/camerashake Command

Applies shaking to the players' camera with specified intensity and duration. Parameters: 'stop' or 'add' the effect, specify player (target), intensity (float, min 0.0 to max 4.0), seconds(float, min 0.01), and shakeType (positional or rotational). Must have Allow Camera Shake option turned on in user settings.

Permission Level Game Directors
Requires Cheats? Yes



/camerashake add <player: target> [intensity: float] [seconds: float] [shakeType: CameraShakeType]

Adds shaking to a player's camera with optional intensity, seconds, and shakeType.


/camerashake stop [player: target]

Stops the player camera's shaking.


  • intensity: float Optional. Default 0.5. A float that specifies the camera shake intensity with values from [0, 4].
  • player: target A player name string or target selector to identify the player.
  • seconds: float Optional. A float that specifies how long the camera will shake. Default: 1.0.
  • shakeType: CameraShakeType Optional. Either positional or rotational camera shake type. Default: positional.



Variation of the camera's shaking.


  • positional Shakes camera as though target's X and Z position is changing rapidly.
  • rotational Shakes camera as though target's X, Y, and Z coordinates are changing rapidly.