/tickingarea Command

Add, remove, or list ticking areas. See more information in the Ticking Area documentation.

Permission Level Game Directors
Requires Cheats? Yes


Add ticking area, rectangle

/tickingarea add <from: x y z> <to: x y z> [name: string] [preload: Boolean]

Add a ticking area from one vector to another with an optional name and preload value.

Add ticking area, circle

/tickingarea add circle <center: x y z> <radius: int> [name: string] [preload: Boolean]

Add a circle ticking area with a vector center and radius, as well as an optional preload.

Remove ticking area, vector

/tickingarea remove <position: x y z>

Remove a ticking area from a vector position.

Remove ticking area, named

/tickingarea remove <name: string>

Remove a ticking area with a given name.

Remove all ticking areas

/tickingarea remove_all

Remove all ticking areas.

List all ticking areas

/tickingarea list [all-dimensions: AllDimensions]

List all ticking areas with optional all dimensions.

Preload ticking area, position

/tickingarea preload <position: x y z> [preload: Boolean]

Preload a ticking area of position vector with optional preload.

Preload ticking area, named

/tickingarea preload <name: string> [preload: Boolean]

Preload a ticking area of name with optional preload.


  • all-dimensions: AllDimensions Specify all-dimensions to determine whether ticking areas in other dimensions are listed.
  • center: x y z: position A vector [x y z] that specifies the center of a defined loaded area.
  • from: x y z: position A vector [x y z] that along with to of two opposite corners of a rectangular region to test for.
  • name: string An optional string to specify the name of a ticking area.
  • position: x y z: position A vector [x y z] of a point within the ticking area.
  • preload: Boolean A Boolean that queries the preload value. Default: false.
  • radius: int An integer that specifies the area as the number of chunks loaded in. Between 0 and 4.
  • to: x y z: position A vector [x y z] that along with from of two opposite corners of a rectangular region to test for.