/camera Command

Transforms the camera for the selected player to a different perspective.

Permission Level Game Directors
Requires Cheats? Yes


Sets camera with easing overrides and initial position and x/y rotation

/camera <players: target> set <preset: CameraPresets> ease <easeTime: float> <easeType: Easing> pos <position: x y z> rot <xRot: rotation> <yRot: rotation>

Sets a camera with a specified preset and a fixed x/y rotation.

Sets camera with easing overrides and initial position, looking at a selected entity

/camera <players: target> set <preset: CameraPresets> ease <easeTime: float> <easeType: Easing> pos <position: x y z> facing <lookAtEntity: target>

Sets a camera with a specified preset while looking at a selected entity.

Sets camera with easing overrides and a initial position, looking at a particular position

/camera <players: target> set <preset: CameraPresets> ease <easeTime: float> <easeType: Easing> pos <position: x y z> facing <lookAtPosition: x y z>

Sets a camera with a specified preset while looking at a particular position.

Sets camera with easing overrides and a position

/camera <players: target> set <preset: CameraPresets> ease <easeTime: float> <easeType: Easing> pos <position: x y z>

Sets a camera with a specified preset, easing, and position.

Sets camera with easing overrides and rotation

/camera <players: target> set <preset: CameraPresets> ease <easeTime: float> <easeType: Easing> rot <xRot: rotation> <yRot: rotation>

Sets a camera with a specified preset and rotation.

Sets camera with easing overrides and looking at an entity

/camera <players: target> set <preset: CameraPresets> ease <easeTime: float> <easeType: Easing> facing <lookAtEntity: target>

Sets a camera with a specified easing and time, facing an entity

Sets camera looking at a position

/camera <players: target> set <preset: CameraPresets> ease <easeTime: float> <easeType: Easing> facing <lookAtPosition: x y z>

Sets a camera with a specified easing and time, facing a position

Sets camera with default settings

/camera <players: target> set <preset: CameraPresets> ease <easeTime: float> <easeType: Easing> [default: default]

Sets a camera with a specified preset.

Sets camera with a position and rotation

/camera <players: target> set <preset: CameraPresets> pos <position: x y z> rot <xRot: rotation> <yRot: rotation>

Sets a camera with an override position and a specific x/y rotation.

Set camera with override facings, looking at an entity

/camera <players: target> set <preset: CameraPresets> pos <position: x y z> facing <lookAtEntity: target>

Sets a camera with override positions and facing at a particular entity.

Set camera with override facings, looking at a position

/camera <players: target> set <preset: CameraPresets> pos <position: x y z> facing <lookAtPosition: x y z>

Sets a camera with override positions facing a particular position.

Set camera with override position

/camera <players: target> set <preset: CameraPresets> pos <position: x y z>

Specifies a camera transition with a specified position.

Set camera with override rotation

/camera <players: target> set <preset: CameraPresets> rot <xRot: rotation> <yRot: rotation>

Set camera with override facing looking at entity

/camera <players: target> set <preset: CameraPresets> facing <lookAtEntity: target>

Set camera with override facing looking at position

/camera <players: target> set <preset: CameraPresets> facing <lookAtPosition: x y z>

Set camera to default

/camera <players: target> set <preset: CameraPresets> [default: default]

Sets a camera using the default settings for the camera preset.

Clear camera

/camera <players: target> clear

Clears the current camera from the player.

Fade out to times and color

/camera <players: target> fade time <fadeInSeconds: float> <holdSeconds: float> <fadeOutSeconds: float> color <red: int> <green: int> <blue: int>

Specifies a camera fade-out type operation and color transition.

Fade out to times

/camera <players: target> fade time <fadeInSeconds: float> <holdSeconds: float> <fadeOutSeconds: float>

Specifies a camera timed fade-out type operation.

Fade to color

/camera <players: target> fade color <red: int> <green: int> <blue: int>

Specifies a camera fade to a color wipe.


/camera <players: target> fade

Specifies a general camera fade-out.


  • blue: int Blue component of a color value. Valid values are between 0 and 255.
  • default: default Specifies that the camera movement should be reset to its default parameters.
  • easeTime: float Specified time for the easing.
  • easeType: Easing Specified type of the easing to use.
  • fadeInSeconds: float Specifies a fade-in time value.
  • fadeOutSeconds: float Specifies the number of seconds to fade out the camera.
  • green: int Green component of a color value. Valid values are between 0 and 255.
  • holdSeconds: float Specifies the amount of time to hold the camera view.
  • lookAtEntity: target A target selector to use for looking at an entity.
  • lookAtPosition: x y z: position A position to look at.
  • players: target A target selector of players.
  • position: x y z: position The position to locate the camera at.
  • preset: CameraPresets A camera preset defined in a camera JSON file.
  • red: int Red component of a color value. Valid values are between 0 and 255.
  • xRot: rotation x Rotation value
  • yRot: rotation y Rotation value



A listing of available camera presets.


  • minecraft:first_person
  • minecraft:free
  • minecraft:third_person
  • minecraft:third_person_front
  • minecraft:follow_orbit


Specifies an easing function to use for the camera.


  • linear
  • spring
  • in_quad
  • out_quad
  • in_out_quad
  • in_cubic
  • out_cubic
  • in_out_cubic
  • in_quart
  • out_quart
  • in_out_quart
  • in_quint
  • out_quint
  • in_out_quint
  • in_sine
  • out_sine
  • in_out_sine
  • in_expo
  • out_expo
  • in_out_expo
  • in_circ
  • out_circ
  • in_out_circ
  • in_bounce
  • out_bounce
  • in_out_bounce
  • in_back
  • out_back
  • in_out_back
  • in_elastic
  • out_elastic
  • in_out_elastic