/structure Command

Saves or loads a structure in the world. See examples of this command in use in the Structure Blocks documentation.

Permission Level Game Directors
Requires Cheats? Yes


Save structure, optional save mode

/structure save <name: string> <from: x y z> <to: x y z> [saveMode: StructureSaveMode]

Save a structure with required structure name, from, and to, and an optional save mode.

Save structure, optional entities, blocks, save mode

/structure save <name: string> <from: x y z> <to: x y z> [includeEntities: Boolean] [saveMode: StructureSaveMode] [includeBlocks: Boolean]

Save a structure with required structure name, from, and to, and optional entities, blocks, and save mode.

Delete structure

/structure delete <name: string>

Delete a structure by name.

Load structure

/structure load <name: string> <to: x y z> [rotation: Rotation] [mirror: Mirror] [includeEntities: Boolean] [includeBlocks: Boolean] [waterlogged: Boolean] [integrity: float] [seed: string]

Load a structure with required structure name and to, and optional rotation, mirror, entities, blocks, integrity, and seed.

Load structure, optional animation mode, animation seconds

/structure load <name: string> <to: x y z> [rotation: Rotation] [mirror: Mirror] [animationMode: StructureAnimationMode] [animationSeconds: float] [includeEntities: Boolean] [includeBlocks: Boolean] [waterlogged: Boolean] [integrity: float] [seed: string]

Load a structure with required structure name and to, and optional rotation, mirror, animation mode, animation seconds, entities, blocks, integrity, and seed.


  • animationMode: StructureAnimationMode An enum of block_by_block to load blocks in one at a time or layer_by_layer to load them in in layers. Default: none.
  • animationSeconds: float A float of the duration of the time to animate the structure loading in. Default: 0.0.
  • from: x y z: position A vector used with to that specifies the opposing corners of a structure.
  • includeBlocks: Boolean A Boolean that specifies whether to save or load blocks inside the structure. Default: true.
  • includeEntities: Boolean A Boolean that specifies whether to save or load entities inside the structure. Default: true.
  • integrity: float A float that specifies the percentage likelihood a block will load. 100 loads all blocks, 0 loads none. Default: 100.
  • mirror: Mirror An enum that specifies the axis to mirror when loading a structure. Either 0_degrees, 90_degrees, 180_degrees, or 270_degrees. Default: none.
  • name: string A string that specifies the name of the structure. May include a namespace.
  • rotation: Rotation An enum of the rotation when loading in a structure. Must be one of 0_degrees, 90_degrees, 180_degrees, or 270_degrees. Default: none.
  • saveMode: StructureSaveMode An enum of of either disk to save structure to the world database which persists between game loads, or memory that temporarily saves the structure. Default: memory.
  • seed: string A string that specifies the seed when loading in a block with variable integrity.
  • to: x y z: position A vector used with from that specifies the opposing corners of a structure.
  • waterlogged: Boolean



An enum of 0 for none, 1 to mirror X, 2 to mirror Z, or 3 to mirror XZ.


  • x x - choose '1' to mirror x
  • z z - choose '2' to mirror z
  • none none - choose '0' for none
  • xz xz - choose '3' to mirror xz


An enum of the rotation when loading in a structure. Must be one of 0_degrees, 90_degrees, 180_degrees, or 270_degrees. Default: 0_degrees.


  • 0_degrees No rotation
  • 90_degrees Rotate 90 degrees
  • 180_degrees Rotate 180 degrees
  • 270_degrees Rotate 270 degrees


Enum of Structure Animation Mode


  • block_by_block Block by Block
  • layer_by_layer Layer by Layer


Enum of Structure Save Modes


  • disk Disk
  • memory Memory