
COM+ Applications <Application> Properties Sheet: Pooling & Recycling Tab

Applies To: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012

Item Details

Application Pooling

In Pool Size , type the maximum number of application server processes that can run concurrently. The default number is 1, in which case the COM+ Application Pooling service is disabled.

Application Recycling

You can select values for the following options:

  • Lifetime Limit : The maximum number of minutes a process can run before it is recycled. The valid range is 0 minutes through 30,240 minutes (21 days).

  • Memory Limit : The maximum amount of process memory usage in kilobytes (KB) before the process is recycled. If the process's memory usage exceeds the specified number for longer than one minute, the process is recycled. The valid range is 0 KB through 1,048,576 KB. The default value is 0 KB.

  • Expiration Timeout : The number of minutes to wait for the release of all external references to objects in the process before is the process is forcibly shut down. The valid range is 1 minute through 1440 minutes (24 hours). The default value is 15 minutes. This value is used only when it is already determined that a process will be recycled based on the other criteria.

  • Call Limit : The maximum number of calls that the application objects can accept before the process is recycled. The valid range is 0 calls through 1,048,576 calls.

  • Activation Limit : The maximum number of application object activations to accept before the process is recycled. The valid range is 0 activations through 1,048,576 activations.