/ride Command

Makes entities ride other entities, stops entities from riding, makes rides evict their riders, or summons rides or riders.

Permission Level Game Directors
Requires Cheats? Yes


Start ride

/ride <riders: target> start_riding <ride: target> [teleportRules: TeleportRules] [howToFill: FillType]

Start ride with riders, something to ride, and optional teleport rules and fill type.

Stop riding

/ride <riders: target> stop_riding

Stop riders from riding.

Evict rider

/ride <rides: target> evict_riders

Evict riders from ride.

Summon ride, optional spawn event

/ride <rides: target> summon_rider <entityType: EntityType> [spawnEvent: string] [nameTag: string]

Summon an entity to ride with optional spawn event and nametag.

Summon rider, optional ride rules, spawn event

/ride <riders: target> summon_ride <entityType: EntityType> [rideRules: RideRules] [spawnEvent: string] [nameTag: string]

Summon a ride of entity type with optional ride rules, spawn event, and nametag.


  • entityType: EntityType Specifies entities to summon. Must be the nameIDof something that can be summoned.
  • howToFill: FillType One of if_group_fits to check whether riders can ride and only makes them ride if possible. Or until_full which makes them ride until rides is full. Default: until_full.
  • nameTag: string Specifies the name of summoned entities.
  • ride: target Specifies the entity to ride on. A player name or target selector.
  • riders: target Specifies riders using player name or target selectors.
  • rideRules: RideRules Ride rules
  • rides: target Specifies the ridden entities. Must be a player name or entity selector.
  • spawnEvent: string Specifies the in-game event to call the summoned entities. Must be a spawn event in behavior pack.
  • teleportRules: TeleportRules Either teleport_ride or teleport_rider (default).



One of if_group_fits to check whether riders can ride and only makes them ride if possible. Or until_full which makes them ride until rides is full.


  • until_full Until Full - riders can ride until rides are all full
  • if_group_fits If Group Fits - check whether riders can ride and only makes them ride if possible


Enum of Ride Rules


  • no_ride_change No Ride Change summons a ride only for entities that are neither riding on nor being ridden by another entity.
  • reassign_rides Reassign Rides makes all riders dismount, then summons a ride for each entity.
  • skip_riders Skip Riders skips summoning a ride for players who are already riding other entities.


Enum of Teleport Rules


  • teleport_rider Teleport the rider
  • teleport_ride Teleport the rideable entity