Select Data Source dialog box.

  • User name
    Provides a text box in which to enter a User ID. When you open this connection, the logon dialog box will require that you enter this User ID to access the database. The database administrator must first grant permission for you to access the database in order for the connection to succeed.

  • Password
    Provides a text box in which to enter a password. When you open this connection, the logon dialog box will require that you enter this password to access the database. The database administrator must first grant permission for you to access the database in order for the connection to succeed.

  • Advanced button
    Displays the Advanced Properties dialog box, where you can specify or view settings for the connection. The content of this tab changes depending on which provider you selected in the Data Source dialog box.

  • Test connection button
    Tests the connection without closing the dialog box so you can make adjustments to the settings if the connection does not succeed.

  • OK button
    Commits the connection settings.

See Also


How to: Connect to a Database from Server Explorer


Advanced Properties

Choose/Change Data Source Dialog Box

Add/Modify Connection (Oracle)

Add/Modify Connection (Microsoft SQL Server)

Add/Modify Connection (Microsoft Access)

Add/Modify Connection (OLE DB)

Add/Modify Connection (Microsoft SQL Server Database File)