/fog Command

Add or remove fog settings file.

Permission Level Game Directors
Requires Cheats? Yes


Add fog

/fog <victim: target> push <fogId: string> <userProvidedId: string>

Add fog setting file to a particular player victim with a fogId or userProvidedId to specify the fog.

Remove fog

/fog <victim: target> <mode: delete> <userProvidedId: string>

Remove fog setting file to a particular player victim with a userProvidedId to specify the fog.


  • fogId: string A string that specifies the fog.
  • mode: delete Delete mode
  • userProvidedId: string Required. A string that identifies the fog to use.
  • victim: target A string or target selector to identify which player perceives the fog.



How an item is deleted.


  • pop Pop
  • remove Remove