/schedule Command

Schedules an action to be executed once an area is loaded, or after a certain amount of time.

Permission Level Game Directors
Requires Cheats? Yes


Schedule function call, delay time int

/schedule on_area_loaded add <from: x y z> <to: x y z> <function: filepath>

Schedule a function call with a delay using a time integer.

Schedule function call, delay time ticks

/schedule on_area_loaded add circle <center: x y z> <radius: int> <function: filepath>

Schedule a function call with a delay using a time in game ticks.

Schedule function call, delay time ticks

/schedule on_area_loaded add tickingarea <name: string> <function: filepath>

Schedule a function call with a delay using a time in game ticks.


  • center: x y z: position A vector [x y z] that specifies the center of a defined loaded area.
  • from: x y z: position A vector [x y z] that specifies the rectangular area to load, along with to.
  • function: filepath Required. The function to run.
  • name: string A string that defines the tickingarea where the command is added.
  • radius: int An integer that specifies the area as the number of chunks loaded in. Default: 0.
  • to: x y z: position A vector [x y z] that specifies the rectangular area to load, along with from.