/hud Command

Configures whether elements of the on-screen display (alternately known as the 'heads up display', or 'HUD') are visible on the screen.

Permission Level Game Directors
Requires Cheats? Yes


Configures HUD element visibility for a selection of players.

/hud <target: target> <visible: HudVisibility> [hud_element: HudElement]

Configures HUD element visibility for a selection of players.


  • hud_element: HudElement
  • target: target Selector of the player(s) to toggle visibility for.
  • visible: HudVisibility State to change the HUD element visibility to.



An enumeration of elements of the on-screen (or 'HUD') display.


  • hunger Hunger bar element.
  • all All elements of the HUD.
  • paperdoll 'Paper doll' on-screen representation of the player.
  • armor Armor element on the HUD.
  • tooltips Tool tip elements of the HUD.
  • touch_controls Touch controls elements of the HUD. Depending on the players' platform, these elements may never show up.
  • crosshair Cross-hair section of the HUD.
  • hotbar Hotbar inventory area element of the HUD.
  • health Health element of the HUD.
  • progress_bar Progress bar element of the HUD.
  • air_bubbles Air bubble status element of the HUD.
  • horse_health Visual representation of the players' ride element of the HUD.
  • status_effects
  • item_text


Enumeration for HUD visibility states.


  • hide Hides the HUD element.
  • reset Resets the HUD element visibility back to its default state (which is that HUD elements should be visible if no options are toggled in settings.)