/playanimation Command

Makes one or more entities play a one-off animation.

Permission Level Game Directors
Requires Cheats? Yes


Play animation

/playanimation <entity: target> <animation: string> [next_state: string] [blend_out_time: float] [stop_expression: string] [controller: string]

Play an animation with an entity and animation chosen, and optional next state, blend out time, stop expression, and controller.


  • animation: string Required. A string that is a single word or quoted string that refers to an animation name or an animation JSON file in a resource pack.

  • blend_out_time: float

  • controller: string Optional. A string that is an animation controller name or a new file defined in a resource pack.

  • entity: target Required. A string or target selector to identify the entity.

  • next_state: string

  • stop_expression: string