/title Command

Controls screen titles.

Permission Level Game Directors
Requires Cheats? Yes


Clear title

/title <player: target> clear

Clear title for a given player.

Reset title

/title <player: target> reset

Reset title for a given player.

Add title, location, message

/title <player: target> <titleLocation: TitleSet> <titleText: message>

Add a title for a player at a given location with a title message.

Add title, fade in, fade out

/title <player: target> times <fadeIn: int> <stay: int> <fadeOut: int>

Add a title for a player with set fade in, stay, and fade out times.


  • fadeIn: int An integer of gameticks for the title to fade in. Default: 10.
  • fadeOut: int An integer of gameticks for the title to fade out. Default: 20.
  • player: target A player name string or target selector to identify the player.
  • stay: int An integer of gameticks for the title to stay. Default: 70.
  • titleLocation: TitleSet An enum of title, subtitle, or actionbar.
  • titleText: message A plain text string for the title.



Enum of Title Sets


  • title Title
  • subtitle Subtitle
  • actionbar Action Bar