
GreaterThan 運算子

Determines whether one object is greater than another by performing an operation on two BackupDeviceItem objects.

命名空間:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo
組件:  Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoExtended (在 Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoExtended.dll 中)


Public Shared Operator > ( _
    r1 As BackupDeviceItem, _
    r2 As BackupDeviceItem _
) As Boolean
Dim r1 As BackupDeviceItem
Dim r2 As BackupDeviceItem
Dim returnValue As Boolean

returnValue = (r1 > r2)
public static bool operator >(
    BackupDeviceItem r1,
    BackupDeviceItem r2
static bool operator >(
    BackupDeviceItem^ r1, 
    BackupDeviceItem^ r2
static let inline (>)
        r1:BackupDeviceItem * 
        r2:BackupDeviceItem  : bool
JScript 支援多載運算子的使用,但不支援新運算子的宣告。



型別:System. . :: . .Boolean
A Boolean value that specifies the outcome of the operation to determine whether one object is greater than the other.
If True, the first object is greater than the second. Otherwise, False.